The Rest of the Wi-story
Cockroaches are the hardiest of insects. Among their numerous talents are long-time survival without food, immunity to severe cold, ability to go without oxygen for 45 minutes and life after decapitation. Roaches can withstand huge doses of ionizing radiation; their lethal dose from a nuclear blast would be 6-15 times higher than that for humans. But scientists report that electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phones quickly produces profound and injurious biological effects upon the roach.
   A 2017 study published in the journal Current Science reported that big healthy roaches became inert and lethargic after only thirty six minutes of cell phone radiation (900 megahertz GSM) delivered at a lower power density than that approved for humans. Propagated over a total period of three hours, this toxic radiation infused the insects for only 12 minutes per hour. Yet, this short exposure resulted in severe chemical imbalance and functional abnormality in roach brains, neurons, developing cells and enzyme systems. The poor creatures could not even move their antennae.
  The researchers advised that myriad adverse effects suffered by these irradiated insects indicate the dangers of ubiquitous microwave radiation propagated for wireless technologies: "The present study clearly explained the physiological and biochemical basis of adverse effects of electromagnetic radiation and is a warning for the judicious use of mobile phones." [1]
   These researchers also referenced studies showing microwave damage to other types of insects, especially honey bees. They explained the Blue Zone: "According to U.S. regulations, a particular area located at a 200 meter diameter around a base station [cell tower] is called the blue zone, which is avoided by most insects and birds."


   Wireless radiation is slow-kill.  But as with insects, humans grow incrementally sick and impaired from Wi-devices and from the environmental antennas needed to make those devices communicate through air interface. No one can estimate the actual toll of chronic exposure to this insidious carcinogen and neurotoxin. Clueless human victims suffer silently and alone, then disappear off the radar. While it is feasible to provide safe and efficient fiber connectivity to every person who wants it, we read that Verizon has historically diverted $billions of U.S. federal funding set aside for fiber systems in order to keep the uninformed masses hooked on lucrative wireless technologies.  [2]

Kids and Radiation Math
Living in the United States are about 73 million people under the age of eighteen. Multi-millions of them are Glow Kids, heavily addicted to mesmerizing small screens for incessant entertainment. In March 2018, an external panel of scientists met at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) to recommend that the NTP cell phone studies, completed by the National Institutes of Health (2016), be acknowledged as "clear evidence of carcinogenic activity." These scientists agreed that NTP studies prove cell phone radiation can cause "brain damage" plus "cardiomyopathy or damage to heart tissues."  [3] Yet, most parents still have no idea that a wireless device in the hands of a child is a coupon for heart problems, emotional imbalance and a five-fold additional risk for future malignancy. [4]
   Because the latest science confirms the inadequacy of the FCC's existing Wi-radiation exposure limits, placing a wireless device in the hands of young children equals child endangerment and child abuse, defined by federal law as:  an act on the part of a parent or caretaker which presents risk of serious physical harm. 
  Award-winning Australian brain cancer surgeon Dr. Vini Khurana warns: "There is currently enough evidence and technology available to warrant Industry and Government alike in taking immediate steps to reduce radiation and to make consumers clearly aware of potential dangers and how to use this technology sensibly and safely….It is anticipated that this danger has far broader public health ramifications than asbestos and smoking, and directly concerns all of us, particularly the younger generation, including very young children."  [5]

 Click on the picture below to see how the Wireless Radiation Industry
has taken possession of children, BODY AND SOUL!
  It is legal in the U.S. for a kid holding a transceiving smart device to slam 430 volts per meter
of a confirmed human carcinogen into his hand, arm and gut organs!
   The scientific benchmark for harm to human health begins at .01 volt of microwave energy per meter with a precautionary level for vulnerable populations at .03 volts per meter! [6]

   Personal devices, including smart phones and tablets, are regulated by limits on Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) which is given in watts per kilogram (W/kg). A kilogram equals about 2.2 pounds of body weight. SAR is the estimated amount of radiation absorbed by the body.
  The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) permits a SAR limit for human brain absorption at 1.6 W/Kg. This equates to approximately 270 volts per meter.
However, FCC's SAR limit for hand, wrist and ear exposure is 4 W/Kg. This equates to 50 milliwatts/cm2 or approximately 430 watts per meter. 

These thermal-based SAR exposure limits are outdated and deadly! They are a product of consumer ignorance and corporate greed.
  The French government announced in 2017 that nine of ten smart mobile devices tested greatly exceeded both U.S. and European SAR emissions standards. Popular brands of cell/smart phones, including Apple, Motorola, Samsung and Nokia, were found to emit up to nine times the amount of radiation reported by the manufacturers. [7]  Take for example iPhone 5. French testing showed that this model, held directly on the body, emitted a screaming 10.64 watts per kilogram of flesh, whereas the FCC's upper limit guideline for wireless phone exposure to the brain is 1.6 watts per kilogram.
 NTP scientists irradiated rats into cancer plus brain and heart damage 
 with microwave exposures between 1.5 to 6 W/kg,
far below the 10.64 W/kg exposure documented for iPhone 5. [8]
   Later in 2020, iPhone 11 was found to exceed the FCC safety standard by over 100 percent [9] In late 2023, the French government banned the sale of iPhone 12 when routine testing showed that this model emits radiation levels that are 40 percent above permissible levels when next to a human body[10]
  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the captured agency which "regulates" wireless devices in the U.S., has done nothing to investigate recurrent radiation overexposure problems.  Since the Wi-industry in the U.S. is exempt from proper regulatory oversight, and since it suffers neither fines nor penalties for ignoring so-called safety guidelines, this lethal trend will undoubtedly continue.
  Consumers have no way to test SAR values on their own. 
Who knows what SAR levels are emitted by iPhone 16
and by other Wi-devices being sold by the millions?
The Diabetes Connection
Not all smokers get cancer from heavy tobacco use. Millions suffer instead from a long list of tobacco-related conditions, including: emphysema, COPD, heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis and stroke. Not every asbestos victim gets cancer. Many suffer instead from asbestosis (slow suffocation) or painful pleural disease. Not all Wi-radiation victims will get cancer. Many do and will succumb to numerous other microwave-induced pathologies, including neurological ailments and heart diseases. Countless others are prone to radiation-induced hormonal and metabolic malfunction leading to diabetes.
  Human glands are particularly sensitive to radiation, both ionizing and non-ionizing. There is extensive research showing that microwave radiation blasts both the endocrine and exocrine systems into absolute chaos. [11]
  In 2004, medical researchers published a paper on the effects of frequency microsurges (dirty electricity in the kilohertz range) on human pancreatic health. This paper states: "Based on our studies we would like to suggest that, in addition to Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, there is a Type 3 diabetes that may be attributed to poor power quality. This form of pollution may be contributing to the rapid growth of this disease and affecting the large number of people who have difficulty controlling their blood sugar with medication [brittle diabetics] and the increasing number who are classified as “pre-diabetic” according to the American Diabetes Association." [12] Wi-technologies highly contaminate the nation's electrical grid systems and are a major source of the dirty electricity linked to diabetes and its complications.
  In 2013, a study published in the medical journal Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology showed that rats exposed to Wi-Fi for only one hour per day for 22 days developed a diabetes-like status: “Indeed, RF radiation induced glucose metabolism disorders.… The disorders in glucose metabolic could be explained by alteration in function, structure, and/or secretion of insulin after RF exposure.… Furthermore, RF radiation could affect the glucose uptake by peripheral tissues.” In addition, the Wi-tortured rats in that study developed gross liver abnormalities, including hypertrophied (enlarged) liver cells and hepatic lesions. [13]
  The pancreatic and liver abnormalities cited in the above Wi-Fi study were induced by microwave-generating equipment commonly used to create Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) in "business-class environments" across the USA. The study states: “The animal cages were placed under an access point (AP) from a Wi-Fi device, D-Link DWL-3200AP with 802.11g mode and WPA2 network protection. It integrated two omnidirectional antennas that were set up for Internet broadcast via wireless at 2.45 GHz."[14]
  This is the same Wi-Fi radiation that now slams through our DNA as high-frequency voltage wherever we go in the commercial world. "Robust" Wi-Fi propagation equipment, similar to that used against rats in the above referenced study, is found in most commercial complexes across America: corporations, airports, hotels, convention centers, universities, shopping malls, sports arenas and medical facilities. Dual band Wi-Fi propagating both 2.45 and 5 gigahertz simultaneously is especially impactful. Most Americans are exposed to multiple channel frequencies of Wi-Fi 8760 hours per year: at home, at work, at school, at play and on the way. Public and private transportation is riddled with Wi-Fi. Meantime, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website says this:
♦  37 million Americans have diabetes, although one in five of them have not yet been diagnosed.
♦  If current trends continue, one of three U.S. adults will have diabetes by 2050. [15]
  Edward Gregg,  who was at the time chief of a diabetes epidemiology and statistics branch at the CDC, was lead researcher of a federal study which prognosticates that the lifetime risk of Type 2 diabetes is 40% for all Americans born after the year 2000. Gregg said of this study published in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology: "We weren't necessarily surprised that it increased, but we didn't expect it to increase this much....Forty percent is a humbling number." [16]
  No one argues that diabetes is epidemic in Wi-America. Americans born after 2000 have twice the risk for developing diabetes, compared to those born before the year 2000 when environmental Wi-radiation was comparatively minimal. As Wi-carcinogen continues to increase with 5G and 6G acceleration,  diabetes and its complications will continue to skyrocket, along with the dementia, heart disease and stroke generated by diabetes.
  Meantime, with the enthusiastic approval of U.S. regulators (FCC and FDA), medical technologists endorse diabetes-promoting radiation for blood sugar monitoring and insulin dosing technologies. On-the-body blood sugar sensors emit Bluetooth radiation [2.45 gigahertz] in order to interact with smart phones,  generally carried somewhere on the body for instant access.
  This paraphernalia subjects the internal organs of a diabetic to continuous currents of microwave voltage from multiple sources. Microwave detectors confirm that carcinogenic radiation engulfing a diabetic wearing wireless sensors can be very high, even maxing out meter capacity in some cases. It is also common for pregnant diabetic women to be encumbered with Bluetooth systems that expose the fetus to bio-active Wi-frequencies proven to endanger fetal DNA.

The Smart Meter Debacle
Billions of federal dollars have been used to encourage utility companies to replace safer analog utility (electric, gas, water) meters with wireless smart meters. Smart meters broadcast microwave signals in both cell phone frequencies (900 megahertz) and Wi-Fi frequencies (2.45 gigahertz). A large percentage of smart meters pollute both indoor and outdoor environments with thousands of high-frequency pulses per day-- right at ground level where people live, work and play. Smart meters also contaminate the electrical grid systems with both microwave radiation and kilohertz frequencies (dirty electricity), which are intrinsic to Wi-radiation pulses.

 The smart meter build-out continues nationwide, despite massive public testimony that Wi-radiation from the meters causes acute sickness and debilitating neurological symptoms for many sufferers. Smart meter mesh systems require countless microwave tower and pole antennas which further Wi-pollute cities and rural areas.

  “Smart appliances” irradiate homes with yet more Wi-Fi radiation as they broadcast usage data to meters, to smart phones and to the Internet. British scientist Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy, a foremost expert on the health effects of microwave radiation, has explained:
"The duration of the radiation seems to be more important than its strength, with the effects being cumulative as more and more cells are damaged. Interestingly, DNA damage from cell phone radiation is greater when the exposure is intermittent (five minutes on, ten minutes off) than when continuous (Diem et al., 2005). This may be because the cells are constantly adapting and using energy to defend themselves; they drop their guard during the off period and are caught unawares when it goes on again. This constant switching uses more energy which eventually leaves the cells less able to counteract the effects of the radiation….Smart meters, which operate 24/7 and radiate modulated microwaves intermittently, can therefore be expected to be particularly harmful to DNA.” [17]
   Studies, conducted by two different research groups, reveal information on the  public health ramifications of wireless electric meter exposure. One survey was completed in the USA and the other in Australia. [18] The symptoms of sickness and impairment run parallel in both studies, confirming copious medical research proving that chronically microwaved people are sick. 
  While utility companies rave about the economic benefits of wireless utility monitoring, the two studies confirm that "smartized" consumers are doomed to pay for the corporate "benefits" with: the loss of ability to sleep, the impairment of brain function, the radical loss of immunity and gradual degradation of cardiovascular health.
About half of the people polled in each of two studies reported sleep problems, insomnia, sleep disturbances, weakness and fatigue. Medical experts agree that sleep disruption and deprivation is the path to a multitude of chronic illnesses,  including cancer.
Another striking parallel between the two studies is reported neurological impairments including: headaches, cognitive difficulties, memory loss, inability to concentrate and learning problems
A third parallel is cardiac symptoms including palpitations, arrhythmia and heart pain.  
   The two studies cover only short-term exposure symptoms, but future research on long-term smart meter exposure would yield additional data on more horrors, especially: increased rates of cancer, heart dysfunction, diabetes, stroke and numerous dementia brain diseases.  
   Below is a YouTube video of a person in California walking through a typical KILL ZONE with his microwave meter as he approaches a smart meter mounted near a sidewalk. Similar to a Geiger counter for nuclear radiation, this RF/microwave detector renders Wi-pollution audible. The detector confirms that "California Dreaming" has become "California Screaming." We can hear the background cell tower radiation (the high, brittle, unrelenting whine) plus smart meter radiation (intense buzzing and clicking). We can watch how the collective power density of Wi-voltage charging the air fluctuates continuously. This is the microwave VOLTAGE OF CANCER which has transformed American cities, towns and villages into electronic death camps. This is the RF/microwave "soup" which flows as relentless electromagnetic currents through all flesh and which jackhammers cellular DNA at millions or billions of times per second.
  Rendered helpless by irresistible Wi-addiction and hypnotized by ferocious dependence upon Wi-devices, the masses remain silent and submissive in a carcinogenic environment they cannot comprehend. Adolph Hitler's Final Solution was dirty, noisy, labor intensive and widely resisted. By comparison, today's Wi-genocide is subtle and sophisticated. Never before have humans been so cleverly induced to slowly exterminate themselves-- and happily pay big money for the privilege.
 For information and updates on the smart meter debacle use USE THIS LINK

A Superior Source of Wi-Research
The BioInitiative Report with several updates is the independent work of 29 medical researchers and public health specialists from ten nations. It offers a comprehensive synopsis of over 1800 recent medical and scientific studies confirming that microwave radiation can inflict adverse biological effects on every form and function of the human body. The BioInitiative Report calls RF/microwave radiation emitted by Wi-technologies “a very efficient cancer-causing agent.” [19] The BioInitiative Working Group agrees that radiofrequency radiation used for Wi-technologies should be officially classified as a "known carcinogen."

  These important facts are documented by the BioInitiative Report:
Microwave radiation can instigate and accelerate cancers through numerous mechanisms of subtle cellular damage and hormonal disruption.
Microwave radiation is mutagenic and teratogenic, and therefore very dangerous to pregnant women, ova, sperm, embryos, fetuses and newborns.
  The risks of cancer from both environmental Wi-antennas and personal Wi-devices, are these:
The higher the cumulative hours of exposure, the higher the risk.
The more years of exposure, the higher the risk.
The higher the radiated power from Wi-antennas, the higher the risk.

The longer a single area of the body is exposed, the higher the risk.

The younger a person at first exposure, the higher the risk. [20]
 The BioInitiative Report with updates through 2022 provides massive documentation. The easiest way to absorb a good overview of the entire scientific report is to access the TABLE OF CONTENTS

 The Ruling Wi-Mafia
The Wireless Radiation Industry is a reincarnation of Big Tobacco. It  operates in the shadows to profit from carcinogenic antenna systems and devices with virtually no liability. The industry has by-passed adequate pre-market testing of its on-the-body products by arguing that non-thermal and low powered exposure could not possibly produce negative effects. The industry ignores thousands of published studies showing grave Wi-hazards to human and animal health, sticking rigidly to its disingenuous dogma of zero risk.

  The Wireless Radiation Industry has a long and illustrious history of deceiving the public about the dangers of wireless devices and about the devastating effects of environmental pollution necessary to make them functional. CTIA--the Wireless Association prevaricates: “The overwhelming majority of research studies that have been published in scientific journals around the globe show that wireless phones do not pose a health risk.” [21]
  The late radio engineer Robert C. Kane, author of Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette, presented massive documentation proving that the Wi-radiation industry knows very well, from decades of medical and mechanical studies, that its lucrative Wi-technologies are indeed deadly: “By keeping the findings uncollected and dissembled, the financially interested parties can continue business as usual….[Evidence of harm] has been neglected or buried by an industry that will place its absolute need to sell products above the health and well-being of its customers. The practice of producing such products can only be viewed as predatory. Never in human history has there been such a practice as we now encounter with the marketing and distribution of products hostile to the human biological system by an industry with foreknowledge of these effects.” [22] Before writing his expose, Robert C. Kane had long worked for Motorola to research and develop mobile phone technologies. He passed away from brain cancer.
Wi-Mafia's Watchdogs
Congress has awarded the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), comprised of five political appointees, sole authority to regulate public exposure to dangerous communications and broadcast radiation. In the 1970s, the FCC "married" Motorola (now a Communist Chinese company) when engineers and commercial interests, ignoring medical and scientific data, hatched unsafe wireless technologies. Today the FCC rakes in $billions by selling RF/microwave spectrum to radiation profiteers, a gross conflict of interest. In addition, the Wireless Radiation industry has long maintained iron-fisted political and ideological control of FCC political appointees and therefore always "regulates" itself.
  Whenever challenged, the Wi-industry claims that its addictive products and services comply with FCC regulations. But FCC's antiquated standards for public exposure to RF/microwave radiation were developed decades ago by military-industrial interests. Phone exposure standards are based on conjectured thermal  effects on large, healthy adult males exposed to microwave radiation for only a few minutes. These ancient safety guidelines are not germane to new, powerful Wi-devices, such as tablets embedded with multiple antennas and used by kids for hours each day.  Nor do the guidelines acknowledge the proven non-thermal effects of Wi-radiation: severe DNA damage, oxidative stress to cell membranes, blood-brain barrier breakdown and myelin damage to the central nervous system.
   Likewise, unrealistic exposure standards do not protect the public health from huge antenna farms in populated areas because the standards do not address the long-term biological effects of chronic exposure for fetuses, children and the immunologically frail who are forcibly irradiated 24/7 at close range with numerous microwave frequencies simultaneously.
  Scientists who compiled studies for the BioInitiative Report urgently recommend that the FCC’s antiquated public exposure limits be updated to reduce public exposure by hundreds fold. In 2012, the General Accounting Office (GAO) instructed FCC to reassess its RF exposure limits and also its mobile phone testing requirements to reflect the latest research regarding cell phones held against the body. [23]
   In early 2014, hundreds of individuals, organizations, government agencies and medical experts submitted written requests to the FCC, demanding an update for federal regulations regarding public exposure to both cell tower and cell phone radiation. In 2016, experts wrote to the FCC and FDA with evidence that 75% of the mobile phones on the market exceed obsolete and dangerous standards. But FCC is a bureaucratic dictatorship beyond accountability. It thumbed its nose at GAO's safety recommendations and it routinely ignores all public comment. With Wi-industry reps always at the helm, the FCC's obsolete RF/microwave exposure limits remain as deadly as ever.
   In 2015, the Edmund J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University produced a comprehensive expose on how the Wi-mafia captured the FCC for its own corrupt and lucrative purposes.  READ THE SUMMARY HERE
  The corruption of capture explains why in 2019, as the 5G hullabaloo was building to frenzy, the five FCC commissioners excreted a newly-crafted federal plan that brazenly elevates Wi-danger for millions of Americans. They announced that they could find no valid scientific reasons to undertake re-evaluation of FCC's dangerous 1996 RF exposure standards. They noted that this decision was partially based upon advice of the [compromised and scandal-ridden] Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which concurs with the Wi-industry that "the weight of scientific evidence has not linked cell phones with any health problems." [24]
  FCC's Big Five also concluded that the avalanche of new scientific data submitted to FCC by concerned parties  "failed to make a persuasive case" for any reduction of public exposure to Wi-devices and environmental antennas, a mindset seconded by the FDA which states that  "the  current safety limits for cell phones are acceptable for protecting the public health."
   In 2019 the FCC announced its recommendation that since portable wireless devices are being developed for 5G services that include the hyper-energetic millimeter wave bands, public exposure limits should now be quadrupled for certain frequencies so that 5G technologies can remain compliant. For many years the maximum public exposure (MPE) limit was set at 1000 uW (I watt) per each square centimeter (about a quarter inch square) of human flesh for a time period of only 30 minutes. The new FCC rule now allows Wi-profiteers to sandblast each cm2 of human flesh with an MPE of four watts (4000 u/W cm2) in the hyper-violent, DNA-busting frequencies of 6 billion hertz to 3 trillion hertz. No exposure time limit is specified in the new rule. [25]
   And so we watch a criminal regulatory syndicate turn up the "heat" against a cognitively-challenged population that can neither comprehend what is happening, nor mount a defense. Until the FCC's life-and-death power is challenged and brought to heel, the USA will remain in bondage to these ruthless regulators who fornicate with a cunning radiation industry that grows more brazenly genocidal with each passing year.
Student Abuse Called Education
The entire American education system has become an engine of carcinogenic Wi-pollution. From kindergartens to college campuses, educational arenas are microwave cesspools. Outdoor school environments are also badly affected, not only from on-campus Wi-Fi antennas, but also from cell towers and rooftop antennas strategically located near academic centers. Microwave antennas inflict cumulative biological damage equivalent to both X-ray and UV radiation. Given the science, American schools have become death camps where inmates are conditioned to worship wireless technologies, lobotomized by small screens and bombarded with radiation that can damage sperm/egg and induce pregnancy termination.
  Chronic microwave exposure is extremely dangerous to human eyes. [26] Because microwaves efficiently produce lenticular opacities, many Wi-irradiated school students are destined to develop vision problems, including cataracts, years earlier than previous generations. Metal absorbs and re-radiates microwave radiation, creating hotspots. Any closed metal loop within a current develops a voltage of its own. Kids who wear metal reading glasses in Wi-environments are at special risk for insidious and incremental eye damage, which manifests after a latency period. [27]
   What good is public education if students are not taught the scientific realities about wireless systems and devices that denigrate their health, endanger their future offspring and afflict their civilization with disease, disability, deformity and premature death? School officials and parents who condone exposing young bodies and developing brains to microwave radiation are absolutely abusive because:

Young bodies absorb more microwave radiation than adult bodies. [28]

Microwaves clump (agglutinate) blood cells, degrading circulation and heart function. [29]

Microwaves open the blood-brain barrier, allowing toxins and pathogens to enter brain neurons. [30]

Microwaves impair memory, concentration and other cognitive skills. [31]

Microwaves disrupt sleep cycle hormones, leading to day-time exhaustion.

Microwaves incite mood swings and aberrant behavior.

Seeking Wellness With Death Rays
The American medical community and public health agencies are muzzled by federal policy which promotes Wi-technologies as a priority. Medical schools provide no training on the symptoms of acute Wi-sickness, which in vulnerable individuals, can manifest as life-threatening incidents, including heart attacks and strokes. [34] Nor are doctors trained to address the nationwide epidemic of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) which affects many people chronically exposed to Wi-radiation overload. [35] Medical centers, dental offices, eye clinics and care homes are now saturated with carcinogenic, DNA-busting radiation thanks to federal legislation which has spawned rigid electronic requirements and overuse of wireless technologies within U.S. health care sectors.

  Before the Microwave Age, the American medical establishment provided excellent service and medical advancement in a relatively healthy environment. Today, powerful IT data systems, interconnected with Wi-medical and Wi-security technologies, bombard the sick, the elderly, the pregnant and the newly-born with energy documented to be: carcinogenic, teratogenic, neurotoxic, cardiotoxic, endocrine-disruptive and immuno-depressive. Ironically, people who sicken from our grossly toxic Wi-environment are now forced to enter medical establishments spewing the very poison that forces them to seek medical help.
  Lives depend upon medical providers who must be capable of complex cognitive abilities and refined motor skills. Yet numerous studies show that human motor skills, memory and alertness become highly impaired in microwaved environments. Researchers have demonstrated that drivers using cell phones suffer the same poor concentration and reaction time as alcoholic drunks. [36]
  Nevertheless, medical practitioners and their staffs routinely use wireless phones, tablets, computers and body radios, infusing themselves for hours at a time with wave pollution that exhausts and confuses the nervous system. Medical professionals routinely look tired, sickly and pallid these days, with many suffering from obesity thanks to chronic radiation exposure that disrupts their endocrine and exocrine hormones.

  Cindy Sage, co-editor of the BioInitiative Report, says of Wi-polluted medical establishments across the USA: "The short term effect [of wireless radiation] on memory, cognition, concentration and focus of health care workers is reducing their ability to do their job. They are endangering their patients' health and welfare, healing and treatment by being so groggy....Their mental function is diminished and impaired by chronic exposure to very low levels of wireless --and I'm talking a tenth of a microwatt per centimeter squared, 100th of a microwatt per centimeter squared, maybe even a nanowatt per centimeter squared-- and these hospital environments are reaching much higher levels throughout. They are saturated with wireless radio frequency exposure that we know are related to problems of cognition and memory and concentration."[37]
  Chronic irradiation plus a stressful work environment increases the risk of mental illness, including depression. By 1971, the U.S. Office of Naval Research had organized a collection of research showing that non-thermal microwave radiation induces four categories of aberrant behavioral changes and 17 categories of psychological disorders.  [38] Doctor suicide in the U.S. is reported at over twice that of the general population. One study concluded that female nurses are 23% more likely to commit suicide than women in general. [39]

 Always On Our Way to Sickness
Public transportation is now excessively Wi-toxic for everyone. Airport terminals and ground transportation depots are microwave/millimeter wave sewers. Within the resonant metallic cavities of cars, buses, trains and planes, numerous transceiving wireless devices propagate carcinogenic radiation far more pernicious and invasive than second-hand tobacco smoke. Captives stuck for hours in these venues are at risk for radiation damage to hearing, eyesight and brain function as numerous environmental frequencies couple with the flesh to create hotspots in various tissues and organs.
  Wi-Fi antenna systems and multiple personal devices emitting nearfield radiation within a metallic fuselage, expose all passengers to amplified frequencies of wave carcinogen. A Japanese scientific paper on microwave intensity by reflection states: "The affect of reflection is NOT negligible....Microwave reflections  must be considered in risk assessments of electromagnetic exposures in everyday life....Passive [reflective] exposure is likely enhanced includes buses, trains, taxis and airplanes." This report confirms that microwaves reflecting off of metal boundaries can create hotspots that intensify radiation bombardment up to 2000 percent! [40]
   A good audio microwave detector literally SCREAMS in response to the dense fog of high-frequency radiation reverberating inside of an aircraft cabin. No radiation hazards signs are posted while passengers confined to cubicles next to Wi-Fi access points are most highly affected. This brain-bending environment could well explain the huge uptick in passenger violence and abnormal behavior that currently plagues the airline industry.
 The link below provides a good visual of the VOLTAGE OF CANCER that permeates the interior of a packed commercial airliner. This dosimeter chart show how cell phone signals (red and green plus Wi-Fi pollution (purple) combine to create a super-hot environment from which there is no escape. The left hand metric shows the volts per meter (signal strength) of each carcinogenic spike of energy impacting human eyesight, hearing and brain function throughout the flight. So don't be amazed if you feel and act like a microwaved cockroach when you leave the plane after a "hot" flight.
  Wireless pollution on passenger planes has documented potential to disable or even kill during flight. Inescapable wireless irradiation can trigger brain edemas, blood pressure abnormalities, heart attacks, strokes and embolism in susceptible persons, especially at high altitudes where oxygen is deficient.
   German doctors have summarized the myriad organic disasters that occur within the irradiated bodies and brains of  both passengers and flight personnel during a “Wi-hot” flight. These effects include: abnormal EEG changes in brain waves, opening of the blood-brain barrier to toxins (especially likely at high altitudes), clumping of red blood cells (deprives brain cells of oxygen), headaches, drowsiness, vertigo, nausea, a slowing of neuromuscular responses and a doubling of reaction time. Wi-irradiated people are notoriously sleep-deprived and hormone disrupted. [41] Here again, countless lives depend upon altered cognitive abilities of heavily-irradiated flight crews. The super-energetic  millimeter wave radiation of 5G is even more bio-dangerous.

Hop In For Another Radiation Treatment
Turn on the ignition in a newer consumer vehicle and your "radiation treatment" automatically begins. The use of wireless devices, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi inside the metallic-resonant cavity of a vehicle creates an exceptionally hazardous environment. Numerous studies show that drivers under the influence of near-field microwave radiation suffer profound cognitive and motor impairment. [42]  Sane persons who wish to avoid accidents, DNA damage, tumors, immune deficiencies, infertility and the possibility of disastrous pregnancy outcomes should be mindful of the hazards of in-vehicle Wi-pollution. All personal devices and built-in microwave signal generators available for frivolous entertainment should be deactivated within vehicles. This requires informed effort and ingenuity, but it can be done to some extent.
  The OEM navigation systems in newer vehicles have metastasized into integrated infotainment networks that handle numerous communication, entertainment and navigation capabilities through wireless interface. These systems feature one or more touch screens distracting to drivers. Many car manufacturers allow each of several passengers in the car to connect to the Internet with his own wireless device simultaneously with other users. Car-mounted antennas pass the wireless signals to and from cell towers. Wireless vehicle systems are advertised to operate at such high power densities that car occupants can reportedly transport their mobile devices up to 50 feet from a parked vehicle and still maintain connectivity.
   Bluetooth technology built into vehicles enables hands-free Wi-phone usage but adds additional radiation to cellular phone pollution within the resonant metal cavity of the vehicle interior. Bluetooth operates at 2.45 gigahertz, the same frequency as most Wi-Fi systems. Turn on a good audio RF/microwave meter inside an auto equipped with transceiving Bluetooth and OEM Wi-Fi systems and you will be shocked at the intensity of the carcinogenic voltage measured. The bodies of humans trapped inside this metal cage become flesh antennas. Ditto for people outside of the vehicle who are within range of the wave corona surrounding the metal frame of a "smart" car.  Days are numbered for the unfortunate ignorant who install cell signal boosters in their vehicles. Audio microwave meters reveal that boosters increase carcinogenic signals to the power density of radiation fog horns.
   Vehicular connectivity is all about more profit for Wi-racketeers. Gigabyte hogs are charged a bundle for OEM airtime and services.  A report produced by the office of Senator Edward Markey (D-Mass) said this: "Vehicles are becoming more connected through electronic systems like navigation, infotainment and safety monitoring tools. The proliferation of these technologies raises concerns about the ability of hackers to gain access and control to the essential functions and features of those cars and for others to utilize information on drivers' habits for commercial purposes without the drivers' knowledge or consent....Nearly 100% of cars on the market include wireless technologies that could pose vulnerabilities to hacking or privacy intrusions."  [43]
Radar Roulette
Advanced  Driver Assist Systems (ADAS) are among the most biologically-hostile weapons yet developed in the Microwave Age. Since 2022, most new consumer and commercial vehicles sold in the U.S. have been shooting powerful submillimeter and millimeter wave radiation --over a maximum distance of hundreds of meters-- into the brains and bodies of: drivers, passengers, pedestrians, bike riders, auto mechanics, and people within windowed buildings along roadways. This ubiquitous, in-your-face carcinogen is delivered as pulse-Doppler and continuous wave signals. [44]
 These are currently the main frequency ranges beaming from vehicle radar:
Submillimeter waves: 21.65-26.65 gigahertz  
Millimeter waves: 77-81 gigahertz  [45]
    As long as an ADAS vehicle has its ignition turned on, powerful antennas are blasting these frequencies from all sides into vehicles and humans within range. Some antennas even continue beaming for a while after the engine is turned off. Because the radar waves bounce energetically in all directions, they certainly engulf all people trapped within irradiating vehicles.
   Pulse-Dopler radar using a single antenna to send and receive, requires high peak transmit power to detect targets over long distances. The continuous-wave systems use separate antennas to send and receive frequency modulated (FM) radio signals that increase in frequency over the time of the sweep.
  The high frequencies of ADAS radar systems cannot be heard on most consumer audio microwave meters. Although radar detectors that render audible law enforcement radar are generally configured to ignore ADAS systems, a few models will play certain ADAS signals as they slam through window glass. Are you pleased to know whenever you are trapped in stationary lineups or moving traffic, numerous ADAS systems surrounding you can vibrate your cell membranes and  DNA at up to 81 billion microshocks per second?   No one asked you if you want that kind of molecular abuse. Car makers and federal regulators have boldly made the decision for you. 
  Since WWII, medical literature has described radar damage to the eyes, the cardiovascular system and the skin. [46] Recent scientific research on 5G millimeter wave radiation has documented the following dangerous bio-effects: DNA destruction, interference with gene replication, a decrease in learning capacity/memory, effects on cellular growth, skin inflammation and acute eye damage. [47]  As with all microwave and millimeter wave toxicity, the health problems suffered by ADAS-exposed humans will be commensurate with the duration of exposure. 

  How To Catch Every Bug
Any technology that disarms the human immune system is undeniably a weapon of mass destruction. What HIV-AIDS does well, microwave/millimeter wave radiation does even better. While HIV-AIDS gradually subverts and disables human immune cells, megahertz and gigahertz frequencies quickly kill human immune cells--dead!
 Adding to an already huge international database showing that microwave radiation radically disrupts human immunity, medical researchers recently demonstrated that cell phone radiation efficiently destroys peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in human blood. These protective cells are critical to health and viability of the human body.

  Seen above is an electron microscope image of normal circulating human blood. This picture shows red blood cells and several types of white blood cells, including the type of PBMCs known as lymphocytes. Lymphocytes include the incredibly important T-cells and B-cells which are imperative for fighting infection and for protecting against allergic reactions to foreign materials in a highly-polluted world. PBMCs provide crucial protection against neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's) and they also protect against aging.

  In 2013, a team of medical scientists exposed human blood to microwave radiation propagated at a frequency of 900 megahertz, a wave energy which whipsaws the polarity of human DNA 900 million times per second. This is one of the frequencies used by federal scientists to induce horrendous cancers in test rats per the NTP cell phone study. This is the frequency which millions of Wi-users have been blasting into their brains, eyes and thyroid glands for decades. The 800-900 megahertz spectrum is blasting from smart meters polluting millions of American homes. In other words, 900 megahertz is a frequency realm to which everyone in the USA has been heavily exposed.
  In this study, the scientists punished human blood cells with 900 MHz at only two-thirds of the microwave power density allowed by the FCC and FDA for Wi-devices. These scientists then watched 37% of the PBMCs die during radiation exposures lasting two to eight hours: “….This is the so-called mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis (cell death) and has been demonstrated step by step by our experimental results. As described previously, the ROS activation was induced by DNA damage and the disturbance on protein and lipid conformation, suggesting that DNA, protein, and lipid probably are the targets of the GSM RF/EMF [900 megahertz cell phone] radiation on human PBMC. On the other hand, human PBMC seem to have a self-protection mechanism of releasing carotenoid in response to oxidative stress to inhibit the further increase of ROS (destructive free radicals). However, it cannot stop the process of cell death if the exposure continues.…We strongly ask for more concern on the possible hazardous health effects of exposure to the radiation of GSM RF/EMF emitted from the mobile phone relay stations or devices as it can cause 37% human PBMC death in eight hours.”[48]
   This is additional confirmation of how efficiently Wi-radiation destroys both human DNA and human immunity in a tiny space of time. More studies are needed to ascertain what actually happens to the blood immune cells of people chronically exposed to Wi-Fi and 5G radiation in the more energetic gigahertz range. If ubiquitous 900 million hertz literally obliterates 37 percent of human lymphocytes after only eight hours of exposure, is anyone curious as to what will become of human immunity as populations are additionally and continuously assaulted with the new millimeter wave technologies, all pulsing the flesh at mega-billions of cycles per second?
   While multi-frequency microwave radiation saturating the environment methodically disables the human immune system, there is growing evidence that it also enervates and strengthens various pathogens that cause severe sickness and death. Each year the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issues reports that document an alarming trend of antibiotic-resistant genes within "nightmare bacteria" across the United States. [49]
  Seen below is a stunning enlargement photo of E. coli, a common bacterium with numerous pathotypes that create toxins leading to serious, even deadly disease, including bloody diarrhea, gastroenteritis, urinary tract infections and neonatal meningitis. Several million people in the US are diagnosed with pathogenic E. coli each year thanks to improper food handling, contaminated water and person-to-person contact. Mobile phones are reportedly among the filthiest of objects, found by microbiologists to be covered with fecal matter and pathogens like E. coli and streptococcus. [50]

   Each year in the US, about 23,000 cases of E. coli are fatal [51] while there are numerous reports that this troublemaker is becoming increasingly antibiotic resistant. In 2017, a team of medical researchers studied the effects of cell phone and Wi-Fi radiation on E. coli and another dangerous pathogen called Listeria monocytogenes. They reported that exposure to the microwave radiation caused BOTH of these types of bacteria to become antibiotic resistant:
"Previous studies have shown that exposure of microorganisms to RF-EMFs can be associated with a wide spectrum of changes ranged from the modified bacterial growth to the alterations of the pattern of antibiotic resistance.....In this study...pure cultures of Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli were exposed to RF-EMFs generated either by a GSM 900 MHz mobile phone simulator and a common 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi router. It is also shown that exposure to RF-EMFs within a narrow level of irradiation (an exposure window) makes microorganisms resistant to antibiotics....This study showed that exposure to Wi-Fi and RF simulator radiation can significantly alter the inhibition zone diameters and growth rate for L monocytogenes and E. coli. These findings may have implications for the management of serious infectious diseases." [52]
  This information leaves us wondering how many other disease agents are being made treatment-resistant by the compulsory microwave radiation in which we all swim. How does wireless radiation affect common staph and strep germs, for example? Does this radiation make kids more vulnerable to childhood diseases? Why are federal agencies not doing research to answer these questions in light of urgent global warnings that super bugs are a growing threat around the world?

   Medical experts in Europe have labeled antibiotic resistance "as big a risk as terrorism" and experts prognosticate that pathogens, including fungus, that become immune to treatments will cause ten million deaths annually by 2050. [53] This comes at a time when few new antibiotics are being developed.

  This means that U.S. medical, dental and elder care facilities —infamous centers for disease dissemination— are now raging infernos of the very wireless radiation that can ramp up disease pathogens to resist treatment! The same is true of American public schools, flooded with high-frequency microwaves documented to deform human blood and efficiently destroy the immune cells  needs to fight infection. Swiss researchers have found that toxic molds also greatly flourish when stimulated by microwaves and other forms of man-made electromagnetic radiation. Exposing mold to these energies, they discovered that "not only the biotoxins in the culture had increased more than 600 fold, but also had increased to a more potent and virulent form of biotoxin." [54]
  Meantime, there is little information available on how super-energetic 5G millimeter wave radiation is now affecting human immunity. A group of German scientists reported in 2016 that existing research on how millimeter waves manipulate disease pathogens demonstrates that numerous frequencies in the high gigahertz range do affect E. Coli and many other types of bacteria "mainly affecting their growth and changing properties and activity. These effects were non-thermal and dependent on different factors....The consequences of MMW [millimeter wave] interaction with bacteria are the changes in their sensitivity to different biologically active chemicals, including antibiotics....These effects....might be leading to antibiotic resistance in bacteria." [55]
  The story of a contaminated salad sold at Costco is a sobering example of what the "right" microbe in the "right" body can accomplish among a population immuno-compromised by microwave radiation. Costco promotes and sells numerous wireless devices and systems, and like all retail centers in the U.S., Costco stores are saturated with carcinogenic wireless frequencies used for Wi-Fi and other radio services. Whether or not that situation has bearing upon this particular case, the fact remains that America's commercial and retail sectors are complicit in creating a toxic, high-frequency electromagnetic environment known to foster pathogens with the deadly potential described in this story: 

A Frenzied Race to the Chemo Place
Almost 17 million Americans with a history of cancer were alive in 2019. [56] A whopping 618,120 Americans will die of cancer diseases in 2025. [57]  Destruction of immunity fosters the development and progression of human cancers. [58]

   Cancer treatment can cost one million dollars or more per capita.[59] The bankrupt federal government already spends $200 million dollars per second while it grapples with over 36 trillion dollars of debt. [60] How, in the future, will America pay for UNIVERSAL CANCER resulting from the Wi-technologies so aggressively promoted across every sector of our society? Why is the U.S. government brazenly intent upon Wi-cancerizing the entire population? Why isn't Big Radiation required to forfeit a cancer tax on every microwave device sold, on every wireless connection provided to help subsidize the epidemic of benign and malignant Wi-tumors it is producing?
   In March 2014, Americans were informed: “Cancer will be the number one killer in the US by 2030, a new report from the American Society of Clinical Oncology says. The disease is projected to increase nearly 45 percent by that year, from 1.6 million cases to 2.3 million cases annually. The report particularly highlights the growing needs in the cancer care sector, saying that there will be a shortage of nearly 1,500 oncologists in about ten years….Cancer care is already in short supply in many rural communities in the US….Further, rising costs are forcing small and mid-sized practices across the country to close.”  [61]
Meantime, there is a concerted information blackout on the well-documented connection between Wi-technologies and America’s raging cancer epidemic. As gullible Wi-lovers continue to fall prey to endless new Wi-atrocities, they will wonder why they are so weak, so prone to infection, so forgetful, so obese, so diabetic, so cancer-ridden and dead so young.

  An endless array of new Wi-technologies are forthcoming, including: Wi-tricity (electricity generated by wireless magnetic fields), wearable wireless tracking devices and sensors, including authentication ID skin tags and even gut transmitters to be ingested as medicine.  Implantable microchips and injected robots now swarming in our blood are designed to make human bodies machine-readable, inside and out. Researchers at Stanford University recently discovered how to recharge data-spewing flesh implants designed to interface with numerous Wi-technologies. Driverless cars, robotics (AI) drone technologies and new balloon and satellite systems for wireless broadband are set to continue unlimited irradiation of the North American population.
  Do people really need zillions of new 5G millimeter wave antennas so that Wi-fanatics can instantly micro-manage their thermostats, dog collars, crock pots and solar panels by smart phone?  Do we need an iPhone app to flush the toilet? How can a wireless home security system truly protect people if it generates invasive radiation that produces dementia, tumors and leukemia? Are the amusements of a voice-controlled personal assistants such as Amazon Echo worth contaminating an entire building with the dual band VOLTAGE OF CANCER? Must toddlers Tik Tok and stream Netflix on Wi-devices everywhere they go?

  As our immune-compromised population grows incrementally weaker and more brain-impaired with each new Wi-advancement, additional medical and scientific evidence on Wi-toxicity will escalate dramatically. As with all other environmental carcinogens that have wreaked havoc in human history, survivors will one day be forced to face the fact that the Wireless Radiation Industry is hustling millions of people into:

a frenzied race to the chemo place!

Sadly, chemo offers only a 2-3 percent long-term survival rate! [62]
Most cancer victims who survive three to five years after diagnosis
suffer severely reduced quality of life when they develop secondary cancers
and other diseases from cytotoxic drug intervention or radiation.
Especially scary is combo chemo/radiation treatment. When an Arizona man died two days after his radioactive chemo, his ashes contaminated a crematorium which showed Geiger counter readings of
25,000 counts per minute. LINK

 5G Seals the Deal
Of course, cancer is only one of the devastating epidemics now plaguing the USA. There are many other categories of health deterioration irrefutably linked to the extreme microwave pollution of wireless technologies.
  Dr. Sharon Goldberg, M.D., a veteran doctor and professor of internal medicine, informed Michigan State senators about other raging public health disasters during her October 2018 testimony on the dangers of 5G:
"We've been sitting on the evidence for EMR [electromagnetic radiation] and chronic illness for decades. And now we are seeing all these epidemics appearing.....Diabetes is the first epidemic....Wireless radiation and other electromagnetic fields such as magnetic fields and dirty electricity have been clearly associated with elevated blood sugar and diabetes. That is what the peer review literature says. It is not opinion. The closer you live to a cell tower, the higher your blood glucose....That is based on hemoglobin A1C measurements. So the idea of putting the [5G] small cells closer to people's homes and bedrooms scientifically is very dangerous....The way you create a model of diabetes in rats in the lab is by exposing them to 2.45 gigahertz [Wi-Fi/Bluetooth frequency]....And this is not for long-term exposure."
  Dr. Goldberg continued: "The National Toxicology Program shows clear evidence of cardiomyopathy in that study. In other words, that's a precursor to congestive heart failure....Over half of the 2015 Medicare spending for beneficiaries age 65 and older was for those who had diagnoses of CKD [chronic kidney disease, the leading cause of which is diabetes], diabetes or heart failure....All of those three conditions...are linked with EMF exposures. It's very clear....The experts who don't work for Telecom and who are independent researchers, everyone comes to the same conclusion."
   She added:  "The other epidemics that clearly link from the science with electromagnetic radiation are related to mental health. And this is straight from Pub Med. This isn't my opinion. This is science.....We have deterioration of mental health in the United States. And if you look really at the science, what does it show? These epidemics are the suicide epidemic, violent crime, shootings and the opioid epidemic. "
  Concerning the costs to state and federal governments paying for these epidemics, Dr. Goldberg warned: "5G is not a conversation about whether or not these biological effects exist. They clearly do. 5G is a conversation about unsustainable health care expenditures....We need to examine our epidemics in the context of our electromagnetic exposures.....We need to start measuring how much radiation are people being exposed to, AND BEFORE WE ROLL OUT 5G!"  [63]

Alternatives to Death Rays
One day, surviving wise thinkers will demand safe technologies that retain the benefits of connectivity, but which also respect and protect the health and vital energy of all living things. Many nations are now actively investing in optical fiber-based Internet access available to every community and every person in the community. Fiber to the Home technology (FTTH), if used properly, can shield users of Internet, phone and TV against nearfield microwave radiation. Fiber networks are far faster and more secure against hacking and environmental disruptions than wireless systems could ever be. Only fiber systems have capacity to fully support the massive amount of video streaming that people now demand.
   Wireless systems across the USA already heavily depend on wired networks (fiber or copper). Even predators behind the 5G revolution are laying down new fiber to augment their upcoming millimeter wave technologies. Wired systems across America should be preserved, upgraded and expanded until fast-flowing voice and data can be delivered directly to the premises of each subscriber. In this way, the entire population can be efficiently connected and also protected against the carcinogenic wireless pollution in which we all broil today. Development of municipal and community fiber systems is expensive, but universal cancer, diabetes and cardiac disease is far more costly. When you have time to focus, CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW for a brilliant analytical paper that describes the way to a hard-wired, fiber optic approach to America's communications of the future.
   Find a short summation of this paper HERE
Find a brilliant paper on how to engineer less deadly cell phones HERE
   High tech expert Frank Clegg, past president of Microsoft Canada, founded the non-profit organization Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST). He says: "I have personally met too many people who are suffering from over-exposure to wireless radiation. Cancer isn’t the only risk....Bill Townsend, a former radio talk show host who now works at Humber College, was the father of a sick family....He conducted an Internet search and found information linking Wi-Fi to sudden onset chronic health problems including heart irregularity, headaches, nausea, poor sleep, as well as skin rashes and sinus swelling. Bill then realized there was a direct link between his family’s health decline and the installation of a Wi-Fi router in his house. He made a simple decision to turn off the Wi-Fi, and instead hardwired all computers in his home. His wife and son’s symptoms reversed so quickly that on the day before surgery their doctor gave them both a clean bill of health and cancelled both operations. Bill’s own symptoms also quickly disappeared....The tide is beginning to turn and in numbers our voices will be heard." [64]
   In fact, as with asbestos and tobacco, the voices of countless Wi-abused people will one day be heard in courtrooms all over the nation. U.S. rowing champion and brain cancer victim Bret Bocook had the top quarter of his brain removed after surgeons found a vast tumor exactly where he always held his cell phone. Bocook was able to tell reporters: "The only way you can educate the public against big business is through lawsuits. That was how they did it with smoking. It was not until the district attorneys in the United States got involved and sued the cigarette industry that they actually had a huge settlement and had to pay hundreds of millions of dollars for public education as to the danger of smoking. That's what is going to happen with cell phones. It's just unequivocal categorical that these things cause cancer." [65]
  The Wi-radiation industry itself is gearing up for the inevitable day of reckoning. Verizon, the second-largest U.S. telephone company behind AT&T in terms of revenue, has confessed: "Our wireless business also faces personal injury and consumer class action lawsuits relating to alleged health effects of wireless phones or radio frequency transmitters, and class action lawsuits that challenge marketing practices and disclosures relating to alleged health effects of handheld wireless phones. We may incur significant expenses in defending these lawsuits. In addition, we may be required to pay significant awards and settlements." [66]
  This outcome is inevitable because, as the BioInitiative Report states: "The deployment of new [wireless] technologies is running ahead of any reasonable estimation of possible health impacts and estimates of probabilities, let alone a solid assessment of risks. However, what has been missing with regard to EMF has been an acknowledgement of the risk that is demonstrated by scientific studies."
    So far, the Wi-radiation industry has moved heaven and earth to ensure that adequate health warning labels are not required on commercial Wi-devices and their packaging. Casting confusion and doubt is their game. Therefore, by deliberate design, most Americans remain clueless about the carcinogenic ramifications of microwaves flowing from wireless technologies. But when the floodgates finally open for individual and class action lawsuits, plaintiffs will one day win significant awards and settlements on the grounds that Wi-peddlers failed to inform consumers that Wi-devices are both physically and emotionally addictive and also efficiently carcinogenic and teratogenic.

  Some Final Thoughts
When? will people finally say: "Let's end Wi-sickness and Wi-cancer. Let's develop safe alternatives to weaponized Wi-technologies which-- for the sake of lavish corporate profits and trivial amusements-- are killing people, animals, plants and pollinating insects." When will humanity become sick enough to understand that mobile Internet and TV in the Pocket are not worth killing and dying for? When will the carcinogenic pollution of frivolous and amusing Wi-communications be shunned, like tobacco smoke, for health reasons?
  Who among us will survive the ongoing Wi-wars in which human health and genetic integrity are rapidly losing ground to the ruthless and self-serving TECHNO-BEAST? Who will be lucky enough to see the world return to normal, where all living creatures can thrive, free at last from universal and compulsory RF/microwave assault? When will educated humanity discover that optical fiber, copper and wired Ethernet systems are the most reliable and safest solution for Internet connectivity?
On a spiritual and intuitive level, can anyone "hear" this message?
Is life on our planet worth saving?
Can humans live a happy, prosperous life
without obsessive dependence on carcinogenic Wi-technologies?
  Can people overcome Wi-compulsion as gripping as heroin addiction?
 Can we convince 73 million children under the age of 18 that all entertainment
does not need to come from microwave antennas?
Is it possible to say "no" to the 5G Kool-Aid?
Do you have an inclination for self-preservation?
If so, can you share this information for a safer world?