Professor Dariusz Leszczynski, professor of biochemistry and biotechnology at the University of Finland, Helsinki: "Cell phone users are seriously misled when buying cell phones. They assume that this product was safety checked before it was put on the market. They assume that it is safe to use. But these assumptions might be wrong. Cell phones were not tested for their safety before they were put on the market years ago....The model used by scientists to determine radiation distribution in human brain consists of a plastic mold in a form of half head that is filled with water solution of salt and sugar. Scientifically, it is an absolutely ridiculous model....Safety standards are inadequate to protect users." [1]
BioInitiative Report 2012-2022, a meta-analysis of scientific studies documenting biological damage from the radiation used for wireless technologies, including cell phones: "That brain tumors should be revealed in epidemiological studies at ONLY ten or more years is significant; X-ray and other ionizing radiation exposures that can also cause brain tumors take nearly 15-20 years to appear, making radio-frequency/microwave radiation from cell phones a very efficient cancer-causing agent." [2]
Dr. Devra Davis, scientist and oncologist: "There's almost no environmental exposure that we know that causes an increase [of brain cancer] in the population within ten years--not tobacco, not asbestos, not vinyl chloride. The fact that some studies have found a double or more increase in brain tumors of highly exposed users of cell phones I think is worrisome...Think about the history of tobacco, asbestos and hormone replacement therapy. Can anyone seriously suggest that we acted appropriately when discussing the danger in those cases? In fact, only after overwhelming human tragedy mounted was action finally taken." [3]
The Scourge of Wi-Technologies:
Tumors and Hemolymphatic Cancers
The first commercial cell phone was developed by Motorola in 1973. In the 1970s, mobile telecommunications equipment was so cumbersome that it was mainly used for car phones. The first
consumer mobile phone small enough to carry around was sold in the U.S. in
1984 for $3,995. It was a
Motorola DynTAC 8000X which pumped turbo waves of modulated
(information-bearing) microwave radiation into the ear canal, the skull
and the eye tissues of the person speaking through the device. By the early 1990s, cell phone cancer lawsuits were making the news.
When the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) gave the fledgling Wireless Radiation Industry approval for the marketing of mobile phones, and for construction of cell tower antennas, there was no pre-market testing to ensure that in-your-face microwave technologies would be safe for human health. U.S. regulators granted phone manufacturers a "low power" exemption that excused Wi-profiteers from proper bio-testing. Then, as now, public exposure and emissions guidelines were not biologically-based upon data-backed research, but formulated upon convenient guesstimates and assumptions that accommodate military-industrial interests.
The profit-driven decision to unleash untested microwave technologies upon a naive and uninformed public were made solely by corporate CEOs, radio engineers and five political appointees at the FCC. Despite numerous published studies by Soviet and U.S. military scientists documenting severe biohazards associated with non-thermal microwave radiation, the FCC's decisions were neither hindered nor tempered by the potential for a public health disaster.
In 1990, the Wireless Radiation Industry and its FCC partners were accelerating the nationwide microwave antenna build-out and revving
up mass mania for wireless technologies. Citing numerous animal and human
studies, scientists with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
recommended that RF/microwave radiation be designated as a probable carcinogen. [4] Before it could make this designation official, EPA was forced
by vested interests in government and industry to "stand down" and shut
up." [5] Therefore, EPA was not allowed to interfere
with a massively lucrative project destined to saturate the human
environment with carcinogenic and neurotoxic wave radiation.
Because EPA was sent to the closet, to this day the United States has no federally-mandated radiofrequency standards. We are left with FCC "guidelines" based on obsolete thermal assumptions instead of hard laboratory science. To this day, U.S. regulatory and health agencies remain muzzled on the widely documented carcinogenicity of pulsed Wi-radiation, propagated indoors and outdoors for wireless technologies.
Although U.S. research and regulatory entities were early captured and neutered by the voracious Wi-industry, independent researchers across the globe continue to demonstrate that wireless radio frequencies —even when compliant with international emissions and exposure guidelines— can efficiently:
Initiate and promote a variety of tumors and blood cancers
Increase the aggression of malignancies
Decrease the survival rate of cancer victims
The millions of environmental antennas and the zillions of
wireless communications devices sold to consumers for on-the-body
use, are linked by over 50 human epidemiological studies and two large recent animal studies to these specific types of human tumors and cancers:
Breast Tumors Colon, Rectal and Anus Cancers
Glioma Brain Tumors
Meningioma Brain Tumors
Pituitary Tumors (brain)
Schwannoma Heart Tumors
Acoustic Neuroma Tumors (ear)
Parotid Gland Tumors (mouth)
Thyroid Tumors both benign and cancerous
Eye Tumors
Melanoma and Other Skin Cancers
Hemolymphatic (HL) Cancers (blood and lymph)
Finally in May 2016:
The first and only federally-funded, peer-reviewed cell phone study
confirmed a statistically significant incidence of tumors induced in animals exposed to modulated microwave radiation emitted by 2G mobile phones!
The National Toxicology Program (NTP) lists two specific types of tumors found in microwaved rats: glioma brain tumors and malignant schwannomas of the heart.
In addition to the animals that developed tumors, others in the study project developed
pre-cancerous hyperplasia cells which can evolve into malignant tumors. An astronomical 8.5 percent of exposed animals developed cancerous or precancerous cells in a very short span of time. [6] Additional animals likely would have followed suit had they not be sacrificed so quickly. Cancer can take a long time to develop and each exposed creature responds to carcinogenic stimuli uniquely, each in its own time.
Animals used in the NPT study were microwaved with 900 megahertz or 1.9 gigahertz cell phone radiation for up to nine hours a day, spread over the course of each day. These sorely abused creatures provided substantial data on animal neoplasms (abnormal
masses of fast growing cells) within the following categories: alimentary, cardiovascular, endocrine, general
body, genital, hematopoietic, integumentary, musculoskeletal, nervous
system, respiratory, urinary, plus systemic lesions.
Ironically, a Baylor University study published in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions confirmed that American college students immerse themselves in wave radiation from their numerous wireless devices for an average of eight to ten hours per day. [7] Keep in mind that while NTP animals developed tumors after being exposed to only one specific frequency, humans are now exposed to diverse carcinogenic frequencies blasting simultaneously from devices that feature multiple active antennas.
In 2018, the federal government convened 14 experts to review the result of its NTP cell phone radiation studies. Among them was Dr. James C. Lin. a professor of electrical engineering and biophysics at the University of Illinois, Chicago. Dr. Lin confirms that NPT studies proved that current radiofrequency guidelines are inadequate to protect human health. He states that more government studies are need because: "The wireless industry has had nearly free reign to develop and distribute mobile phones and related RF devices as they see fit." [8] This is precisely where we stand today as the unbridled Wi-industry unleashes its fifth generation of new potent frequencies and beam-forming wave modulations, none of which have been tested for safety on either rats or humans.
5G-6G wireless is increasing human carcinogenic exposure by millions-fold
as billions of objects and systems, including thousands of new satellites,
spew perpetual high-frequency radiation for two-way communications with each other and with the Internet.
It may be decades before scientists can fully investigate and document
the myriad biological hazards of this 5G-6G orgy.
For countless people, that research will come too late.
Since the wireless revolution began, very little valid and independent research on the link between malignancy and Wi-technologies has been undertaken in North America. We must rely on independent
studies, mainly available from Europe and Asia, to help us understand the cancer epidemic that now inundates our populations. The facts and figures below take us through the year 2025.
We begin with breast cancer. By 2023, health officials in Florida announced that cancer in young
people in their 20s and 30s has risen sharply over the last decade. While
noting that cancer in youth used to be rare, these experts confirmed
that cancer at a young age is now the "norm." They also noted that among
young adults, the most common of these early onset malignancies is breast cancer, a leading cause of suffering and death. [9] Of
course, most women in this age category have lived and breathed wireless
radiation for much of their phone-dependant and Wi-Fi besotted lives.
Despite research and hype over many decades, the U.S. remains deeply mired in a breast cancer epidemic which increases each year. In 2025, there will be an estimated 319,750 new cases of invasive breast cancer diagnosed. Of this group, 2800 will be males. Invasive
breast cancers have broken through the glands or ducts where they originated and are growing into surrounding tissues. In addition, there will be some 60,000 female in situ breast cancer cases (non-invasive). In situ cancers have potential to become metastatic. There will be an estimated 42,680 deaths from breast cancer in 2025. [10]
Because Wi-radiation has special potential to initiate and promote the growth of breast cancer, a warning should be on the packaging of all wireless devices.
In late 2013, six medical experts, representing five prestigious California medical establishments, published a paper on young women who developed invasive breast cancer after prolonged exposure to their cell phones: “We report a case series of four young women --ages from 21 to 39-- with multi-focal invasive breast cancer that raises the concern of a possible association with non-ionizing radiation of electromagnetic field exposures from cellular phones. All patients regularly carried their smart phones directly against their breasts, in their brassieres for up to 10 hours a day, for several years, and developed tumors in areas of their breasts immediately underlying the phones….Pathology of all four cases show striking similarity. These cases raise awareness to the lack of safety data of prolonged direct contact with cellular phones.” [11]
All four of the young women cited in the report developed tumors with nearly identical morphology, while none of them had any known breast cancer risk. Each of the four cases is instructive as to what many unsuspecting women in the U.S. are facing.
What is striking about the four young women discussed in this study is not only the unusually young age at which they suffered metastatic tumors, but also the relatively short incubation time of their cancers. Tobacco smoking typically takes 20-30 years to induce lung cancer. The latency period between asbestos exposure and cancer can be up to 40 years. But these four women developed cancer within a five to ten-year period of breast irradiation, just as many brain tumor victims are being diagnosed with head and neck malignancies after only a decade of Wi-phone irradiation.
Dr. Devra Davis confirms that regulatory and health agencies have every reason to know about the virulent carcinogenicity of Wi-technologies and she warns: “Experimental studies show that cell phone radiation accelerates the growth of breast cancer.” [12] In fact, as early as 1982, medical researchers had reported that RF/microwave radiation enhances the growth rate of spontaneous mammary tumors. [13]
Recent research confirms that female breast tissues are also highly susceptible to the damaging effects of ionizing radiation from X-rays, CT scans and mammograms, especially the new "superhot" 3D mammograms. By 2010, researchers at the Department of Energy's Berkeley National Laboratory announced: "Our work shows that [ionizing] radiation can change the microenvironment of breast cells and this in turn can allow the growth of abnormal cells with a long-lived phenotype that have a much greater potential to be cancerous." [14] This warning should encourage women to seek alternative methods for annual breast exams, including ultrasound scans and thermography.
Because wireless pollution is documented to inflict DNA damage equivalent to that
of X-radiation, Wi-loving youngsters who cradle these toxic toys next to their tender flesh for hours are continually "X-raying" their
breast tissues along with their reproductive organs containing the
primordial cells/DNA of their future offspring. That
millions of young girls and women of reproductive age are induced to
inflict the Voltage of Cancer upon their bodies in this way suggests the
possibility of a covert, nationwide sterilization agenda.
The California doctors who issued the 2013 breast cancer report confirm that the developing breast tissues of young females are especially sensitive to Wi-radiation. They state:
“Children and young adults are now more likely to be using mobile
devices and are among some of the heaviest users. This group is
potentially at greatest risk of harm from EMR (electromagnetic radiation), as dividing tissue, such
as that occurring in prepubertal breast buds, is more prone to the
adverse effects of radiation."
The Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States (CBTRUS), which uses numerous data sources, including the CDC and SEER, reported that by the end of 2019 there were an estimated 1,323,121 people in the U.S. living with a diagnosis of primary brain or central nervous system (CNS) tumor. [15] After leukemia, brain tumors are the second most common cancer suffered by children and these tumors are the leading cause of death from childhood cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2025, 24,820 Americans will be newly diagnosed with primary brain or central nervous system cancers and an estimate 18,330 will die from brain or CNS cancers. [16] Also to be diagnosed this year are tens of thousands of non-malignant brain tumors.
There are 120 types of brain tumors. Thirty to forty percent are malignant; the rest are benign. [17] Benign tumors of the brain can be as damaging and life-threatening as cancerous tumors and treatment, especially surgery and radiation, can be devastating.
Brain tumor incidence has been consistently linked to microwave phone exposure since the 1990s, when European researchers undertook painstaking epidemiological studies. These numerous experts found that brain cancer risk from both cell phone and cordless phone exposure is directly proportionate to: the number of hours and years of use, the intensity of radiated power from devices used on the brain, and the age of phone users when microwave exposure first begins.
Research also links benign brain tumors (including meningioma) with microwave exposure from wireless technologies. In 2009, an international team of neurosurgeons and other medical experts sponsored by the Australian National University gathered to review all available epidemiological evidence in peer-reviewed medical literature. They concluded: “There is adequate epidemiological evidence to suggest a link between prolonged cell phone usage and ipsilateral brain tumor.” Concerning powerful cordless landline phones used by millions of Americans, they stated: “It should be noted that cordless phones operate as transmitters and receivers like GSM cell phones….The average power output of cordless phones is comparable to cell phones….” [18]
Dr. Joel Moskowitz at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health reported in 2011 that his research team had “reviewed 23 case-controlled studies that examined the tumor risk due to cell phone use. Although as a whole the data varied, among the ten higher quality studies, we found a harmful association between phone use and tumor risk. The lower quality studies, which failed to meet scientific best practices, were primarily industry-funded….It is time for our government to require health warnings….” [19] No such luck!
Scientists with the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel have announced that as little as ten minutes on a 2G cell phone pulsing 875 megahertz radiation (GSM) can trigger changes in brain cells linked to cell division and cancer. Microwaves turn on a chemical switch related to a variety of cancers: “The significance lies in showing cells do react to cell phone radiation in a non-thermal way. We used radiation power levels that were around one-tenth of those produced by a normal mobile. The changes we observed were clearly not caused by heating.” [20]
More information is gleaned from a 2011 medical study published by cancer researchers with Mount Sinai School of Medicine: “We analyzed data from the Statistical Report: Primary Brain Tumors in the United States, 2000-2004 and 2007 cell phone subscription data from the Governing State and Local Sourcebook. There was a significant correlation between the number of cell phone subscriptions and brain tumors in nineteen U.S. states….The very linear relationship between cell phone usage and brain tumor incidence is disturbing and certainly needs further epidemiological evaluation.” [21] No such luck in USA.
Fruitful cancer studies have been conducted on European populations who began their wireless brain exposures beginning in the early 1980s. The following statistics are based on the use of older wireless technologies, including 2G and cordless phones. No one yet knows how the newer and more radiation-intensive 4G and 5G technologies are currently affecting brain tumor incidence in USA. But the older European studies reveal the following:
1. Adults who used cell and/or cordless phones for 10 years had at least a doubling of risk for brain tumors (200% risk).
2. The adult risk for brain tumor emerges after about 460 hours of cumulative wireless phone exposure. At about 2000 hours of cumulative exposure, Wi-phone users enter “high risk” status.
3. Children who begin irradiating their skulls before the age of 20 have a nearly five-fold (500%) risk for a brain tumor by the time they reach the age of 20-29. [22]
The brain tumor types so-far linked to the use of wireless devices which infuse the head and neck with microwave radiation are:
GLIOMA TUMORS: These malignant and often aggressive cancers arise in the glial or supporting tissues of the brain and spinal cord. Gliomas are especially deadly, leaving most victims with little more than a year to live after diagnosis. A type of glial tumor called astrocytoma is the most common type brain malignancy suffered by cell and cordless phone victims. This was the deadly brain cancer that showed up most definitively in the NTP animal studies.
MENINGIOMA TUMORS: These usually benign tumors are the second most common tumors suffered by Wi-phone users. These neoplasms arise in the protective membranes surrounding brain and spinal cord. Benign brain tumors exert pressure on brain tissues and require radical medical procedures. They are painful, disabling and potentially lethal.
PITUITARY TUMORS: The Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States (CBTRUS) maintains a comprehensive national record of reported central nervous system tumors. It confirms that, since 1995, there has been a statistically significant increase in benign brain tumors, including those of the pituitary gland. The pituitary lies deep in the brain and functions as the body’s master gland. Pituitary tumors can cause over-production of a variety of hormones and unleash fatigue, menstrual irregularities and weight abnormalities, among others symptoms. If they become large enough, these tumors can impact nearby optic nerves. A study of 790,000 women in the UK recently corroborated an elevated risk for pituitary cancer among cell phone users. This study found double the normal incidence of pituitary carcinoma in women who had used cell phones for at least five years and also a 60% increase in ten-year users. [23]
For decades the Hardell cancer research group in Sweden has produced a number of high-quality epidemiological studies showing that both cell phones and cordless phones play a major role in both the initiation and promotion of brain tumors. [24] The Hardell Group reports that radiation from mobile and cordless phones meets the long-established Bradford Hill criteria for assessing causality. The Group states that there is sufficient scientific evidence to list this radiation as an IARC Group One human carcinogen, a category reserved for agents of deadly and undisputed risk, including ionizing radiation. [25] Dr. Lennart Hardell, M.D., Ph.D., a member of this working group, confirms that current exposure standards are inadequate to protect humans against these cancers. [26]
The Hardell group confirms that wireless phone usage at only 10+ years increases by 290% the risk of developing astrocytoma--the deadliest possible
type of glioma brain tumor. Another leading expert on this type of cancer is Dr. Leif Salford, a world-famous neurosurgeon with years of research on the effects of microwave exposure to the brain. He began seeking a cure for brain tumors in 1977, focusing on a horrendous variety of astrocytoma called glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). This is a common form of malignant tumor that killed Ted Kennedy in 2009 and Joe Biden's son, Beau, in 2015. Senator John McCain of Arizona was diagnosed with GBM in 2017. Most GBM victims die within 14 months of diagnosis and they experience horrific suffering.
Dr. Salford has said of GBM, pictured above: “It grows like an octopus in the brain. It sends out its small guerrilla cell nests into the brain. And whatever you do, even if you take away the whole hemisphere right to the basal ganglia, there is always a continuing growth in the other half of the brain. It’s a horrible disease.” [27]
In 2014, a French cohort study published in the British journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine confirmed once again that heavy mobile phone use (over 800 hours of calls during a lifetime) is associated with the development of brain tumors. This study shows that brain cancer risks are tripled in individuals who use their phones more than 15 hours per month, or 180 hours per year. [28] The Baylor University report confirms that the average U.S. college student racks up 3650 hours per year [8-10 hours per day]. [29] Even when a Wi-device is not held directly against the head, its far-traveling radiation enters the hand and travels as an electromagnetic current throughout the entire body, including the brain. Many brain tumors remain clinically undetectable until the terminal stage because they evade the body's defense forces with a special protein coating. [30] North America’s inevitable brain tumor epidemic is unfolding in the same way as long-developing cancers from tobacco and
asbestos: first a deceptive latency period, then later a tsunami of devastating
illnesses ultimately afflicting millions of victims.
In summation, here is what smart phone addicts need to know as they press multiple antennas to their faces:
1. North American children and adolescents currently suffer the highest rates of brain cancer in the world. [31]
2. Between 2000 and 2019, the U.S. has suffered a significant increase in the four types of head and neck tumors most closely associated with wireless microwave exposure. These tumors are: malignant glioblastoma (53% increase); non-malignant meningioma (123% increase); malignant salivary gland tumors (52% increase) and malignant thyroid tumors (132% increase). [32]
To reiterate: Dr. Lennart Hardell, the world's foremost expert in head and neck tumors, has warned in his numerous published studies that wireless radiation is a confirmed human carcinogen, that mobile devices are definitively linked to the development of these tumors and that current exposure limits are not adequate protection. [33]
Each year, over 5000 Americans receive an acoustic neuroma (AN) diagnosis, with most victims between the ages of 30-60. [34] A meta-analysis of available medical studies reveals a 30% increased risk of AN after ten years of multi-lateral cell phone use and a 240% increased risk if the phone is used mainly on one side of the head (ipsilateral). [35]
Usually non-malignant, acoustic neuroma tumors develop on the eighth cranial nerve connecting the inner ear with the brain. One part of this nerve helps transmit sound, the other part sends balance information from ear to brain. AN tumors cause hearing loss, vertigo, facial numbness, headaches and confusion. A large AN tumor highly impacts the brain stem or cerebellum, making it potentially deadly. The diagnosis and treatment for AN tumors includes the use of nuclear radiation and a variety of risky surgical procedures which often lead to irreparable deafness and/or permanent damage to facial nerves. AN tumors can recur after treatment.
The strong connection between cell
phone/cordless phone radiation and acoustic neuroma tumors has been
well-documented for over a decade. The same series of Swedish studies
documenting the cell phone link to gliomas and meningiomas confirm a
significantly elevated risk for acoustic neuroma tumors among wireless
phone users. Several Interphone studies also document a significantly
increased AN risk from holding transceiving mobile devices to the head.
♦ By 2004, researchers with the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, found a 400 percent increase in AN tumors on the side of the head where a microwave phone was held. [36]
♦ The 2009 UK study of 790,000 women found that those who used cell phones for more than ten years were 2.5 times more likely to suffer acoustic neuroma than non-phone users. [37]
♦ In 2010, researchers in Japan found that those who used cell phones for more than 20 minutes a day for at least five years had three times more acoustic neuroma than normal. [38]
As with the other varieties of microwave-induced tumors, the number of AN victims is expected to rise exponentially as North America’s great Wi-tumor harvest matures.
Mouth and throat cancers are reaching an all-time high in both Europe and the U.S. In 2025, an estimated 59,660 Americans will receive a new diagnosis for cancer of the oral cavity/pharynx while 12,770 will die from advanced cancers in the oral cavity/pharynx areas. Cancer of the larynx will be diagnosed in 13,020 people and 3,910 will die of this malignancy in 2025. [39]
The U.S. government, with its huge investment in wireless infrastructure and its lavish tax revenues from wireless technologies, lacks incentive to investigate how America’s galloping mouth and throat cancer epidemic is related to the use of microwave devices pressed firmly against the skull and cheek for hours each day. So we must turn to foreign studies for the facts.
When wireless devices are pressed to the head, mouth and throat tissues are assaulted with invasive radiation that induces massive oxidative stress and DNA damage, precursors of cancer. In 2005, researchers in India reported severe cell damage in the blood and buccal (mouth) tissues of people who held cell phones against their faces each day. These irradiated subjects suffered a whopping 39.75 percent of buccal cells showing micronucleated DNA damage. The control group which had never used cell phones, had an average of only 4% damaged oral DNA. [40]
The connection between microwave device exposure and oral cancers was closely examined in 2007 by a team of Israeli scientists representing a number of medical institutions. Joined by a representative of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), this team reported that those who regularly use mobile phones are fifty percent more likely to develop benign or malignant tumors in their salivary (parotid) glands than non-cell phone users. Tumor development is generally on the side of the head where the phone is held. [41]
By 2009, two other Israeli medical teams had explored the epidemic of oral cancers among Israeli wireless phone users. Experts with a school of dental medicine conducted one of these studies and they concluded: “Parotid glands adjacent to the handheld mobile phone in use respond by elevated salivary rates and decreased protein secretion reflecting the continuous insult to the glands.” [42]
Additional corroboration comes from China where researchers have reported an explosion of two varieties of parotid gland cancer found in cell phone users. One Chinese study noted in 2011 that the association between cell phone use and parotid gland cancers requires further investigation with large cohort studies recommended. Microwave News sums up recent Chinese statistics: “….Those who had used cell phones for over ten years had more than ten times the rate of epithelial parotid gland malignancies, the dominant type of cancer of the parotid gland. The risk rose to twenty times that of controls for mucoepidermoid carcinoma, the primary subtype of parotid gland cancer. Those who use a cell phone for more than two-and-a-half hours a day had a more than 15-to-30 fold elevated cancer risk.” [43]
In 2013, researchers at the Tel Aviv University announced results of a new oral cancer study which the Times of Israel called a “clear connection between cell phone use and higher risk of cancer.” Researchers of this case-control survey documented “considerable oxidative stress on tissues and glands which are close to the cell phone in use.” This stress, they said, “is linked to cell mutations which lead to the development of cancerous tumors.” [44] Again in 2015, a medical study of the effects of 3G cell phone radiation (2.1 gigahertz) showed severe damage to the parotid glands of irradiated animals. [45]
By 2019, there were an estimated 915,664 people in the U.S. living with thyroid cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI). This is up from 765,547 cases estimated for 2015. [46] By 2009, NCI reported that the incidence of thyroid malignancy had been rising 6.4 percent each year for over a decade. [47] The American Cancer Society estimates that new thyroid cancer cases diagnosed for 2025 will be 44,020. Compare this to the 1999 annual figure of 17,000 new thyroid cancer cases. This year, 2290 people will die from thyroid cancer. [48]

The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland that sits at the front of the neck just above the breastbone is central to human health and immunity. It produces three vital hormones needed for metabolism, digestion and reproduction. It helps regulate body growth, body weight, internal temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, bone strength, muscle tone and cellular use of calcium. There are some 59 human diseases linked to thyroid malfunction. Ask the 24 million Americans with clinical thyroid disease, many of them morbidly obese, what life is like when the thyroid gland can’t do its job.
The thyroid is especially prone to the development of lumps, nodules, cysts and inflammatory tissues. No organ in the body is more sensitive to both ionizing (nuclear) and non-ionizing (microwave/millimeter wave) radiation. Medical studies conducted in the 1980s and 90s confirmed that repeated irradiation of rats with microwaves radically decreases the functional activity of their thyroid gland. Only recently have medical reports begun to illuminate the multitude of pathological effects which RF/microwave radiation (cell phones, cordless phones and Wi-Fi) can inflict upon the human thyroid.
♦ In 2005, medical researchers used rats to confirm that 900 MHz radiation propagated by GSM cell phones and smart meters decreases normal levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) as well as T-3 hormone (triiodothyronine) and T-4 hormone (thyroxin). [49]
♦ In 2009, researchers in Iran conducted a human case-control study to assess the effects of cell phone exposure on thyroid function. The study showed that both moderate and heavy cell phone users had statistically low levels of thyroid hormones T-3 and T-4, plus abnormally high levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which is a pituitary hormone. The researchers reported that the high TSH is compensation for low thyroid function and they confirmed that mobile phone radiation has a deleterious effect on hormone balance of the entire pituitary, hypothalamus and thyroid axis. [50]
♦ In 2010, researchers in Turkey published a medical study of 900 megahertz radiation (GSM cell phones) confirming that normal thyroid hormone secretion is inhibited by microwaves. They stated: “…GSM mobile phones can cause pathological changes in the thyroid gland by altering the gland structure and by enhancing capase-dependent pathways of apoptosis (cell death)." [51]
There are four types of malignant thyroid tumors. In 2013, the cancer connection between wireless radiation and thyroid tissues was reported by an impressive team of Israeli scientists affiliated with otolaryngology head and neck pathology. Their research was conducted in response to the meteoric increase of thyroid cancer during a decade of frenetic cell phone usage by the Israeli population.
Two separate Israeli studies focused on the effects of mobile phone radiation on human thyroid cells called thyrocytes. Thyrocytes are spherical follicle cells which absorb iodine and secrete critically important hormones. Among other findings, these researchers confirmed that mobile phone radiation causes human thyrocytes to proliferate (divide) at a much higher rate than non-irradiated cells. A lead researcher explained: “The thyroid gland is located in the neck, but the area is located the same distance from the ear as the regions of the brain where the [cancerous] growths have been diagnosed as being related to the use of [cellular] devices. This is a region that is not far from the device’s radiation.” [52]
The conclusion of the 2013 Israel study states: “Our results suggest a proliferative effect of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIER) on human thyrocytes, an effect that may link exposure with potential carcinogenesis [cancer].” [53] The Israeli team behind this study presented their research to the World Thyroid Cancer Congress which met in Canada in 2013.
In late 2016, the Hardell Group of Sweden, renown for research on brain cancer and its connection to wireless microwave exposure, published a report confirming that thyroid cancer is rapidly increasing worldwide, commensurate with wireless phone use. This report confirmed that the incidence of papillary thyroid cancer, generally induced by radiation, has exploded along with the use of smart phones. These phones generate especially high rates of electromagnetic radiation to accommodate protocols for 4G/LTE, 5G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and NFC. When held to the head, or carried in a chest pocket, these multiple Wi-antennas emit carcinogenic radiation close to the thyroid with potential to change the structure and integrity of the gland, increase proliferation of thyroid cells and drastically alter levels of thyroid hormones. [54]
A discussion at the website Cancer Compass hosted an interesting blog exchange between two thyroid cancer victims. One blogger wrote: "….I find out that I had Stage III thyroid cancer. I begin to ask myself where did this come from. Then one night at home after surgery I realized something. You see I am 48-years-old and I am hearing-impaired. I can’t hear my cell phone when I take my hearing aids out at night so for the last 4 years I placed my phone on vibrate and laid it on my neck as I waited for my kids to text me when they are home at night…the exact same place where I had a 5.0 cancerous tumor. I just wondered what your thoughts were on this."
This tragic report was followed by a reply from another blogger: “I have thought of the same thing. My tumor was on the left [thyroid] lobe, always hold the cell to my left ear and have always kept it in the left front pocket of my scrubs. I’m a dentist.” [55]
In 2020, a new report from the Yale School of Public Health showed a definitive link between certain genetic traits and cell phone thyroid cancer. Cell phones users with one of ten genetic variations studied were found to be twice as likely to develop thyroid cancer from phone radiation. [56] The National Cancer Institute's SEER chart of ten years reveals that thyroid cancer incidence
in the USA is heading STRAIGHT UP. It is predictable that thyroid dysfunction and thyroid disease will continue to skyrocket with the unbridled advancement of 5G hyper-gigahertz technologies. Bet the farm that oncoming 6G technologies, spewing 100 billion hertz to 1 trillion hertz, will incinerate the human thyroid In 2024, Chinese scientists conducted an epidemiological study of 600 people to assess the correlation between Bluetooth headsets and the development of thyroid nodules. They reported: "Our study highlighted a significant impact relationship
between prolonged Bluetooth headset use and increased thyroid nodule
risk, emphasizing the importance of considering health impacts in the
use of modern technology, especially for devices like Bluetooth headsets
that are frequently used daily." [57] Meantime, most Americans will remain
clueless about how their beloved microwave antennas are gradually
disabling their entire endocrine systems.
Despite decades of official warnings on excessive sun exposure, skin cancer incidence in the U.S. is now multiple times higher per capita than that reported in the 1970s. [58] Each year, there are about 3.5 million cases of basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer cases newly diagnosed in the U.S. [59] Malignant melanoma is the most deadly skin cancer. Between 2013 and 2023, the number of new invasive melanoma cases diagnosed annually increased by 27 percent. The American Cancer Society’s 2025 estimate for new invasive melanoma cases is 104,960. [60] Melanoma deaths for 2025 are estimated to be at 8430. These statistics do not include cases of insitu melanoma which are not yet invasive. The Skin Cancer Foundation estimated 89,070 cases of insitu melanoma for 2025. [61]

Melanoma can occur anywhere on the body
and it can quickly metastasize through blood and lymph nodes to
infiltrate organs, bones and the brain. Evidence that melanoma is not
exclusively related to sun damage is the fact that most melanomas reportedly occur on parts of the body normally covered by clothing.
Many wireless device manufacturers urge consumers (in the fine print which is never read) to keep transceiving Wi-devices several centimeters away from the body. Vague
warnings from the Wi-radiation industry indicate that radiation
peddlers perhaps wish to cover their assets in the event of inevitable
future litigation. Such advice is ludicrous since the use of Wi-devices generally necessitates direct contact with the body, especially with the hands and the head.
Melanoma is scientifically linked to excessive, high-frequency electromagnetic radiation across the spectrum. In a series of studies spanning a decade, European researchers used national statistics from four Nordic countries, plus Iceland, to show that sudden and radical increases in melanoma have occur with the introduction of frequency modulated (FM) radio and TV stations. FM radio stations typically broadcast radio frequencies in the 87-108 megahertz band. These long waves are deemed to be especially body-resonant. They can create standing waves near metal objects where people sleep. The European research showed that the higher the number of radio and TV towers surrounding a residential area, the higher the melanoma rates among that population.
Orjan Hallberg, a leading researcher for the Nordic study, explained: “Later studies by myself and others have concluded that a continuous disturbance of the immune and repair mechanisms from body-resonant radiation will end up increasing melanoma rates. It was also shown that countries that had not yet been covered by the radiation from FM broadcasting towers continued to have a low and stable melanoma rate….” [62] Other types of cancers are also linked to broadcast radiation. For example, a 1996 study showed an association between TV towers and childhood leukemia. [63]
Both Hallberg and leading Swedish researcher, Dr. Olle Johansson, echo a growing consensus that many human cancers develop from the combined assault of several factors: “We conclude that continuous disturbance of cell repair mechanisms by body-resonant electromagnetic fields seems to amplify the carcinogenic effects resulting from cell damage caused e.g. by UV radiation.” [64]
A 1998 Canadian study of police officers exposed to radar guns (radiation in the high-frequency microwave spectrum) documented increased rates of both testicular cancer (30%) and melanoma (45%).[65] However, due to military-industrial pressures, the obvious link between police radar and cancer has long been "hushed up" in the United States.
Numerous studies and reports from other nations confirm that non-thermal megahertz and gigahertz microwaves cause myriad pathological skin reactions including: rashes, itching, redness and inflammation (erythema), burning sensation, severe oxidative stress, the flare-up of existing skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis), mast cell production (allergy) and rapid tissue aging. [66]
Researchers with the Experimental Dermatology Unit within the Department of Neuroscience
at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden have confirmed --with numerous studies-- that human skin exposed to electromagnetic radiation invariably reacts in defensive and pathological ways. Dr. Olle Johansson, who has long researched electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), explains:
"One of our major findings in EHS persons, as well as in exposed
normal healthy individuals, was a remarkable numerical increase in mast cells and
with a concomitant typical granular release, as if they would have reacted to an
allergen, such as nickel or pollen, or to radiation, such as X-ray or radioactivity.
But these persons just had been subjected to the exposure from our new society's
gadgets, such as computers and/or TV screens. And still they reacted with classical
allergic reactions." [67]
So the question remains: How long can an organ like the skin defend itself against perpetual nearfield microwave irradiation before it succumbs and degenerates into invasive malignancy? Since the Wi-radiation industry is not required to demonstrate with proper testing how brutal, pulse-modulated microwaves affect chronically exposed skin, concerned Americans are left to consult their common sense:
♦ There is universal acceptance that cancer begins with damaged DNA. Since REFLEX studies proved that microwave radiation from cell phones quickly and severely damages human DNA in the same way as X-ray radiation, this type of damage certainly takes place in the DNA of skin cells.
♦ Transmitting microwave devices can emit intermittent spikes of energy hot enough to burn cells deep within the brain. [68] Therefore, this same radiation can also burn-damage the skin, leaving it more vulnerable to additional UV and other subsequent damage.
♦ If microwave devices can induce cancer within the breast, brain, parotid glands and thyroid, these same devices logically have potential to initiate carcinogenesis within skin tissues.
In 2008, Finnish researchers exposed the skin of female volunteers to one hour of GSM cell phone radiation at a power density lower than legal in the U.S. for cell phone exposure. Eight different skin proteins were found to be significantly altered. [69] Abnormal protein expression in human tissues plays a complex role in both cancer initiation and progression.
Sadly, adequate research on the Wi-connection to America’s raging skin cancer epidemic has not been funded by the U.S. government, so fervently dedicated to promoting all things wireless. Meantime, the melanoma harvest is ripening. By 2012, the Mayo Clinic announced a dramatic increase in skin cancers among young Americans under the age of 40, the demographic most besotted with smart wireless technologies. [70] In 2019, the Melanoma Research Foundation confirms that the incidence of melanoma is increasing faster in Americans under age 30 than in any other demographic. Much of this disease is diagnosed on the scalp where young people beam their microwave phones for hours each day.Young women, especially, are being hit hard. Melanoma is now the leading cause of cancer death in American women ages 25 to 30 and the second leading cause of cancer death in women ages 30-35. [71]
It is guaranteed that the gruesome Wi-cancer story, involving pathology of the human skin, has many chapters yet to be written. Researchers have shown the human skin becomes a 2D antenna array for microwave radiation, especially in the 5G millimeter wave range because sweat ducts in the skin are full of conductive aqueous solution. [72] Therefore, the tsunami of millimeter wave radiation for 5G and 6G technologies is expected to be especially impactful and dangerous for human skin tissues.
Thousands of Americans suffer from eye tumors, either benign or malignant. U.S. eye cancer statistics for 2025 include an estimated 3,140 new primary eye/eye orbit cancers, a 25% increase over the 2004 eye tumor incidence. An estimated 490 people will die from eye cancer this year. [73]
Human eye tissues are high in moisture content and therefore extremely vulnerable to all varieties of radiation. The U.S. government has long been aware that round organs including the eyes, breasts and testicles contain tissues most likely to absorb high amounts of wave energy. Human eyes are designated as radiation “hot spots” because they cannot efficiently remove heat deposited by microwaves. Documented pathological effects on human eyes from RF/microwave radiation include: eye inflammation and redness, pain or burning in the eyes, a feeling of pressure behind the eyes, deteriorating vision, floaters, cataracts, and eye cancers. [74]
Dr. Henry Lai, renown bio-medical researcher who worked at the University of Washington, has stated: “Another important area of research on morphological effects of RFR [radio frequency radiation] exposure, that could have important implications on cellular telephone use, is that on the eye. Damage to corneal endothelials, degenerative changes in the iris and the retina, and altered vision were reported in non-human primates after repeated exposure to RFR.” [75]
Research published by Dr. Om Gandhi, working at the University of Utah, verified that wireless communications devices positioned directly against the head deliver hundreds of milliwatts of microwave radiation deeply into the human eye. [76] Cell phone radiation entering the eye oscillates (vibrates) eye tissues at millions or billions of times per second.
Most eye tumors involve the conjunctiva, retina, optic nerve or uvea (iris, ciliary body and choroid). The most common type of adult eye cancer is uveal melanoma, a type of skin cancer of the watery uveal layer, as seen in the photo above. In 2001, research at the University of Essen in Germany showed that people who regularly use microwave-emitting communication devices for at least ten years sustain a 320% higher risk of developing this kind of eye cancer. [77] Essen is a leading cancer treatment center. Here scientists examined 118 patients with uveal melanoma who had used mobile phones and/or walkie talkies. The statistics of these cancer victims were compared to those of 475 non-users who comprised the control group. This is the tally:
♦ Those who used wireless walkie talkies were over THREE TIMES more likely than non-users to develop eye cancer.
♦ Those who used cell phones were FOUR TIMES more likely than non-users to develop eye cancer. [also 77]
The medications, surgery and/or radiation treatments for eye tumors have many damaging side-effects, including damage to eyesight, and in some cases, facial mutilation. Yet, the U.S. government unleashed wireless phone technology in the 1980s without conducting appropriate studies to determine the numerous ways in which nearfield microwave devices can affect human eye tissues and vision. Millions of American test rats of all ages ARE the studies. The uninformed masses are condemned to discover for themselves--one pair of eyes at a time--the inevitable impairment and disease ramifications of pressing a transceiving microwave radio device to the head near the optic nerve and adjacent to radiation-sensitive eye tissues.
In 2025, 308,540 Americans will be given a new diagnosis for invasive cancer of the colon, rectum and anus areas. [78] The gut organs are continually infused with carcinogenic radiation from connected wireless devices used and worn at close proximity to these organs.
Many young people think that wearing a mobile phone in a rear pocket is sexy. But relentless carcinogenic radiation applied daily to the colorectal areas can lead to lethal disease that is anything but sexy. Last decade medical experts across the globe began announcing that colorectal cancer has become unexpectedly common in young people, with incidence continuing to rapidly
increase. The American Cancer Society reports that the colorectal cancer epidemic began in the 1990s in high income countries "when something changed with exposure." What changed drastically in the 1990s was sudden accessibility of wireless devices for millions of consumers who were provided no health warnings. Dr. Edward Chu at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine says of the current colorectal cancer epidemic: "It's very alarming. We're seeing a pretty significant increased incidence among those aged 40 to 49. They also tend to have much more aggressive disease and tend not to do well even with aggressive treatments." [79]
Between 2004-2013, colorectal cancer cases in American adults under age 50 increased by 11.4 percent. A notable percentage of these cases were diagnosed as advanced cancers (stages three and four). [80] While uninformed parents allow young children "gut shoot" themselves with smart phones, tablets and wireless gaming devices, the American Cancer Society warns that a person born after 1990 has double the risk of colon cancer and four times the risk of rectal cancer compared to earlier generations. [81]
Recent information confirms that many smart phone models worn directly on the body expose people to radiation levels that often greatly exceed lax federal exposure standards. [82] Connected smart devices worn against the gut organs are a blow torch for the instigation and progression of both colon and rectum/anus cancers. Common sense tell us that wireless radiation flowing into the body during and after cancer therapy is also a potential reason why even aggressive medical treatments so often fail.
By 2024, an epidemiological study of 50 cases of early onset colorectal cancer cases confirmed that those who carried a phone below the waist were four times more likely to develop bowel tumors than non-carriers. The study also found that the risk of colorectal cancer is highest when the phone is routinely kept on the same side as where the tumor
develops. Colorectal cancers tend to develop mostly on the left side of the colon. This study also confirmed that those who
carried a phone on the left side for more than 30,000 hours (about 10 years) were 12 times more likely
to develop a tumor on that side of the colon. [83]
In 2025, an estimated 187,740 people in the USA will receive a primary diagnosis for one of the hemolymphatic cancers. A crowd of 89,070 will get a lymphoma diagnosis; 36,110 will get a multiple myeloma diagnosis; 66,890 will be diagnosed for one of the several categories listed for leukemia. An estimated 100,190 will die from hemolymphatic cancers this year. [84]
Myeloma is cancer of the plasma cells that originate in the bone marrow. Lymphoma is a disease that creates solid tumors out of blood cells. Leukemia is a liquid type of cancer that flows around the body in the blood. Medical literature is loaded with references and studies linking all three of these hemolymphatic cancer groups to ionizing nuclear radiation. An International Nuclear Workers study found a definitive link between occupational nuclear radiation with both leukemia and multiple myeloma. [85] The U.S. Veterans Administration recognizes all three of the HL cancer groups as related to ionizing radiation exposure. [86]
A mere 24 hour exposure to cell phone microwaves, at SAR levels below FCC exposure limits, was shown by REFLEX scientists to literally obliterate DNA in human blood cells. [87]. Cancer begins with damaged DNA. It's no surprise that a number of recent studies have demonstrated a link between microwave exposure and the various hemolymphatic cancers.
The famous Rapacholi rodent study showed that animals exposed to 900 megahertz cell phone radiation, at SAR levels below FCC exposure limits, developed twice the lymphoma as non-exposed animals. [88] The Hardell Group in Sweden noted an association between cell/cordless phone use and T-cell lymphoma. [89] Israeli researchers, conducting a large epidemiological survey of radar (microwave) workers in many countries, found an extraordinary incidence of all three types of HL cancers among these workers. [90] Italian scientists demonstrated that 900 megahertz cell phone radiation stimulated three types of genes in leukemia cells to activate pro-survival signals critical for tumor progression and metastasis. These irradiated leukemia cells began to divide aggressively after only 48 hours of microwave irradiation. [91] In addition, the Hardell Group used epidemiological studies to reveal that extremely low electromagnetic frequencies (ELF), like those carried along with wireless microwaves, increase the risk of various leukemias and lymphomas. [92]
None of these medical studies can compare to the great open air "study" now being conducted upon North American people by the Wi-industry. Most are now irradiated with numerous
frequencies from numerous Wi-sources around the clock, 365 days a year. There is no doubt that 8760 annual hours of carcinogenic radiation strongly affects the blood. Wi-irradiated blood is always seen with darkfield microscopy to be reduced to a pathological state wherein the cells are clumped together like rolls of coins (rouleaux). Blood rouleux is the forerunner of degeneration and disease. [93] It is no wonder that according to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, every three minutes another person in the U.S. is diagnosed with some form of blood cancer. [94]
Electromagnetic frequencies across the spectrum are documented to
accelerate the growth of human malignancies. The very last thing needed by 17+ million Americans trying to survive
invasive cancer is chronic exposure to myriad sources of wireless radiation,
which couples with the body to act as a sort of “cancer fertilizer.”

Normally, malignant tumors follow a Gompertzian growth curve. The peak
growth rate of a malignant tumor generally occurs before the tumor is clinically detectable. The growth fraction of a neoplasm starts at 100% with
the first abnormal cell, then declines over time. The growth rate slows
with time because, under normal conditions, tumors try to limit their
own growth, although they are not completely successful at doing so. The slower the tumor growth, the better the prognosis for the cancer victim. By the time of cancer diagnosis, the growth fraction
is usually reduced to one to four percent, meaning that only one to four
percent of the tumor is actively increasing. [95] However, under
certain conditions, RF/microwaves can ramp up the growth
fraction of tumors as high as 95% during radiation exposure and for a time
afterwards. [96]
Molecular biologist David De Pomerai
at the University of Nottingham in the UK demonstrated that that non-ionizing radiation, including microwaves, can
indirectly damage human DNA by negatively affecting its repair system. If the DNA
repair system does not work as well as it should, cell mutations can
accumulate with disastrous consequences. De Pomerai confirmed that “cells with un-repaired DNA damage are likely to be far more aggressively cancerous.” [97]
In 1993, FDA
scientists discussed the need for additional research on the bio-effects
of chronic, low-level RF/microwave radiation in regards to cancer
progression. Of the available data they said:
“This small and incomplete database strongly suggests that under at
least some circumstances, these exposures do indeed accelerate the
development of cancer by some unknown mechanism. Of approximately eight
chronic animal experiments known to us, five resulted in increased
numbers of malignancies, accelerated progression of tumors, or both.” [98]
In 1995,
Motorola-funded studies conducted by cancer researcher Jerry Phillips
showed various negative DNA affects from cell phone microwaves. Phillips
used a chemical to induce tiny tumors in animals, then looked at how
the radiofrequency fields influenced those tumors: “It did appear that these fields could affect already-initiated tumors,” said Phillips. [99]
In 1997, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducted experiments on the growth of cancer cells and found that microwave radiation causes human cancer cells to multiply faster than normal. Using
a waveform identical to that used in digital cellular phones, at a
power level approved by the FCC for human radiation absorption (SAR), FDA researchers induced rapid cellular proliferation in human glioblastoma (brain cancer) cells. [100]
In 2004, Italian scientists published results of a laboratory study which exposed human leukemia cells to radio waves at 900 MHz,
the same frequency band used for GSM cell phone technology and smart
utility meters. The radiation initially killed some of the malignant
cells. But after 48 hours, the microwaves activated three types of genes known to induce cancer cells to multiply. The surviving leukemia cells then began to divide aggressively due to activation of pro-survival signals critical for tumor progression and metastasis [spreading] of cancer. The study report concludes:"Our
data strongly support the hypothesis that high-frequency EMFs exposure
leads cancer cells to acquire a greater survival chance, a phenomenon
linked to tumor aggressiveness." Cell biologist, Dr. Fiorenzo Marinelli who designed the study, reported: “In leukemia cells, the response is always the same.” [101]
All of the above studies confirm that our microwave-saturated environment is
germane to a raging and ever-increasing North American cancer epidemic. Scientists induced human
leukemia cells to activate ferociously at a SAR of only 3.5 mW/kg while lunatics at the FCC and the FDA allow wireless phones to excrete 1600 mW/kg [1.6 W/kg] into human bodies!
In 2011, Ukrainian scientists wrote in Experimental Oncology: "In
this review we discuss alarming epidemiological and experimental data
on possible carcinogenic effects of long-term exposure to low intensity
microwave (MW) radiation. Recently, a number of reports revealed that,
under certain conditions, the irradiation by low intensity MW can
substantially induce cancer progression in humans and in animal models.
The carcinogenic effect of MW irradiation is typically manifested after
long-term (up to 10 years and more) exposure. Nevertheless, even a year
of operation of a powerful base transmitting station (cell tower) for
mobile communication reportedly resulted in a dramatic increase of
cancer incidence among population living nearby. In addition, model
studies in rodents unveiled a significant increase in carcinoma after
17-24 months of MW exposure both in tumor-prone and intact animals.” [102]
In addition to high frequencies, pulsing wireless technologies produce a variety of extremely low frequencies [ELF signals]. The ELF components ride in on microwave carrier waves traveling to and from cell towers and rooftop antennas. Smart phones, smart watches and wireless tablets also generate a complex mix of low
frequency ELF components, long-documented to be tumor-promoting.
Dr. Wendell Winters, working at the University of Texas, found that
cancer cells increase their rate of growth by several hundred percent in
24 hours when exposed to simple 60-hertz ELF household currents. [103] He found that
ELF-exposed cells also become increasingly resistant to the body's
immune system. Subsequent studies have confirmed that
ELF signals, as with RF/microwave signals, can ramp up cancer cells
to develop more aggressively malignant characteristics. [104]
The U.S. government allows human exposure of 60-hertz ELF
at up to 904 milligauss. This medically-indefensible ELF exposure
guideline, set for the convenience of industrial and military interests,
is disastrous. Children trying to survive leukemia are documented to
have poorer survival rates if their ELF exposure is only between 1-2
milligauss, or above 2 milligauss in one study and above 3 milligauss in
another study. [105] This is important information because
leukemia is the top cancer-killer of American kids under the age of 20,
while most American kids under 18 are now heavily Wi-addicted.
In 1998, the National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences (NIEHS) categorized (ELF) fields, such as those from
power lines and electrical appliances, as “possible human carcinogens.” In 2002, IARC did the same. [106] So the science confirms that wireless technologies, which excrete ELF plus microwaves and millimeter waves, are double trouble.
The VOLTAGE OF CANCER now fairly saturates the North American environment as the Wi-radiation Industry continually unleashes additional carcinogenic sources, frequencies and modulations. Unlimited exposure to RF/microwave/millimeter wave radiation is mandatory. U.S. and Canadian federal laws make the risks of Wi-cancer compulsory, and most tragically, lay the genetic and epigenetic foundation for future malignancy within the human ova, the delicate sperm, the radiation-defenseless fetus.
As with tobacco
smoking, only after multitudes have died painfully and prematurely from
excessive RF/microwave and millimeter wave exposure, will the complete Wi-cancer picture
finally come into focus. So far, we have enough science to understand these inescapable realities:
♦ A nation that literally worships high-frequency technologies, exposing everyone to inescapable and chronic doses of a ferocious Group One carcinogen, will never achieve the conquest of cancer.
♦ A radiation-addicted population that demands Wi-Fi carcinogen in the air everywhere, will be a population riddled with a variety of aggressive tumors and blood cancers.
Wise persons should withhold contributions from the cancer industry until politicians and the medical establishment are ready to face the truth. Fundraising and cancer marathons by runners clad in "pink" won't cut it. The war on cancer can never be won until people finally understand that the fat cats of wireless are raking in $billions by selling disease, disability, dementia, deformity and premature death.
The late Dr. Neil Cherry, a dedicated New Zealand researcher on radiation and cellular biology, taught what everyone must understand before even a dent is made in the battle against today's formidable cancer scourge: “Electromagnetic fields and radiation damage DNA and enhance cell death rates and therefore they are a Ubiquitous Universal Genotoxic Carcinogen that enhances the rates of cancer, cardiac, reproductive and neurological disease and mortality in human populations. There is no safe threshold level. The only safe exposure level is zero, a position confirmed by a dose-response trend in epidemiological studies.” [107]
Until this hard lesson is learned--
Wi-worshippers will goose-step
through a radiation minefield towards:
• devastating blood and DNA damage
• disastrous mitochondrial dysfunction
• radical hormone disruption
• painful immune deficiencies
These are the platforms from which mega-millions will
ultimately board the great North American cancer train.
Meet Generation Alpha: The iPad babies
(Wi-addicts born since 2010)