The Rest of the Wi-story
Cockroaches are the hardiest of insects.
Among their numerous talents are long-time survival without food,
immunity to severe cold, ability to go without oxygen for 45 minutes and life after decapitation.
Roaches can withstand huge doses of ionizing radiation; their lethal
dose from a nuclear blast would be 6-15 times higher than that for
humans. But scientists report that electromagnetic
radiation emitted by mobile phones quickly produces profound and injurious
biological effects upon the roach.
A 2017 study published in the journal Current Science
reported that big healthy roaches became inert and lethargic after only
thirty six minutes of cell phone radiation (900 megahertz GSM) delivered at a lower power density than that approved for humans. Propagated over a total period of three hours, this toxic radiation infused the insects for only 12 minutes per hour. Yet, this short exposure resulted in severe chemical imbalance and functional abnormality in roach brains, neurons, developing cells and enzyme systems. The poor creatures could not even move their antennae.
researchers advised that myriad adverse
effects suffered by these irradiated insects indicate the
dangers of ubiquitous microwave radiation propagated for wireless
technologies: "The present study clearly explained the physiological and biochemical basis of adverse effects of electromagnetic radiation and is a warning for the judicious use of mobile phones." [1] These researchers also referenced studies showing microwave damage to other types of insects, especially honey bees. They explained the Blue Zone: "According to U.S. regulations, a particular area located at a 200 meter diameter around a base station [cell tower] is called the blue zone, which is avoided by most insects and birds."
Wireless radiation is slow-kill. But as with insects, humans grow incrementally sick and impaired from Wi-devices and from the environmental
antennas needed to make those devices communicate through air
interface. No one can estimate the actual toll of chronic exposure
to this insidious carcinogen and neurotoxin. Clueless human victims suffer silently and alone, then disappear off the radar. While it is feasible to
provide safe and efficient fiber connectivity to every person who wants it,
we read that Verizon has historically diverted
$billions of U.S. federal funding set aside for fiber systems in order to keep the
uninformed masses hooked on lucrative wireless technologies. [2]
in the United States are about 73 million people under the age of
eighteen. Multi-millions of them are Glow Kids, heavily addicted to
mesmerizing small screens for incessant entertainment. In March 2018, an external panel of scientists met at the
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) to recommend
that the NTP cell phone studies, completed by the National Institutes of Health (2016), be
acknowledged as "clear evidence of carcinogenic activity." These scientists agreed that NTP studies prove cell phone radiation can cause "brain damage" plus "cardiomyopathy or damage to heart tissues." [3] Yet, most parents still have no idea that a wireless device in the
hands of a child is a coupon for heart problems, emotional
imbalance and a five-fold additional risk for future malignancy. [4]
Because the latest science confirms the inadequacy of the FCC's existing Wi-radiation exposure limits, placing a wireless device in the hands of young children equals child endangerment and child abuse, defined by federal law as: an act on the part of a parent or caretaker which presents risk of serious physical harm.
Award-winning Australian brain cancer surgeon Dr. Vini Khurana warns: "There is currently enough evidence and technology available to warrant Industry and Government alike in taking immediate steps to reduce radiation
and to make consumers clearly aware of potential dangers and how to use
this technology sensibly and safely….It is anticipated that this danger
has far broader public health ramifications than asbestos and smoking,
and directly concerns all of us, particularly the younger generation,
including very young children." [5]
Click on the picture below to see how the Wireless Radiation Industry
has taken possession of children, BODY AND SOUL!
It is legal in the U.S. for a kid holding a transceiving smart device to slam 430 volts per meter
of a confirmed human carcinogen into his hand, arm and gut organs!
The scientific benchmark for harm to human health begins at .01 volt of microwave energy per meter with a precautionary level for vulnerable populations at .03 volts per meter! [6]
Personal devices, including smart
phones and tablets, are regulated by limits on Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) which is given in watts per kilogram (W/kg). A kilogram equals about 2.2 pounds of body weight. SAR is the estimated amount of radiation absorbed by the body.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) permits a SAR limit for human brain absorption at 1.6 W/Kg. This equates to approximately 270 volts per meter.
However, FCC's SAR limit for hand, wrist and ear exposure is 4 W/Kg. This equates to 50 milliwatts/cm2 or approximately 430 watts per meter.
These thermal-based SAR exposure limits are outdated and deadly! They are a product of consumer ignorance and corporate greed.