 A Website for the Prevention of Unnecessary Human Suffering
Last updated: February 2025
 The World Is So Beautiful!
 Why Give It All Up for Wi-Cancer?
  The American Cancer Society confirmed that the incidence of new invasive cancer cases hit a record high in 2024. ACS estimates for 2025 are higher still, another record.
 You have the right to full disclosure about the
MOTHER of all environmental carcinogens, a mechanical energy that is extremely efficient at initiating and promoting malignant diseases.
Science presented at this website is withheld from the general public because
this ubiquitous carcinogen is necessary for both the Brain-Computer Interface Project
and the ongoing Blood Nanobot Program,
 top priorities of those who rule.
 Upper:  Brain-computer interface (BCI) implant for Neuralink
 Lower:  Micrograph of deformed human blood crawling with self-assembling nanobots
capable of two-way communication for the Internet of Bodies
 Read this website on a big screen.
There is something important here that you were meant to know.
 Here you will discover why cancer statistics are worse every year and why generations rooted in the Wi-era (Millennials and the Z People) are the most infertile and cancer-ridden in history.
Here you will discover why so many babies and children are burdened with developmental delay and special needs.
Here you will discover why there is rampant mental illness, especially among teens who are obsessed with anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. 
Here you will discover why the North American diabetes epidemic is projected to increase at breakneck speed.
Collect the facts
Meet the enemy
Prepare to make life-saving choices

Thousands of scientific studies and medical reports confirm
that wireless technologies are violent and life-threatening to
 people, animals, plant life and pollinators!

   Wi-tech requires that the human environment be contaminated and saturated  —both indoors and outdoors— with modulated microwaves and millimeter waves. This toxic, high-frequency energy is a confirmed human carcinogen just as deadly as asbestos, vinyl chloride, tobacco smoke and radioactive fallout.
Wi-radiation initiates disease, disability, dementia and premature death.
 Most North Americans are infused with this wave carcinogen 8,760 hours per year (24X365)
These people are sick, weak and heavily medicated.
   High frequency wireless waves oscillate at millions to billions of times per measurable second. These waves are neither seen nor heard nor tasted nor smelled. They are therefore unrecognized by most people. These waves are synergistic with toxic chemicals, pathogens, experimental medications and risky life styles that heighten cancer risk. Wi-radiation is especially dangerous to human cells already primed for DNA and tissue damage by massive medical and dental ionizing radiation (X-rays, CT scans) routinely doled out to most North Americans. [1]
  Modulated wave radiation is emitted by wireless phones, laptops, tablets, watches, hearing aids and medical telemetry devices, along with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and cellular antennas mounted everywhere across the environment. This radiation, now compulsory for all humans, is scientifically linked to numerous  tumor diseases and blood cancers, including:
Breast cancers
Colon, rectal and anus cancers
Glioma brain cancer
Meningioma brain tumors
Pituitary tumors (brain)
Melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers
Acoustic neuroma tumors (inner ear/brain)
Central Nervous System Lymphoma (brain and spine)
Thyroid cancer and other endocrine malignancies
Schwannoma heart tumors
Parotid gland cancers (mouth)
Eye cancers
Hemolymphatic (HL) cancers (blood and lymph) 
   By the year 2000, as the population of North America was literally stampeded into cell phone obsession, the Wireless Industry already had access to over 220 peer-reviewed and published studies showing biological harm, including cancer-initiating and cancer-accelerating effects of microwave radiation generated by wireless technologies.  [2] 
   This critical information has long been ignored and suppressed as the mighty and amoral Wi-juggernaut rolls forth to habithook the millions and keep the $billions rolling in. Radiofrequency radiation induces morphine-like endogenous opioids, chemicals which pleasure and hypnotize the brain. Smart  phone waves, traveling through the ear canal, open the blood-brain barrier like drugs and alcohol as they trigger a powerful endorphin high more addictive than heroin. [3] Thanks to gripping physical addiction, plus the coercive psycho-engineering of social media, the Wi-industry literally "owns" millions of Wi-addicts— both body and soul.
  Bone conduction headphones, interacting with smart devices, conduct Bluetooth giga-frequencies directly into the inner ear and brain while radiation stoners enjoy a carcinogenic opioid high. Experience shows that by the time a cyborg reaches this level of addiction, he becomes impervious to any warning about health effects. Most Wi-stoners will gladly sicken and die for their obsessive-compulsive enslavement. The more radiation they require for their never-ending "fix," the greater the number of toxic environmental antennas are needed for their convenience.

 There Are Over 200 Types of Human Cancer
 There Are Over 120 Types of Brain Cancer Alone
A dividing lung cancer cell
National Cancer Institute 

   According to the American Cancer Society, 2,041,910 people in the USA will receive a new invasive cancer diagnosis in 2025. They will join the approximately 17 million people already living with cancer, while an estimated 618,120 will die from malignant diseases this year. [4]
  Across the year of 2025, the U.S. will see 5594 new invasive cancer cases PER DAY, EVERY DAY.  Note: This number does not include millions of cases of nonmelanoma skin cancer diagnosed each yearBut statistics don't tell the whole story. Additional millions of people are currently incubating cancer without their knowledge. Neoplasms begin with only one mutant cell. It can take years before the first few mutant cells divide enough times to produce a solid tumor large enough to be discovered and diagnosed. 
  Approximately one fifth of 2025 invasive cancer cases diagnosed will be a second primary cancer for people who have suffered a different version of the disease before. [5]
   By 2022, CNN reported the emergence of a global epidemic of cancer in people younger than 50, noting that these early onset cancers tend to be more aggressive and are associated with worse survival outcomes.  [6]

  Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease for American Children. [7] In 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed an increase in these childhood cancers: brain, kidney, liver, thyroid, lymphoma. [8]
   About one half of all Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetime, not a good thing in a nation where sick people wait an average of 25 weeks after physician referrals for crucial scans, surgery and specialist appointments. Cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada. [9]
 Malignancy statistics in North America grow worse by the year as new microwave and millimeter wave antennas are continually mounted above us to accommodate evermore powerful Wi-devices and ever-increasing mobs of Wi-addicts.

Wi-addicts Love Wearing Their Cancer Sticks
  The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a branch of the World Health Organization, currently designates RF/microwave radiation used for wireless technologies as a Group 2B (possible) carcinogen. A team of 31 scientists from 14 countries approved that designation in 2011. [10] Therefore, any electronic device that propagates this energy into the body, in order to send and receive communications signals with distant antennas, is a virulent health risk.

   Today most people are conditioned to believe that every social, financial and informational transaction must be accomplished with wireless technologies, without which life is impossible. Mass media has trained the masses to keep Wi-devices attached to the body at all times.
    A 2022 survey disclosed that nearly half of Americans wear smart watches and/or fitness trackers [such as Fitbit and Garmin]. Many claim to do so for health and fitness reasons.  In an appalling disconnect of logic, Aetna, BlueCross Blue Shield, Cigna and Kaiser Permanente offer rewards and prizes to those who irradiate themselves for hours each day with an array of antenna-connected fitness paraphernalia. Even the life insurance company John Hancock has incentivized "healthy choices" by offering clients deep discounts on radiation-intensive watches and other trackers. [11]
   The Wi-industry continually churns out new and improved Wi-wearables. The newest gimmicks include ring finger radios that interact with cell phones. Now there is the new Nokia Fit, the world's smallest Android mobile phone to be looped around two digits on a single finger of the hand.
  But the best is yet to come. The endless parade of intrusive wearables is presumably being used by the Wi-industry to prepare its worshipping hordes to accept the ultimate wearable: wireless brain implantation, hyped as an embedded "smart watch for the brain." Brain-computer technology, now being developed by a phalanx of corporations, is hyped to soon enable Cyborgs to web surf and control their wireless devices by merely "thinking." [12] The deeply unhappy Carcino-Generation Z, noted for the worst physical and mental health of any group yet studied, will predictably surrender en masse to eventual neural implantation that yanks them into transhuman augmentation. No one will tell these vulnerable Wi-lovers that their inevitable future may well include hideous head and neck cancers plus digital lobotomy. 
   Most wearable devices feature multiple antennas, each of which transceives its own toxic frequencies. These multiple frequencies slam through every molecule of the body. Scientists with IARC confirm that RF/microwave radiation, from whatever source, couples with human bodies as electromagnetic currents and creates "hotspots" throughout the flesh. [13] While numerous studies demonstrate carcinogenesis from a single frequency, not one study yet has investigated what happens to human DNA and cell membranes when they are blasted —per real life exposure— with carcinogen from several nearfield antennas broadcasting in tandem together (cellular, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, NFC, etc.)

This Information is Critical:
  IARC's Group 2B Designation is Outdated!
  While commerce and medicine rush to create endless prototypes for biosensors that slam microwave radiation into human bodies, not one of these devices or systems has been properly tested for long term bioeffects on human beings. 
  Meantime, the megahertz and gigahertz radiation propagated for wireless communications of all genres meets Bradford Hill criteria as a confirmed human carcinogen which is a Group One designation. [14] Bradford Hill criteria is used in court cases to prove causation. Many experts across the globe now agree that there is sufficient medical and scientific evidence to UPGRADE wireless wave pollution to IARC's Group One list of known and undisputed cancer-causing agents. IARC's Group One carcinogen list currently includes: 
tobacco smoke with its 7000 toxic chemicals
asbestos, arsenic, benzene, vinyl chloride, mustard gas
 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), a deadly component of Agent Orange
  all types of ionizing radiation, including isotopes and gamma waves from radioactive fallout

   Among top scientists calling for an IARC upgrade is Dr. Anthony B. Miller, Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto and long time advisor to the World Health Organization. He worked as a senior epidemiologist for IARC when radiofrequency radiation was designated as Group 2B carcinogenic. [15] 

   Dr. Miller confirms that current scientific data requires a Group One upgrade for wireless radiation FROM ANY SOURCE: mobile phones and tablets, wearable devices, 4G/LTE cell tower antennas, Wi-Fi antennas, Bluetooth antennas, smart utility meters, vehicle radar systems, broadband satellites and the new millimeter wave antennas for 5G.
  Dr. Miller joined over 180 other scientists and doctors across the globe who have affixed their signatures to an urgent appeal written for the European Union and the United Nations. This document flatly states that the radiofrequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, including microwaves, "is carcinogenic to humans." [16]
  In February 2017, the BioInitiative Working Group, composed of medical and scientific experts from many nations (including Dr. Miller), reported that National Toxicology Program (NTP) studies (1999-2016), conducted under auspices of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, have put an end to the wireless cancer debate:
"The relationship between radiofrequency radiation and cancer is clearly established....Testing on rats is standard for predicting human cancers....The NTP results confirm that cell phone radiation exposure levels within currently allowable safety limits are the 'likely cause' of brain and heart cancer in these animals....The animal study confirms prior findings in epidemiological studies of an increased risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma among people that use wireless phones, both cell phones and cordless phones (DECT)....The NTP has filled the gap....It is sufficient to reclassify cell phone radiation as a known cancer-causing agent and confirms the inadequacy of existing public safety limits." [17]
  Costing the federal government $30 million, the NTP cancer research on wireless radiation provides irrefutable evidence of harm, says Robert Morris, M.D., Ph.D., senior medical advisor for the Environmental Health Trust: "For more than two decades, many have dismissed cancer risks from cell phones because conventional understanding of the effects of microwaves would suggest there is no mechanism for this to occur. That argument is officially dead." [18] 
Of course, wireless profiteers and their controlled media keep this vital information TOP SECRET! 
  The Wi-industry has no meaningful oversight. Captured U.S. federal regulators brazenly ignore thousands of published scientific studies demonstrating severe biological damage from microwaves and millimeter waves propagated at non-thermal levels. Wi-profiteers and their "regulators"  prevaricate that there is zero evidence of radiation danger to any users of wireless devices, including children and teenagers. [19] 
  So what becomes of a population trained from birth that 
 tranceiving wireless devices must be kept on the body
     and that the eyes must be permanently fixed
upon a wireless small screen?


A Great North American Wi-Cancer Harvest is Underway
   Americans born when the commercial Wireless Revolution began in the 1990s are now in their thirties. The Wi-Fi babies, born in this new century, are currently in or approaching their 20s [the Z people]. These generations have been "Wi-cooked" since they were egg and sperm. Many were introduced to Wi-toxic toys in the cradle and they grew up manic for technologies that maim and kill. They have never heard that connected Wi-devices, forever in the hand, pressed against the brain, tucked into pockets or strapped to the arm, continually send powerful, cancer-inducing electromagnetic currents through their tissues. They have no clue that the Wi-Fi, in which they swim 24/7, eviscerates their DNA, mutates their genes and promotes abnormal cell division.
  It is no shock that many medical experts are now reporting a "sharp" and mysterious rise in cancer cases among these young adults. Media reports reiterate that "getting cancer in your 20s or 30s is the norm." [20]  
  Malignancies have been ramping up in American youth at least since 2007, when the hyper-hot "smart" devices were first shoved into every youthful hand and pocket. Not surprisingly, the most common "premature" cancers are now: breast, rectum, colon and thyroid. [21]  Metastatic melanoma is a leading killer of young women [22] while leukemia rates are rising quickly. [23] Breast cancers in young women are often super aggressive and they progress rapidly. [24] Colon and rectal cancers especially are increasing exponentially among the young. Here are recent medical studies which demonstrate a pattern of abnormal cell growth connected to Wi-radiation:

Major Study Conclusively Links Cell Phones With Brain Cancer (Moon et al)  2024 [25]

“According to South Korean scientists, who analyzed 24 studies and released their report in the journal Environmental Health, people who use cellphones are putting themselves at greater risk of developing brain cancer. The South Korean study brings the number of meta-analyses published since 2016 connecting cellphone radiation to a greater risk of brain cancer to seven.”

 Colorectal Cancer Risk When Cell Phone Carried Below the Waist (Li et al)  2024 [26]

“When placed in a pocket below the belt, the phone transmits RF radiation into the abdomen….Li found that those who carried a phone below the waist were four times more likely to develop tumors.…The link between cell phone carrying and early onset colorectal cancer (EOCRC) is strongest when the phone was kept on the same side as where the tumor developed. EOCRC tends to develop on the left side of the colon. Those who carried a phone on the left side for more than 30,000 hour were 12 times (1200 percent!) more likely to develop a tumor on that side of the colon."

Thyroid Nodules (Lumps) Linked to Bluetooth Headsets (Zhou et al) 2024 [27]

“Our study highlighted a significant impact relationship between prolonged Bluetooth headset use and increased thyroid nodule risk, emphasizing the importance of considering health impacts in the use of modern technology, especially for devices like Bluetooth headsets that are frequently used daily.”

 Breast Cancer in Young Women With Prolonged Contact Between Their Breasts and Their Cellular Phones (West et al) 2013 [28]
“All Patients regularly carried their smart phones directly against their breasts, in their brassieres for up to 10 hours a day, for several years, and developed tumors in areas of their breasts  immediately underlying the phones.”

Wireless Radiation Obliterates Human DNA
The American Cancer Society says cancer cells develop from damage to the DNA. [29]
  The National Cancer Institute defines cancer as cells that grow uncontrollably 
after the DNA becomes damaged. [30]
  When a single or double strand of DNA is damaged, it splinters into fragments called micronuclei, seen under magnification as a molecular "comet tail." By 2004, the European Union's REFLEX STUDIES produced comprehensive research showing that low-level, non-thermal, non-ionizing radiation used for wireless technologies inflicts the same drastic damage to animal and human DNA as excessive ionizing X-radiation.
  Below is an image produced by REFLEX scientists who represented twelve research institutions in seven nations. In this image we can clearly see that non-ionizing radiation, generated by microwave and millimeter wave antennas, Wi-Fi and personal wireless devices, produces DNA damage identical to ionizing X-ray damage. [31]


 Upper left:  normal human blood DNA with no damage (sham photo)
Upper right:  human DNA damage after 1600 chest X-rays
Bottom:  DNA damage after 24-hours of 1.8 gigahertz cell phone radiation propagated at a power density that yields a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 1.3 W/kilogram (a SAR of 1.6 is approved by the FCC and FDA)
   Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus with Washington State University, is an expert in the bio-effects of Wi-radiation.  He says this about the REFLEX studies:
"So here we have a situation where you've got a cell phone with a tiny little battery producing roughly the same amount of DNA damage as a very high-powered X-ray machine running with 1600 chest X-rays. That's really stunning!....Now it turns out that this [REFLEX] study actually underestimates the effects of real cell phones....Real cell phones don't have continuous waves [REFLEX used continuous wave radiation to produce DNA damage].  Real cell phones pulse up and down and we know from other studies that pulsed EMFs...are much more biologically active than things that just have this continuous wave....So now we're talking about real cell phones being vastly more active than the 1600 chest X-rays....Non ionizing radiation is much more dangerous at the same level of energy as ionizing radiation." [32]
     And there is more:
1. REFLEX studies produced extreme DNA damage with a power density that allows a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 1.3 watts per kilogram. U.S. regulators approve wireless devices that infuse human bodies with 1.6 watts per kilogram.
2. Independent researchers in the U.S. and Europe have recently reported that various popular smart phone models greatly exceed [up to five times] the 1.6 W/kg SAR radiation limit when placed directly on or very near the human body. [33]
Any energy that obliterates DNA and its chromosomes is a teratogen which causes miscarriages and myriad congenital birth defects. Yet, many women of childbearing age routinely "nuke" the fragile ova DNA within their ovaries with powerful, data-bearing Wi-waves that slam right through their internal organs.

As if in a universal trance, doctors, pastors, teachers and parents never warn that
Wi-irradiated reproductive DNA can yield injured babies born to die prematurely or live in distress "on the spectrum" with painful and disruptive defects. Such cowardly silence in the face of preventable suffering is criminal negligence at its worst. 
   By 2014, the University of Pittsburgh announced that childhood mental disability rates was climbing to historic highs. The number of children  diagnosed with physical or mental impairments has increased by 17% since the late 1990s, when wireless mania was first unleashed with ferocity. One in six U.S. children suffers from developmental disability.  [34]  Childhood autism is ramping up so fast that between 2018 and 2020 alone, the rate increased by 26%. MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff warns that if autism continues to increase at the current rate, the time will arrive when one in two children born will suffer autistic impediments. Researchers have recently linked screen time in the first two years of life to a later autism diagnosis. [35]