Wi-Cancer.info A Website for the Prevention of Unnecessary Human Suffering
Last updated: December 2024
The World Is So Beautiful!
Why Give It All Up for Wi-Cancer?
The American Cancer Society confirms that the incidence of new invasive cancer cases has hit record highs this year.
You have the right to full disclosure about the MOTHER of all environmental carcinogens that endangers everyone.
Science presented at this website is withheld from the general public because this ubiquitous carcinogen is necessary for the Brain-Computer Interface Project, a top priority of those who rule.
Read this website on a big screen. There is something important here that you were meant to know. • Here you will discover why cancer statistics are worse every year and why generations rooted in the Wi-era (Millennials and the Z People) are the most infertile and cancer-ridden in history. • Here you will discover why so many babies and children are burdened with special needs.
• Here you will discover why there is rampant mental illness, especially among teens who are obsessed with anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. • Here you will discover why the North American diabetes epidemic is projected to increase at breakneck speed. Collect the facts Meet the enemy Prepare to make life-saving choices Thousands of scientific studies and medical reports confirm that wireless technologies are violent and life-threatening to
people, animals, plant life and pollinators!
Wi-tech requires that the human environment be contaminated and saturated —both indoors and outdoors— with modulated microwaves and millimeter waves. This negative energy is a confirmed human carcinogen as deadly as asbestos, vinyl chloride, tobacco smoke and radioactive fallout. Wi-radiation initiates disease, disability, dementia and premature death.
Most North Americans are exposed to this wave carcinogen 8,760 hours per year.
High frequency wireless waves oscillate at millions to billions of times per measurable second. These waves are neither seen nor heard nor tasted nor smelled. They are therefore unrecognized by most people. But this violent energy is now the most ubiquitous and efficient carcinogen in the human environment. It is synergistic with toxic chemicals, pathogens, experimental medications and risky life styles that heighten cancer risk. Wi-radiation is especially dangerous to human cells already primed for DNA and tissue damage by massive medical and dental ionizing radiation (X-rays, CT scans) routinely doled out to most North Americans. [1] Modulated wave
radiation, emitted by wireless phones, iPods, watches and hearing aids, along with ubiquitous Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and cellular antennas, is now scientifically linked to numerous blood cancers and tumor
diseases, including: Breast cancers Colon and rectal cancers
Glioma brain cancer Meningioma brain tumors Pituitary tumors (brain) Melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers Acoustic neuroma tumors (inner ear/brain) Central Nervous System Lymphoma (brain and spine) Thyroid cancer and other endocrine malignancies Schwannoma heart tumors Parotid gland cancers (mouth) Eye cancers Hemolymphatic (HL) cancers (blood and lymph) By the year 2000, as the population of North America was literally
stampeded into cell phone obsession, the Wireless Industry already had
access to over 220 peer-reviewed and published studies showing biological harm, including cancer-initiating and cancer-accelerating effects of microwave radiation generated by wireless technologies. [2] This critical information has long been ignored and suppressed as the mighty and amoral Wi-juggernaut which rolls forth to habithook the millions and keep the $billions rolling in. Radiofrequency radiation induces morphine-like endogenous opioids, chemicals which pleasure and hypnotize the brain. Smart
phone radiation, traveling through the ear canal, opens the blood-brain
barrier like drugs and alcohol as it triggers a powerful endorphin high more addictive than heroin. [3] Thanks to gripping physical addiction, plus the coercive psycho-engineering of social media, the Wi-industry literally "owns" millions of Wi-addicts— both body and soul. Bone conduction headphones, interacting with smart devices, conduct Bluetooth giga-frequencies directly into the inner ear and brain while radiation stoners enjoy a handsfree carcinogenic opioid high.
There Are Over 200 Types of Human Cancer There Are Over 120 Types of Brain Cancer Alone
A dividing lung cancer cell
National Cancer Institute
According to the American Cancer Society, 2,001,140 people in the USA will receive a new invasive cancer diagnosis in 2024. They will join the approximately 17 million people already living with cancer, while an estimated 611,720 will die this year. [4]
Across the year of 2024, the U.S. will see 5482.5 new invasive cancer cases PER DAY, EVERY DAY. Note: This number does not include millions of cases of nonmelanoma skin cancer diagnosed each year. But statistics
don't tell the whole story. Additional millions of people are currently incubating cancer
without their knowledge. Neoplasms begin with only one mutant
cell. It can take years before the first few mutant cells divide enough times to
produce a solid tumor large enough to be discovered and diagnosed. Approximately one fifth of 2024 invasive cancer cases diagnosed will be a second primary cancer for people who have suffered a different version of the disease before. [5]
By 2022, CNN reported the emergence of a global epidemic of cancer in people younger than 50, noting that these early onset cancers tend to be more aggressive and are associated with worse survival outcomes. [6]
Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease for American Children. [7] In 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed an increase in these childhood cancers: brain, kidney, liver, thyroid, lymphoma. [8]
About one half of all Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetime,
not a good thing in a nation where sick people wait an average of 25
weeks after physician referrals for crucial scans, surgery and
specialist appointments. Cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada. [9]
Malignancy statistics in North America grow worse by the year as new microwave and millimeter wave antennas are continually mounted above us to accommodate evermore powerful Wi-devices and ever-increasing mobs of Wi-addicts.
Wi-addicts Love Wearing Their Cancer Sticks The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a branch of the World Health Organization, currently designates RF/microwave radiation used for wireless technologies as a Group 2B (possible) carcinogen. A team of 31 scientists from 14 countries approved that designation in 2011. [10] Therefore, any electronic device that propagates this energy into the
body, in order to send and receive communications signals with distant antennas, is a virulent health risk.