Female and Male Cancers 2025
Female Wi-Workers:
Considered Disposable by Corporate America
Pictured here at work is a young woman of childbearing age required to wear directly on her body a large wireless tablet computer so that she can take service orders as they come in from the Internet. This powerful device, equipped with multiple antennas, actively broadcasts modulated, high frequency microwaves directly into her internal organs. The same situation applies to millions of uninformed women and female children who keep wireless laptops and tablets positioned in direct contact with their bodies.
This exploited worker brings to mind a warning mandated by the City of Berkeley, California:
assure safety, the Federal Government requires that cell phones meet
radiofrequency (RF) exposure guidelines. If you carry or use your phone
in a pants or shirt pocket or tucked into a bra when the phone is ON and
connected to a wireless network, you may exceed the federal guidelines
for exposure to RF radiation. Refer to the instructions in your phone or
user manual for information about how to use your phone safely.” [1]
She also brings to mind the 2013 published study from breast cancer specialists in California:
“We report a case series of four young women --ages from 21 to 39-- with multi-focal invasive breast cancer that raises the
concern of a possible association with non-ionizing radiation of
electromagnetic field exposures from cellular phones. Pathology of all
four cases show striking similarity. These cases raise awareness to the
lack of safety data of prolonged direct contact with cellular phones.
All patients regularly carried their smart phones directly against their
breasts, in their brassieres
for up to 10 hours a day, for several years, and developed tumors in
areas of their breasts immediately underlying the phones...." [2]
How great is the risk of wearing a powerful, networking, multi-antenna system directly against the body for hours each day? The system efficiently "nukes" her stomach, pancreas,
liver, gall bladder, large and small intestines, uterus, ovaries and bladder. One recent scientific study
found that rats exposed to mobile phone radiation for 8 hours of talk time and 16 hours of standby time for 20 days suffered severe bladder inflammation. [3] This brings to mind the epidemic of female bladder problems in the USA,
including: overactive bladder, leakage and frequent infections
(cystitis), as confirmed by continuous media reports. As this young
woman moves about her environment, an adjustable strap allows her to
swing her cancer-induction device over to her back where it blasts nearfield carcinogen into her spine and kidneys.
This worker's body is additionally encumbered with a variety of other wireless
devices: merchandise scanners, an in-store radio and her personal cell
phone tucked into a back pocket. To top it off, the retail store in which
she works is "rocking" with a variety of Wi-Fi and cellular microwave frequencies. In many such occupational scenarios, women are
required to wear on their bodies a variety of wireless radio devices,
including Bluetooth headsets and powerful walkie talkies that irradiate internal body
parts over a span of months or years. Such massive and chronic exposure to non-ionizing radiation has potential to produce virulent cancers, as confirmed by the federal NTP cancer studies (1999-2016). [4]
There is much evidence that females are especially vulnerable to wireless carcinogen. The RF/microwaves routinely invading their pelvic and other internal organs drastically damages human DNA, of major concern since "Cancer is caused by
changes (mutations) to the DNA within cells.... Errors in the instructions can cause the cell to stop its normal
function and may allow a cell to become cancerous." [5]
National statistics from the American Cancer Society
on estimated new female cancer cases for 2025:
• genital cancers (uterus, ovary, vagina, vulva) 118,920
• urinary cancers (bladder, kidney, ureter) 50,150
• digestive system cancers (stomach, bowel, liver, pancreas, gall bladder) 201,190
Add the numbers: 370,260 women in the U.S. to be diagnosed in 2025
with invasive cancer of the very organs that the gal above is exposing
to her carcinogenic, on-the-body Wi-tablet! [6]
The American Cancer Society devoted a comprehensive section of its
2018 annual report on ovarian cancer, a horrific condition for which 20,890 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed in 2025. [7] Ovarian cancer is particularly treacherous because there are few
symptoms until the malignancy is greatly advanced. Thus, there is a very
low survival rate for this disease.
so we see how ruthlessly corporations and small businesses herd American women into unsafe work practices and environments. This slow-kill genocide is perpetrated with the blessing of the: U.S. Congress, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the neutered Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA), all of which have been brazenly co-opted
into silence by the self-serving Wireless Radiation Industry. It may be years before the woman
seen above wearing the Wi-computer, plus millions of uninformed workers
like her, are diagnosed with cancer
or other diseases and disabilities resulting from their occupational radiation
exposures. But the latest science assures that there WILL BE A PRICE TO BE PAID, the same as that incurred by diathermy technicians, radar victims and asbestos workers of yesteryear.
Never discussed in mainstream media are the horrific effects on
human reproduction and fetuses. RF/microwave radiation unleashes profound influences upon pregnancy and fetal development, according to numerous studies. If DNA and sperm cells can be eviscerated by energy from wireless technologies,[8] so can radiation-sensitive ova cells within the female reproductive system. Dr. Robert J. Rowen, M.D., warns: "If
sperm DNA becomes damaged by proximity to Wi-Fi, it is most reasonable
to assume that any DNA in proximity to the radiation will also become
deranged." [9] Impressive is the Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC) study,
published in 2017, showing that pregnant women exposed to higher levels
of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation from any source suffered 2.7 times the risk of
miscarriage than those with lower exposure. [10]
In 2018, scientists reported in the International Journal of Radiation Biology that young rats exposed for only one hour per day
to 900 megahertz microwaves --a frequency used widely for wireless
technologies, including smart meters and cell phones-- suffered severe damage to their ovaries and egg follicles.
The irradiated rats were compared to a group of non-irradiated rats
whose ovaries remained normal. The microwaved animals suffered shrunken ovarian cells and abnormal leukocyte infiltration within the egg follicles. Their biochemistry and hormone levels were skewed and their tissue oxidative stress was high. The irradiated rats also showed significantly lower numbers of secondary egg follicles than control rats. The conclusion of this study:
"A total of 900-MHz EMF applied in middle and late adolescence may cause changes in morphology and biochemistry of rat ovarium [Latin
for ovaries]." [11]
Since medical science considers rat studies to be predictive of human
outcomes, this report is additional evidence that relentless wireless
radiation, aimed with precision at our entire human female population, may well be a covert population control mechanism.
Sadly, damaged ovaries and egg follicles can produce damaged babies. We are assured by common sense that the schools of America will be increasingly crowded with Wi-damaged children whose working mothers and fathers were encouraged, as a condition of employment, to poison their reproductive organs with RF/microwave radiation that meets Bradford Hill criteria as a confirmed human carcinogen, mutagen,
teratogen. [12] Thanks to ignorance and greed, it seems that current and future generations are doomed to ruthless assault with toxic energy from their very seed. Incalculable numbers will be spontaneously terminated in the uterus or forced to live in this world with very tragic congenital impediments.

radio antenna seen above, mounted against the ovary and uterus of a young
working woman, is confirmed in the user manual as powerful enough to send pulsed,
information-bearing radio waves for miles!
Yet, her employer has not provided this worker with full disclosure
about the possible reproductive consequences of nearfield wireless
radiation broadcasting directly into her body. She obviously does not know
that the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR 2.1091), which addresses
radiofrequency radiation exposure, says this: "For
purposes of this section, a mobile device is defined as a transmitting
device designed to be used in other than fixed locations and to
generally be used in such a way that a separation distance of at least
20 centimeters [about 8 inches] is normally maintained between the
transmitter's radiating structure(s) and the body of the user or nearby
persons." [13]
Male Wi-Cancers Are Also Tragic
Medical and scientific literature is now packed with reports of severe microwave damage to sperm cells, both animal and human. Yet most boys and men carry wireless phones, tablets, walkie talkies and other radios in
trouser pockets or in belt and leg cases at pelvic level. Many habitually irradiate the same tissues over a span of years. Dr. David Carpenter of Harvard University, a physician who has worked in public health for two decades, has stated: "The
evidence to date shows clearly that men that have cell phones in their
pocket or on their belt, leaving it on for long periods of time, suffer
reduced sperm counts. [14]
Nestled in the crotch, wireless laptops and tablets with multiple antennas located in the rim are a risk. Toddlers
and school children play for hours with transmitting antenna devices
held against their midsections. While transfixed by video games, young
males position Wi-Fi and Bluetooth controller devices next to their reproductive organs, racking up years of exposure.
National statistics from the American Cancer Society
on estimated male pelvic cancer cases for 2025:
Prostate cancer 313,780 (191,130 in 2020)
Testicular cancer 9720
Other male genital cancers 2190
Bladder and other male urinary cancers 120,320
Add these numbers for 2025:
446,010 new male pelvic invasive cancer cases [15]
This total does not include an additional estimated 164,920 colon, rectal and anus area cancers to be diagnosed in males in 2025. [also 15] The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that between 2010
and 2030 colon cancer will have spiked up by 90% in young people ages
20-34 and rectum cancer will be up by 124 percent in the same age group. In addition, a notable percentage of these
cases will be diagnosed as advanced cancers (stages 3 or 4). [16]
This video may be of some interest
to the estimated 30+ million American men who suffer erectile dysfunction in this Wireless Age:
Notes 1. "Should Cell Phone Providers Warn Customers of Health Risks? Berkeley Says Yes," SaferEmr.com, July 11, 2018. LINK 2. "Multi-Focal Breast Cancer in Young Women with Prolonged
Contact Between Their Breasts and Their Cell Phones," West et al.,
Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Case Reports in Medicine, Article ID 354682, 08-19-2013.
3. "A New Problem in Inflammatory Bladder Diseases: Use of Mobile Phones," Koca et al., International Brazilian Journal of Urology, Vol. 40, No. 4, Rio De Janeiro, Jul-August 2014. 4. NTP Toxicology and Carcinogenicity Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation,
National Toxicology Program, National Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences, June 8, 2016. BioEM2016 Meeting, Ghent, Belgium.
5. Mayo Clinic Online, See section on Cancer, 2024. 6. Cancer Facts and Figures, American Cancer Society, 2025.
7. Ibid. 8. "Effect of Mobile Telephones on Sperm Quality: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis," Adams et al., Environment International, Vol. 70, pp. 106-112, September 2014. 9. "Are Laptops Destroying Your Manhood?" Second Opinion Health Alert, Dr. Robert J. Rowen, December 28, 2012. 10. "Exposure to Magnetic Field Non-Ionizing Radiation and the Risk of Miscarriage: A Prospective Cohort Study," Li, et al., Scientific Reports 7, Article Number 17541 (2017).
"Continuous 900-Megahertz Electromagnetic Field Applied in Middle and
Late Adolescence Causes Qualitative and Quantitative Changes in the
Ovarian Morphology, Tissue and Blood Biochemistry of the Rat," Okatan et
al., International Journal of Radiation Biology, 2018, Feb; 94(2); 186-198.
12. "Using the Hill Viewpoints from 1965 for Evaluating Strengths of
Evidence of the Risk for Brain Tumors Associated with Use of Mobile and
Cordless Phones," Hardell et al., Review of Environmental Health, 2013; 28 (2-3):97-106.
13. Federal Code of Regulations, Title 47, Chapter 1, Subchapter A, Part 2, Subpart J, Section 2:1091.
14. Dr. David Carpenter made this statement in the 2014 investigative documentary Mobilize, which
explores the potential long-term health effects of cell phone
radiation. This documentary presents the latest scientific research and
shows how the Wireless Radiation Industry uses its immense economic and
political power to corrupt public health. More information can be found at
www.disinfo.com. 15. Cancer Facts and Figures, American Cancer Society, 2025.
16. "Colorectal Cancer Soaring in Young Adults," Microwave News,
March 2023. See also: "Mystery Epidemic of Colon Cancer in Young People
Laid Bare: Cases Have Doubled in Under-40s and by 2030, It'll Be the
Number One Cancer Killer," Daily Mail Online, June 2023. Also: "Colon and Rectal Cancers Rising in Young People," New York
Times, 02-28-2017: "...Scientists are reporting a sharp rise in colorectal cancers in adults as young as their 20s and 30s, an ominous trend.