This paper by UK radiation expert Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy
explains why and how wireless technologies

the human body!
  Excerpted from
Some Facts About Cell Phone Radiation
Andrew Goldsworthy BSc Ph, Lecturer in Biology (retired) Imperial College London              

        Cell Phone Signals Have to be Modulated

   Cell phone signals have to be modulated if they are to carry information such as speech and various control signals needed to make the system work. Most digital modulation systems have sharp changes in signal strength. They occur over a wide range of frequencies, some of which are biologically active. Further, unwanted biological effects occur at radiation levels many orders of magnitude lower than those specified by international exposure guidelines. These guidelines are therefore set far too high to protect from modulated radiation.
Modulated Radio Waves Are Not Safe

   Balwin et al. showed that the situation changes drastically when the signal is "amplitude modulated" so that its strength rises and falls in time with a lower frequency.  In particular, they found that signals that were too weak to generate significant heat, could now drive structurally important calcium from the surfaces of brain cells....The loss of this calcium weakens membranes and makes them more likely to leak and give unwanted biological effects.

 How the Radiation Affects Us

  The body can collect the signal and turn it into electric currents just like the antenna of a radio set or a cell phone. These currents are carried by ions (electrically charged atoms or molecules) flowing through the living tissues and in the blood vessels (a system of tubes full of an electrically-conducting salty fluid that connect almost every part of the body). When these currents impinge on cell membranes, which are normally electrically charged, they try to vibrate in time with the current. Pure unmodulated radio frequency signals change direction far too quickly to cause serious vibration. Almost as soon as the membrane starts to move in one direction, it is driven back in the other so it remains more or less stationary. 

   However, living cell membranes are able to demodulate these modulated signals and extract the more dangerous lower frequencies, which can now cause significant vibration on a molecular scale. In particular, they drive the negatively charged molecules of the membrane and the positively charged ions, which are attached to it, in opposite directions. As a result, some of these ions are shaken loose. Those with a double charge, such as calcium ions are lost preferentially and replaced by others with only one charge, which are less affected. But ions with one charge are less able to stabilize the membrane, which therefore becomes weaker and more inclined to leak. This in turn can produce all sorts of unwanted biological effects, ranging from electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) to a loss of fertility and an increased risk of getting cancer.


How cells demodulate the signal

  The mechanism of demodulation is controversial, but there is no doubt that it occurs. The best explanation is that the multitude of minute ion channels found in cell membranes act as electrically-biased point contact diodes (the inside of a cell is normally several tens of millivolts negative to the outside). These can rectify and demodulate the signal, even at microwave frequencies, so that the low frequency component appears across the membrane, where it can do the most damage. 


How people become electrosensitive (EHS)

   A cell phone signal, when demodulated in this way, generates a whole family of low frequency components, some of which are biologically-active and cause membrane leakage. One consequence of this leakage is to make the sensory cells of electrosensitive individuals give a whole range of false sensations.

   We all have countless sensory cells that sense touch, heat, pressure, pain etc., but they nearly all work on the same principle. When they sense whatever they are programmed to sense, their membranes deliberately "leak" ions, which short-circuit the natural electrical potentials across them, and this triggers them to send the relevant nerve impulses to the brain.

  Unfortunately, people suffering from EHS have significantly higher natural rates of membrane leakage as measured by their skin conductance (Eltiti et al. 2007). Since their leakage rates are already high, even small amounts of electromagnetic radiation that would not affect non-sensitive individuals can trigger their symptoms. Not everyone gets exactly the same symptoms, but they include false feelings of heat, touch, pressure, crawling sensations, pins and needles and pain.

   The radiation can also affect the “hair cells" of the inner ear, which work in much the same way. Leakage here can trigger false sensations of sound (tinnitus). There is a similar effect on the hair cells of the part of the inner ear that controls balance. Leakage here gives feelings of dizziness and symptoms of motion sickness, including nausea.

  EHS may become a major problem for us all. Although only a few percent of the population are at present electrosensitive, the condition can be brought on in hitherto healthy people by repeated or prolonged exposure to the radiation. However, it sometimes takes many years to develop so, even if you are currently one of the lucky ones who are not affected, there is no guarantee that it will stay that way.

 Effects on the brain

   When the neurons of the brain leak, they become more likely to transmit nerve impulses, some of which are spurious and have no right to be there. This explains many of the symptoms reported by people living near cell towers. They include brain hyperactivity, mental fogginess, loss of concentration, sleep disturbances, stress headaches, migraine and possibly an increased risk of people with epilepsy getting seizures.

   Another effect on the brain is the disruption of the blood-brain barrier. This is a layer of tissue between the blood system and the brain, where the gaps between the cells are sealed, so that no unwanted materials can enter the brain. Electromagnetic exposure makes this layer leak potentially toxic substances that can cause permanent brain damage. The effects of this may not be immediately apparent because the brain has spare capacity, but are likely to be progressive and lead to early dementia.


Effects on the heart

  People exposed to the radiation from cell towers sometimes report cardiac arrhythmia and palpitations. These too can be explained by membrane leakage. The cells of the heart muscle have also been shown to lose membrane calcium following electromagnetic exposure and may also leak. Normally, the rhythm of the heart is controlled electrically by waves of programmed ion leakage that spread through the heart causing it to contract. Unscheduled ion leakage brought about by electromagnetic radiation can disrupt this process and induce cardiac arrhythmia, with a consequent increased risk of getting heart attacks.


Effects on the skin

  Leakage in the cells of the skin can cause inflammation as their contents leak out.There is also a barrier layer in the skin (the stratum granulosum) in which the gaps between the cells are sealed, as in the blood brain barrier. When this leaks, it allows toxins and allergens to enter the body more easily. This can explain the current increase in multiple chemical sensitivities and allergies, which appear to coincide with our ever-increasing exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. 


Can we act responsibly?

    Almost no one wants to give up the convenience of having a cell phone. But at present, the toxic effects of their radiation are unacceptably high. Much of this seems to be due to the way in which the microwaves are modulated to carry information. A great deal could be done to improve the modulation process; e.g. to remove the low frequency changes in signal strength that appear to be particularly damaging. This work will need to be done by engineers working in concert with biologists, but it may be some time before we have an inherently safe system. In the meantime, we need to do everything we can to reduce our exposure levels. No one wants a “nanny state” but it is the duty of Governments to warn us of the health risks of using cell phones so that we can use them responsibly.

 The cell phone operators have responsibilities too!

   The radiation from cell towers is potentially more dangerous than cell phones themselves because they run continuously day and night and have been shown to have many unpleasant effects on people living near them. These appear to be due to an attenuation of their normal circadian rhythms, leading to tiredness during the day, poor sleep at night and a weaker immune system. The immune system is linked closely to these rhythms, and any reduction in their efficacy will increase the risk of general ill health. Furthermore, the immune system also gets rid incipient cancer cells, so if compromised by radiation, it will increase the risk of getting cancer, something that is already being reported in people living near cell towers.

   It is now up to the cell phone operators. At present, the law allows them to put cell towers pretty much wherever they like. But this law was made many years ago before many of the non-thermal biological effects of electromagnetic radiation were discovered; let alone understood. The fact that many of these effects now have plausible scientific explanations strengthens the need for more rigorous legislation with tighter limits on base station power and restrictions on placing them in densely populated areas, especially in sensitive locations such as schools. The question is, are cell phone companies yet fully aware of the dangers they pose and do they have sufficient social conscience to do this on a voluntary basis?

Microwave and millimeter waves of Wi-technologies

Malignancy long smolders before the accelerating flame of cancer becomes an obvious inferno.           

Illness and death is the absence of vital energy.
The information below outlines how the human body —energy-drained by the corrosive effects of Wi-radiation— gradually disintegrates into the 13 categories of physical breakdown and disability.
This is how humanity suffers before
Wi-cancer finally ends the story.

The Microwave Syndrome: 13 Categories

   European scientists Dr. Claude Monnet and Dr. Pierre le Ruz organized the following reference list of 13 basic categories associated with the Microwave Syndrome. Medical science links these conditions and impairments with chronic exposure to non-thermal microwave radiation from wireless antenna installations and personal wireless devices. These microwave-induced illnesses and impairments force millions of Americans to seek medical diagnosis and treatment each year:

1.  Dystonic Cardiovascular Syndrome includes:

bradycardia (abnormally slow pulse)
tachycardia (abnormally fast pulse)
hyper/hypo blood pressure (high or low blood pressure)
symptoms mimicking heart attack

2.  Chronic Diencephalic Syndrome includes:

sleep disorders
concentration disturbances
chronic fatigue syndrome

3.  Chronic Asthenia Syndrome includes:

muscle aches and weakness
hair loss

4.  Cancerous Pathology Syndrome includes:

solid tumors

5.  Dermatologic Pathology Syndrome includes:

skin allergy

6.  Dopaminergic Pathology Syndrome includes:

restless leg syndrome
numbness in limbs
cramps in limbs during and after sleep
Parkinson’s Disease

7.  Immune Pathology Syndrome includes:

high lymphocyte count
abnormal white blood cells
abnormal red blood cells

8. Procreative Pathology Syndrome includes:

drastic decrease of libido
premature birth
toxic fetal syndrome
retarded fetal growth
birth defects

9. Brain Pathology Syndrome includes:

benign and malignant brain tumors
breaching of the blood-brain barrier
electroencephalogram disturbances
brain fog/ loss of memory

10. Sensory Pathology Syndrome includes:

 tooth neuralgia (pain) especially in teeth with mercury amalgam fillings
vision and hearing degradation
nose bleeds, sore corner lips, bleeding gums

11. Psychological Pathology Syndrome includes:

lack of concern, lack of empathy
introversion, passiveness
attention deficit
agitation under demand
suicidal tendencies

12. Cell Pathology Syndrome includes:

DNA and chromosome damage
abnormal calcium influx and e-flux in cells
abnormal cell membrane permeability (fluid leaks)
13. Endocrine Pathology Syndrome includes:
thyroid weakness or malfunction
serotonin deficiency
melatonin deficiency
adrenal deficiency
   Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy says: "Pulses carried by microwaves are particularly dangerous. This is because their very short wavelength allows the transmission of pulses with extremely rapid rise and fall times and it is the rate of change of the fields (rather than their total energy) that does most of the biological damage. It is therefore unwise and arguably dangerous to be exposed for long periods to the radiation from Wi-Fi transmitters, cordless phones and mobile phones, especially their base stations, which emit 24/7. They should certainly not be deployed in public places until all the risks have been independently evaluated. Any claims that they are harmless because they do not generate significant heat are completely unwarranted."
Wi-Fi and Electromagnetic Fields, Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy, 12-31-2012


 More Food for Thought
   Anyone who doubts that wireless microwave radiation can impose mechanical action on human molecules, cell membranes, mitochondria and DNA  should watch the YouTube video below. It is a two-minute look at how the energy from a transmitting cell phone manipulates magnetic ore. As you watch carcinogenic radiation in action, remember that the human brain contains magnetosomes, which are iron oxides that behave like magnets. When active mobile phones are held against the head, might our brain magnetosomes be manipulated like the ore in the video?  Do our cells "squirm" under duress of nearfield microwave energy? How does such forceful electromagnetic radiation, flowing through the skin, mechanically affect the blood, bones, joints and connective tissues of the hands?
   Pregnant women across the U.S. routinely use transceiving smart phones, computers, tablets, watches and other wireless devices only millimeters away from their bellies. Amniotic fluid amplifies wireless radiation flowing as electromagnetic currents through the body. Is the writhing ore seen in this video a surrogate for the typical American fetus of the Microwave Age? As you watch the movement, weigh it against the potential for microwave-induced brain and eye damage in a fetus exposed to this unnatural EMF manipulation.
  Imagine the oscillatory impact of  hyperactive millimeter wave antennas,
 pulsing at much faster speeds and more violent 5G frequencies
than previous wireless technologies, including the older phone used in the video above!
  The YouTube video below offers vital information from epidemiologist and professor Dr. Devra Davis, speaking at an Australian law school in late 2015. As a renowned scientist, Dr. Davis draws on her vast work in environmental studies and toxicology with the U.S. National Research Council to explain the latest science on how wireless technologies inflict their damage. She reveals amazing facts about Wi-devices in the hands, against the brains and even in the mouths of America's very young children. Gifted Australian neurosurgeon, Dr. Charles Teo, adds important information on cell phone brain cancer.
  Parents and grandparents owe it to their children to take this information seriously. Wi-peddlers are enticing kids everywhere to attack themselves with new, 5G-ready personal devices at a time when 4G smart phones are currently proven to be non-compliant with lax radiation exposure standards. How much worse will be the new 5G devices pulsing experimental millimeter waves into fragile young brains?