Amy Worthington: "The Wireless Revolution has unleashed a nationwide 'symphony' of wave frequencies, blazing from millions of antennas in the keys of heart damage, diabetes, brain dysfunction and cancer. This ferocious, nationwide tsunami of carcinogenic wave energy is akin to heavy metal chaos. When you listen with an audio detection device to high-frequency radiation in the air everywhere, you hear a cacophony of fierce buzzing and grinding tones, whining octaves and —from the giant macro towers— an eerie, high-pitched metallic screech that never ends. Wireless 'music' is a dreary and dissonant REQUIEM FOR THE MASSES."
Want to Survive the Wireless Age?
Listen to the Music!
The above image captures the Wi-industry's grand design for new, enhanced radiation weaponry to be inserted into "every nook and cranny" of the human environment. In the background is seen an industry technician with his ladder, preparing to mount 5G antenna equipment on a utility
strand along the right-of-way. This image was featured in 2020 by, a news portal funded by Wi-industry professionals and
vendors who profit from carcinogenic infrastructure that poisons cities, towns and most inhabited buildings across the USA. The industry is obviously proud to keep the world posted on its unrelenting progress towards the gradual termination of all living creatures (omnicide).

The above image of youthful cyborgs in Communist Vietnam illustrates the
global master plan devised for all of humanity. Youth everywhere are hypnotized by personal tracking devices through which central authority
can monitor and manipulate their every move, thought and emotion 24/7. Wi-tech is
designed to keep human livestock in a state of constant distraction,
reducing them to dull creatures who mainly eat, excrete and scroll the small
screen. Thus hyper-occupied, they never find a quiet space where
they might formulate their own thoughts or tap into their own creative
People who consider their connected device to be a bodily appendage consent to be a target of electronic stalking, like that used to monitor movement and location of people under house arrest. Smart devices allow snoopers and hackers to listen in on every remote activity and conversation, even when those devices appear to be turned off. Soon humans on this planet will neither buy
nor sell unless they capitulate to this global totalitarian surveillance system, unless they "worship" the "image that speaks" on a small screen. Entrained in early childhood to be radiation-addicted, global armies of young Wi-cultists live short, cancer-ridden lives riddled with discomfort and decay, having no understanding that the microwave and millimeter wave radiation in the air everywhere is a horrific and perpetual insult to their bodies and brains. Simply for lack of information, they will never comprehend the furtive forces that stampede them to extreme exhaustion, neurological illness, immune dysfunction, premature aging and mental imbalance.

The science is clear. The above team of experts from Seoul Medical University and UC Berkeley report that their meta-analysis of 46 case-control medical studies provides significant evidence linking wireless radiation to increased tumor risk and cancer acceleration, especially among people with cumulative exposure to that radiation for 1000 hours or more in their lifetime. [1] This certainly includes exposure to phones, iPads, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth systems used by most people for thousands of hours each year. Unfortunately, none of these studies, published in international journals between 1996 to 2015, describes the carnage of the new and more potent 5G millimeter wave frequencies being pumped through human bodies everywhere.
It may be decades before scientists can calculate exactly what the new C-band and hyper-energetic millimeter waves of 5G are inflicting upon humanity. But at least we have the benefit of numerous warnings regarding glioma brain cancer linked to older Wi-technologies. Glioma is an aggressive brain cancer that shoots out octopus tentacles, ensuring rapid demise. There are 12,000 new glioma cases diagnosed in the USA each year. The affliction kills 9000 people annually.
Yet, the masses are encouraged to believe that there are no alternatives to wireless technologies. They meekly endure chronic radiation assault
along with the nagging discomfort and disability that comes with chronic and acute Wi-exposure. Few know or care that unhackable landline phones, optical fiber Internet and wired computers provide the best of communications and security, while keeping buildings safe for human health.
The Wi-loving herd obviously believes that radiation technologies come first, human life last.
It seems that no amount of science or logic will convince them otherwise.
However, those who dare to differ with this "group-think"
must choose a different path in order to preserve and protect:
brain function
cardiovascular health
genetic integrity
The path to empowerment is achieving the ability to:
hear, measure and avoid/minimize personal exposure to environmental wave carcinogen that has been made compulsory by federal laws in both USA and Canada.
If people can't hear, see, smell or taste an environmental hazard, they don't "get it." The human auditory system is not designed to hear millions or billions of hertz (oscillations per second) screaming through the air as wireless electromagnetic currents. Therefore, non-ionizing microwave radiation blazing from America's millions of Wi-antennas is detectable only with reliable measuring equipment. Here are some great AUDIO TOOLS for those who realize that we cannot rely on Wi-profiteers and negligent government agencies to save our lives.

The newly updated Acoustimeter, designed in Europe, is a sturdy broadband instrument that measures the totality of Wi-radiation in the electromagnetic range of 200 million hertz (MHz) to 8 billion hertz (GHz). This is the range of frequencies deployed by most modern Wi-communication signals encountered in the everyday environment, including 5G frequencies in the low and mid bands (600 megahertz to about 4 gigahertz).
The battery-operated Acoustimeter is lightweight, easy to carry and use. It can "play" simultaneously numerous types of signals saturating a Wi-environment. This
helps us to determine, with a small amount of practice, which types of
signal generators are being heard: smart phone, cell tower, Wi-Fi, DECT
cordless phone, etc.
RF/Microwave power density readings are shown on the Acoustimeter with
two series of graduated LED lights showing both voltage and microwattage, important metrics used by the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) for exposure and emissions guidelines. The LEDs update rapidly, demonstrating how wireless radiation continually changes power density as it splinters human DNA into micronuclei, the forerunner of human cancers.
The Acoustimeter's voltage reading reveals how much voltage per meter is
flowing through a human body caught in a Wi-environment. The voltage measurement is important because cancer experts with the International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) confirm that carcinogenic Wi-voltage
couples with human bodies "resulting in induced electric and magnetic fields and associated currents inside tissues." A great alternative to the Acoustimeter is the Safe and Sound that allows us to hear radio wave and microwave frequencies between 200 MHz to 8 GHz, which includes 4G plus both the low and midband 5G frequencies. This is an excellent battery-powered AUDIO meter, easy to carry for digital alerts in wireless cesspools: school, work, play or on the way. This meter captures and records the highest power density spikes that are often overlooked during averaged exposures.
With the advent of 5G, the Wi-radiation industry is now freely "nuking" the population with 20-80 billion hertz in the submillimeter and millimeter wave range. Many Verizon 5G antennas are beaming 28 or 39 billion hertz, while new vehicles with driver assist systems are beaming radar signals between 20 to 80 billion hertz. The brand new Safe and Sound Pro MMWave audio meter seen below is newly available, allowing us to hear and measure the deadly environmental filth of the most common 5G frequencies propagated between 24-40 gigahertz. Reportedly, this meter can make audible some road radar signals which heavily irradiate both drivers and pedestrians.
waves are more violent than microwaves because they assault human DNA with many more microshocks per second. In addition to their other destructive attributes, millimeter waves rapidly disintegrate human eyes and skin,
according to available science. The REFLEX
studies showed catastrophic damage to human DNA assaulted with 1.8 billion hertz from the older 2G technologies. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that 5G millimeter wave radiation, propagated at twenty to eighty billion hertz, greatly amplifies cell damage and destroys biological tissues more efficiently and faster than 2, 3 and 4G. 
Extremely low frequencies (ELF) are also highly toxic, depressive and ultimately carcinogenic to the human body. Seen below is the Trifield audio meter which quantifies the low frequency radiation from electrical sources such as household current, engines and motors. This meter is valuable for measuring electromagnetic pollution coming from the wiring in inhabited buildings. It can reveal how much carcinogen invades the pelvic area of a person sitting astride motorized vehicles such as motorcycles, etc. It can reveal the ELF voltage flowing through a body trapped inside of electric or hybrid vehicles. This meter will also register ELF electromagnetic readings in microwave environments since RF radiation is reeking with low frequency energy pulses.
Lowering ELF milligauss exposure to the body can help people feel stronger, even well again. The science on leukemia recommends keeping ELF exposure at under two or three milligauss while it is not uncommon for the average environment to register 100 milliguass or more. This meter also features an RF readout function, but this device is far less instructive than the three excellent high-frequency audio meters seen above.
You can order these four life-saving meters online. If they improve your health and/or save your life, these meters will be the best investment you could make. They also make great teaching tools for those of us who want to share information. Less expensive meters are not as sensitive, durable and instructive as the audio meters recommended at this website. Wi-survival Requires Basic Education and Commitment Literally thousands of medical and scientific studies and reports confirm that chronic exposure to the non-ionizing energy documented by high-quality AUDIO
meters is capable of producing at least 13 categories of serious health
ramifications for which millions of people seek medical help each year.
A 2016 study of irradiated information technology (IT) workers trapped in a wireless environment provides a wealth of information on the long-term impacts of electromagnetic oscillations documented to damage DNA/mitochondria, impair all molecular functions of the body and unleash oxidative and nitrosative stress. Major complaints of Wi-workers interviewed for the study included: chronic pain, headaches, tremors, inability to sleep, depression, fatigue, blurred vision, failing memory, difficulty concentrating, dryness of tissues, hair loss, pain in teeth along with filling degradation, skin problems, allergies and asthma. Wi-worshippers likely believe that this is the way the should feel: BAD!
This IT worker survey study is packed with information deliberately withheld from Wi-irradiated North Americans. Researchers who conducted the survey reported: "....It
is misguided to think that electromagnetic radiation would not be
having a negative effect on public health. The Russian studies of the
1960s clearly laid out how EHS [electromagnetic
hypersensitivity] develops over time. It begins with a period of
stimulation and heightened awareness, followed by a period of adaptation
and eventually followed by a period of organism decline .....Continued
research in this field and mitigation is required in the coming years."
As you listen to the "music" with your metering equipment remember:
1. A living human is a battery that provides a flow of innate vital energy to every cell and organ in the body.
2. Keeping the body battery fully-charged on a daily basis is the key to vibrant health and a life worth living.
3. The corrosive poison of wireless radiation —that TOXIC ENERGY that activates an audio microwave meter— is a major drain on the body battery! Wi-irradiated people drag through life with chronically impaired energy levels. They are forced to endure physical stress, confront emotional upheaval and battle pathogens while their bodies are struggling to cope with the biological chaos of non-stop wireless disintegration. At special risk are the millions of people who cannot find a way to avoid direct bodily contact with wireless devices, or to turn off ubiquitous Wi-Fi.
In addition to medical testing of biological functions, there are many available ways to gauge the vitality of the body's vital energy. Muscle
testing and a great variety of machines clearly reveal that wireless radiation extinguishes the body's vital energy! In fact, this radiation can gradually drain a body battery to DEAD.
testing shows that the body's natural energy flow does not fully recover
until wireless radiation is completely absent
from the
environment. This means that Wi-survivor-wannabes must give up:
Alexa, Xfinity, the DISH wireless hopper, RING, Wi-fitness wearables, Apple ear pods and a zillion other
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth obsessions. Researchers who conducted the Wi-worker study linked above advise: "If
EMFs are removed during the stages of stimulation and adaptation, the organism can potentially recover from many disabilities experienced throughout the exposures. Reintroduction of EMFs can often lead to more severe disabilities and illness."
Those who wish to survive the Wireless Age must seek and create for themselves
a very rare atmosphere where quality audio radiation meters are ABSOLUTELY QUIET. A radiation-free refuge is a crucial environment where the body can rest and repair from damage encountered in unavoidable radiation zones. This is most critical for frail people and especially for those fighting cancer conditions!
Microwave "Music" is Voltage— the Voltage of Cancer.
Listening to the "Music" Is Imperative for Survival.
Note: This brute antenna weapon inflicts gross illness on the people living in a mobile home community directly below it. The neighborhood has acquired the nickname "Sickville."
Those of us who offer this informational website have personal acquaintance with many of these people who are scourged with cancer, severe diabetes and/or many neurological afflictions. Tremors are common.
Are stealth weapons like this in your neighborhood?
Then LISTEN to the MUSIC!
♦ Cell tower and rooftop communications antennas emit a high-pitched scream similar to a fire siren. If you like the sound of fingernails scratching along a blackboard, you will LOVE the cell tower scream on audio meter. Intermingled
with the gruesome antenna whine is often heard clicking, whistling and/or grinding
tone gyrations involving the lower frequency data signals superimposed
onto the microwave carrier signals. These days, the sinister cell tower howl can be heard at various power densities almost everywhere as they whack human DNA and cell membranes into molecular rubble.
Wi-Fi gigahertz signals are propagated in many sound-flavors, but most systems
emit pulsing, grinding and crackling noise similar to the relentless
static of a buzz saw. The Wi-Fi beacon signal, always on, emits an additional woodpecker cadence. Generally propagated in all directions for hundreds of feet, Wi-Fi pollution is completely unregulated. Anyone can use it to furtively attack, sicken, even surreptitiously terminate his neighbors. As your audio meter plays ferocious, dual band Wi-Fi from your wireless personal assistant, ask Alexa or Siri
who is going to pay your resulting medical bills!
♦ Personal wireless devices and building security systems emit their own unique energetic hisses, whistles and static clicks. DECT phone bases and baby monitors emit a perpetual static roar. There
is hissing and crackling from transceiving laptops, cell phones,
tablets, printers and other wireless gizmos as they propagate Group One wave
carcinogen, for which there is no safe dose. When you listen to the relentless noise raging from routers, Wi-Fi boosters, play stations, security systems, Bluetooth headsets, household "smart hubs,"
smart light bulbs, vehicle infotainment systems and the digital "smart" meter mounted outside on a wall right behind your bed, you begin to understand the power and range of toxic energy that creates momentum for diabetes, dementia and malignancy.
Seen above is an older smart phone on standby. When this photo was taken, the Wi-Fi function was not on, nor was the phone making a call. Yet the phone was continually searching for connection. To do this, it
generated a microwave power density vacillating between 4.5 to 6 volts
per meter as seen by the
flashing meter lights. The voltage power density from this phone is hundreds of times higher
than RF/microwave power levels documented to cause dangerous
bio-effects in both humans and animals. Using a meter for visual and audio confirmation, we can understand
why connected mobile phones on stand-by, carried in trouser pockets,
are heavily documented to decimate sperm. We understand why these phones tucked into bras or chest pockets can eventually generate breast tumors and impair heart function.
instruction manuals for smart phones and tablets actually warn users to keep
wireless devices about an inch away from the body. Yet, the Acoustimeter
picks up carcinogenic voltage from this smart phone up to thirty feet away. Such a huge area of impact demonstrates how Wi-addicts can freely invade the space of others with far-reaching pollution
emanating from their personal Wi-devices, from their antenna-riddled properties
and from their hotspot vehicles.
An RF meter enables people to clearly understand how invisible wave
teratogen (causes birth
defects and neurological impairments) flows as electromagnetic currents
through America's ovaries, testes, ova,
sperm and fetuses. Take a meter reading directly on the skin of an infant
lying next to a wireless baby monitor. Read the solar
plexus of a kid playing for hours on a wireless game console. Place your meter next to the heart of a little child sucking on an active
iPhone or tablet. Now we begin to understand why so many of America's
young are energetically weak, immune deficient, struggling with learning
disabilities and afflicted with chronic health disorders. Click HERE
to see how a ZIGBEE radio transmitter embedded in a "smart"
refrigerator can "cook" the house with microwave signals capable of
Internet connectivity. As you listen to the insidious pulsing of this irradiating fridge, recall that the Wi-industry has been working feverishly to usher in the Internet of Things (IoT). These money-grubbers won't
rest until billions of radiation-spewing consumer products and
appliances are enjoined to rock and roll with 5G and the IoT. Not
merely content with human addiction to their deadly products, 5G
fanatics believe that every inanimate object must also be made dependent on their lucrative carcinogen. Given the latest medical science, inhabited buildings that feature numerous RF/microwave can emitters be referred to as slow-kill extermination centers where people are gradually but effectively CONNECTED TO DEATH! Wi-survivors MUST tell appliance vendors that they cannot accept any household item that emits wireless signals.
Here are additional ways that your audio meters can provide crucial information and personal safety:
♦ First confirm whether RF/microwave radiation is polluting your personal
environment and identify the location and sources of
this pollution. Especially re-arrange and shield your sleeping areas to become microwave-free, then work on other living spaces.
♦ Determine the levels of Wi-pollution emanating from all personal mobile devices, whether in stand-by or in transceiving mode. Listen
to the inferno of a cordless phone base and monitor the effluent
pouring from a cordless handset when in use. Then buy yourself corded
phones with message capabilities that do not microwave-pollute.
♦ Discover
that even when you TURN OFF the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on your personal HARDWIRED computer, you may still hear microwave noise. Confirm that the noise is reduced or gone after a technician
removes Wi-chips or disables wi-antennas from the board inside. And yes, the computer can still function. Electromagnetic
noise from a laptop computer can also be managed by connecting a separate,
non-wireless screen, keyboard, and mouse to the laptop, then covering the
radiating laptop base with light-weight shielding fabric to contain noxious emissions. People use an inexpensive cooling fan under such a shielded laptop to avoid heat.
♦ Demonstrate
to your clueless friends, relatives, colleagues that wireless energy
exists as a relentless mechanical force capable of loudly activating a
meter as it likewise affects every form and function of the human body. A
person encumbered with active wireless devices carried on the body becomes a
walking microwave antenna. "Frisk" such a person with an RF meter as
he walks through the door of a microwave-free area. He will likely be amazed to discover that he trails a wake of carcinogenic energy wherever he goes. The next
step is to explain that, just as there is a proper place for tobacco
smoke, feces and urine, the proper place for wave carcinogen is likewise
far away from polite (and informed) company. NOTE: Make any Wi-addict listen to "the music" on an audio microwave meter, and he will beg you to turn the meter off! For such delicate ears, audio signals can be muted. More preferable is turning the carcinogen off with the flick of a device button or the removal of a battery.
♦ Protect the unborn and the newly born from the neurological and developmental damage of high-frequency carcinogen. Place an RF meter on the belly of a pregnant mother broiling in Wi-Fi so that she can hear
the genetically-damaging, heart-disrupting Wi-voltage gushing through her amniotic fluid. Let everyone listen to the pulsing of the wireless tracking devices that hospitals attach to newborns, with zero
consideration as to how on-the-body microwave signals —in conjunction with
hospital Wi-Fi— affect the heart variability and the nervous system of
infants. Encumbering newborns with radio transmitters, including those who are premature or sick, is beyond reprehensible. Most
horrifying, is that carcinogenic and cardio-toxic radiation used for "security" monitoring is
foisted upon infants at the very time they are simultaneously trying to
cope with their first toxic vaccine (Hepatitis B).
♦ Compare Wi-radiation fields with clusters of sickness and disability in highly-irradiated buildings and neighborhoods. Groups
can share a good meter for community monitoring projects. Everyone
remains in danger until the majority of Americans leave the cocoon of
Wi-land and use metering equipment to become familiar with the real
world out there.
♦ Listen to antenna pollution that slams through the window glass of your vehicles and identify the pollution generated by the Wi-systems of the vehicles themselves. If you own a fiberglass motor home or travel trailer, an audio RF meter will inform you that you have almost no interior protection
from intense antenna pollution as you travel about. (By contrast to
fiberglass, a metal shell and aluminum screening or EMF film applied to
the window glass provides some shielding.) ♦ If someone tries to talk you into a cell booster system for your home, boat or vehicle, power the booster up and make them listen to a fog horn from hell. You won't believe the incredible power density of cell boosters that are now endangering people on roadways and in neighborhoods and commercial centers everywhere. If someone plants non-stop (battery-powered) signal booster weaponry next to your property, a meter will at least inform you of your impending illness and eventual demise.
♦ Inform people wearing hearing aids and diabetic monitoring equipment that pump Bluetooth carcinogen into their brains and gut organs. You can bet that no one has told them about the hazards of perpetual exposure to this DNA-busting energy that has been documented as unsafe by literally thousands of medical and scientific studies. And you can bet that these exploited victims are suffering radiation side effects that they don't understand.
♦ Listen to the astonishing scream of wave energy leaking from your microwave oven while it is in operation. You'll want to leave the kitchen for sure. You may even decide that the microwave oven should leave the kitchen.
Taking it further, why not enter the brave new world of radiation mitigation? As you create a strategy for cleaning and protecting your personal environment, use your audio meters to confirm the success of your mitigation efforts.
Make your home and office safer.
Brain and gut-protective clothing is pricey, but radiation-induced illness is far more expensive.
AFFORDABLE "BRAIN COATS" AND HOODIES ARE AVAILABLE AT AMAZON Note: Testing shows that the shielding of this brain covering, made with silver thread, is impressive. It can also be used as a face mask while protecting the microwave-sensitive thyroid gland. Double it in super hot zones. Take special care when washing protective fabrics to preserve their shielding capacity.
As you build resolve to reduce ignorance and suffering in the Wireless Age, watch the spell-binding propaganda video below on how HUMANITY will supposedly achieve HEAVEN ON EARTH when ALL BODIES and ALL THINGS become part of ONE BIG RADIATION-POWERED TOUCH SCREEN. Such a world was
apparently conceived by Powers and Principalities a long time ago. The latest science warns that when man merges with Carcinogenic Machine, there cannot be a happy ending for living flesh.
Note: Managers of this site receive no compensation for any device or product recommended herein. Our reward is knowing that:
1. Systematic
Review and Meta-Analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health, 2020, 17 (21) 8079).