While we cannot accomplish mass education by using baseball bats to raise lumps on stubborn heads, it is the radiation-induced lumps arising INSIDE of heads that must prompt acute awareness. Wi-addicted women, who refuse to hear reasonable scientific warnings about wireless hazards, will must definitely focus when it's time for a mastectomy.
Right now, the connection between ubiquitous microwave technologies and America's exploding national incidence of autism and other developmental disabilities are completely ignored in the mindless rush to all things wireless! Yet, the ever-increasing surge of damaged babies and children must materialize into a national priority. Leading experts such as Dr. Hugh S. Taylor M.D., at the Yale School of Medicine and Dr. Martha Herbert Ph.D., M.D., at Harvard have long warned that genetic mutations from wireless radiation have massive potential to destroy the young. SO WE NEED TO GET THE WORD OUT NOW!
The historical perspective of philosopher Max Planck reminds us how the Wireless Age will inevitably pan out: "A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents, rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." As with smokers, we can be sure that many Wi-addicts will ignore all warnings, suffer terribly and eventually perish from microwave-induced sickness. Yet, for the sake of innumerable worthy souls who remain deprived of information, let us continue to share scientific evidence, which we churn out with copy machines. Print and share these flyers with people who can benefit from the crucial documentation at Wi-cancer.Info.
PDF Flyers for the Love of Humanity