L. Lloyd Morgan, director of the Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States (CBTRUS):  "There is every indication that cell phones cause brain tumors, salivary gland tumors and eye cancer. Yet, because the cell phone industry provides a substantial proportion of research funding, this reality is hidden from the general public....It is time that fully independent studies be funded by those government agencies whose charter is to protect its citizens so that the truth about the very damaging health hazards of microwave radiation becomes clear and well-known." [1]
Researchers with the University of Chicago, 1988: "Microwaves most commonly cause anterior and/or posterior subcapsular lenticular opacities in experimental animals, and as shown in epidemiological studies and case reports, in human subjects. The formation of cataracts seems to be related directly to the power of the microwave and the duration of exposure.....Like cataract formation by microwaves, cataractogenesis induced by ionizing radiation is associated with damage to the lens cell membrane. Another possible mechanism is damage to lens cell DNA....Until further definitive conclusions about the mechanism of microwaves and ionizing cataracts are reached, and alternative protective measures are found, one can only recommend mechanical shielding from these radiations to minimize the possibility of development of radiation-induced cataracts." [2]
From a published study on occupational eye damage: "Microwaves also accelerate formation of cataracts due to diabetes. The corneal endothelium can be damaged by microwaves alone or in combination with some drugs. Microwave degeneration of retinal nerve endings and a small increase in retinal permeability were also found in animals. The effect of long-term low-intensity microwave exposure on the human lens remains poorly understood. Several reports have implicated occupational microwave exposure as a factor in increasing the rate of lens aging and retinal injury in microwave workers." [3]

Universal Eye Damage in the Wireless Age

   Healthy eye tissues and enduring clarity of eyesight were blessings of the long-gone past. Never in human history has such a threat against human eyesight been unleashed as today in the Wireless Age.

  Antenna-generated microwave and millimeter wave frequencies, in the air everywhere, easily pass through eye tissues as frenetic, polarized wave oscillations. These deeply-penetrating carrier waves —embedded with extremely low-frequency (ELF) modulation signals— force eye tissues to oscillate in phase at millions to billions of cycles per second[4] Every form and function of the human eye is vulnerable to the abnormal force field effects of this carcinogenic assault for which human tissue has no defense.
    Copious science confirms that chronic exposure to this man-made radiation is as damaging to eyesight, if not more so, than the brutal waves of ultra violet (UV) light. Eye damage from wireless radiation exposure may become obvious after a latency period, that is months or years after injury has been inflicted. This leaves the vision-impaired with little clue as to the origin of their pain, disabilities and economic hardship.
  A transceiving wireless device pressed to the skull at ear level forces  complex, modulated radio waves into the optic nerve complex and deeply into eye tissues. For people trapped in toxic buildings loaded with Wi-Fi and cellular access points, cumulative eye damage is compulsory. Metal-enclosed vehicles, aircraft and elevators greatly amplify wireless signals that eviscerate eye tissues. Epidemiological studies of people living near outdoor wireless antennas document widespread complaints about eye and vision abnormalities. [5] 
  Pathological effects of microwave and millimeter wave radiation on human eyes include: inflammation and redness, pain or burning, a feeling of pressure behind the eyes, floaters in the vitreous humor, different types of cataracts, deteriorating vision —including macular degeneration— and eye cancers. 
  Despite the well-documented connection between high-frequency radiation and eye damage, the issue remains taboo for the mainstream media. The Wi-industry and the medical establishment also remain conspicuously silent about this crucial health risk.
  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is authorized to assess the “safety” of personal wireless devices, refuses to officially acknowledge medical research demonstrating the correlation between wireless microwaves and human eye damage. While these negligent regulators sit on their hands, millions of Americans are having their vision incrementally and irreparably damaged by chronic exposure to high-frequency radiation from myriad sources.
   Google operates perhaps the most dedicated radiation-peddling army in the world. Touting a logo of 666, this corporate juggernaut has long been advancing self-driving vehicles that spew in-your-face radar, digital ID tattoos and even gut radios to be swallowed in the form of pills. In 2014, these militants from Triplesixville introduced Google's Expeditions Pioneer Program (EPP), designed to keep students across the globe "up to their eyeballs" in cataract-inducing, brain-disabling radiation. EPP paraphernalia includes a smart phone for each cardboard headset, wireless routers for accessing Expeditions field trips and a wireless teacher tablet for narrative. Such "travels" would be equally educational using a safe and distant large screen and Ethernet equipment in a Wi-Fi free environment.
  In 2016, scientists with the Environmental Health Trust (EHT) called upon Google to withdraw the EPP, designed to booby-trap little kids: " 'Two-way radio transceiver systems, in the form of smart phones should not be used directly in front of children's eyes and brains,' cautions University of Utah Distinguished Professor Om Gandhi, who is one of the original developers of testing to evaluate wireless radiation from cell phones and who is a senior advisor to EHT].' " [6Nevertheless, educators and children alike are still today bullied into boondoggles like the EPP experiment, without understanding latent risks to eyes and brain.
  Augmented reality and virtual reality entertainment systems on the market likewise remain a serious health hazard, especially for impressionable young people. While virtual reality simulates the real world, augmented reality uses sensory stimulation to alter perception of the real world.
   Wi-junkies are paying $3500 for Apple's new Vision Pro VR headset, which can rewire the brain, distort perception and cause simulator sickness, according to recent conversations on the Web. Embedded transmitters pump both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth into the brain. Not a single warning about potential eye damage has been issued by either federal regulators or by the peddlers of this paraphernalia, designed to be worn all day directly on the brain over the eyes! To those who voice concerns about radiation, Wi-promoters advise: "Don't worry, Apple Pro is not radioactive."
   The AR system seen below requires a smart phone to be positioned directly over the eyes in a slot at the top of the headset. What happens on the phone screen is reflected onto transparent lenses in front of the face. This system ensures that eyes and brain suffer the brunt of carcinogenic Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radiation streaming from multiple antennas directly into the brain. Youth who self-harm themselves with such weaponry are provided virtually no warning about potential damage to eyesight, hearing and brain function.
  Amazon sells a variety of "smart" eye glasses built to interface with smart phones.  Echo Frames, which ensures that with a hand swipe to your forehead, you "never miss a moment with Alexa." Alexa is the virtual personal assistant service operated by tech experts in Amazon Lab126. Beamforming speakers and microphones located on both sides of the chunky Echo Frames siphon gigahertz signals into head. An Amazon sales pitch raved: "Echo Frames give you hand-free access to Alexa. Now you can hear notifications and alerts, turn on compatible smart lights, or call a friend all without pulling out your phone. They're designed to keep you in the moment, so you never miss one." However, after perpetual exposure to carcinogenic signals used for such frivolous connectivity, those who fall for smart frames may eventually miss their eyesight.
 Evidence for Microwave/MMW Eye Damage is Massive
   Recent media reports advise that continual exposure to small screen wireless technology has potential to "make young eyes old before their time." Many screen slaves develop a "dry eye" condition that results in gritty, inflamed eyes resulting staring at miniature mobile screens. [7] The mind apparently focuses so strongly on the screen that hypnotized users may forget to blink, affecting eye lubrication. Some eye specialists have warned that smart phones are causing sight problems to soar even in very young children. Experts site an epidemic of shortsightedness attributed to holding tiny, bright screens close to the eyes for long periods of time. [8]
   Apart from eye strain and focusing issues, microwave radiation has potential to prematurely age the eyes. Oxidative stress is a medical term that describes the deterioration of tissues. In 2014, scientists documented severe oxidative stress in the eyes of rats exposed for only one hour per day to 2.45 GHz Wi-Fi radiation:
"In this study, we found in the literature that 2.45 GHz EMR, to which people are intensely Wi-Fi exposed in daily life, increased malondialdehyde (MDA), the indicator of lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress on the lens, and decreased antioxidants including GSH level and GSH-Px activity. Oxidative stress and thus, ROS, are believed to be a principal cause of noncongenital cataract. ROS have been implicated in the development of lens opacification, which has been demonstrated in both experimental animal models and in cultured lens systems. Cataract patients also exhibited elevated levels of oxidative stress. ROS including superoxide and singlet oxygen can also be generated in the lens and aqueous humor, which explains why areas of the world with higher intensity of EMR [electromagnetic radiation] irradiation have higher incidence of cataracts." [9]

   In a 2018 study, researchers irradiated the eyes of Wistar rats with 3G cell phone radiation and documented severe damage to the retina. At the back of the eyeball, the retina is where light-sensitive cells trigger nerve impulses that flash through the optic nerve to form visual images in the brain. A radiation-damaged retina results in blurriness, distortion and the blindness of macular degeneration. These scientists reported that the cell phone radiation induced "loss of striation in the sclera with necrosis of the layers of the rods and cones in the retina."  Further, they reported a decrease in total retinal thickness: "The increased intracellular spaces in the retinal layers might be due to shrinkage of cells or it might be due to cell death caused by....RF radiation that resulted in oxidative stress rendering the cells vulnerable to damaging effects of RF radiation." [10]
  Millimeter waves are widely discussed in the literature as exceptionally dangerous for eye tissues. The new 5G technologies are unleashing experimental frequencies, including: 28 gigahertz, 39 gigahertz and 60 gigahertz. When these hyper-energetic waves enter eye tissues, they flip the polarity of cells 28 to 60 billion times per second. Scientists capable of complex computations on newly-engineered 5G millimeter wave radiation also warn that 5G antennas in smart devices will inflict the maximum absorption (SAR) and temperature rise within eyes of the human head. [11]

   Radiation researcher Dr. Ross Adey is quoted in the International Encyclopedia of Neuroscience as confirming that about 40 percent of the electromagnetic energy emitted from wireless phones goes directly into the hand and the head of users. [12]  Working at the University of Utah, veteran researcher Dr. Om Gandhi has verified that microwave radiation is delivered deeply into the eye by wireless devices positioned against the skull. [13] 



    Here is crucial information from Dr. Gandhi’s research regarding the absorption of radiation from cell phones and other wireless devices held against the skull:

  Adult eye: microwave absorption = 3.3 milliwatts/kg  This is 330,000 times more radiation than the full body exposure limit advised by BioInitiative scientists in 2007.

  Eye of a ten-year-old child: microwave absorption = 18.38 milliwatts/kg  This is 1.8 million times more radiation than the full body exposure limit advised by BioInitiative scientists in 2007.

  Eye of a five-year-old child: microwave absorption = 40 milliwatts/kg  This is 4 million times more radiation than the full body exposure limit advised by BioInitiative scientists in 2007.

   Dr. Gandhi’s work showed that the eyes of a ten-year-old absorb five times more cell phone radiation than adult eyes, while five-year-old eyes absorb 12 times more. These absorption numbers, calculated in 1996, do not reflect the higher radiation exposures now suffered by millions of people who now utilize newer, ultra-powerful 4G and 5G wireless equipment equipped with multiple operating antennas.

   As expected, an astronomical number of babies and very young American children require eye glasses. Unfortunately, metal-rimmed glasses can absorb microwaves, then re-emit that radiation onto the eye surface, intensifying radiation exposure. Children wearing metal rimmed eyeglasses in a Wi-Fi, cell phone or cordless phone environment are undoubtedly at higher risk for deteriorating eyesight. Today's children, perpetually exposed to a "hot" wireless environment from birth, will likely suffer accelerated eye aging and disintegrating vision at a much younger age than previous generations.
 Everyone Should Have This Information
   Dr. Henry Lai, renowned bio-medical expert who conducted radiation research at the University of Washington, has warned: “Another important area of research on morphological effects of RFR [radio frequency radiation] exposure, that could have important implications on cellular telephone use, is that on the eye. Damage to corneal endothelials, degenerative changes in the iris and the retina, and altered vision were reported in nonhuman primates after repeated exposure to RFR." [14]
  In 2008, a collaborative study by scientists at the Israel Institute of Technology and the Washington University School of Medicine confirmed that for humans: "...High frequency microwave electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other devices has potential to damage eye tissues...." [15]
  The U.S. government quickly learned during and after World War II that microwave radiation permanently damages eye tissues and denigrates eyesight. This became obvious as many radar technicians of that era developed serious eye pathologies, including retina damage and inoperable cataracts. A 1994 Air Force study reported: "Clinical studies indicate that exposure to RF/MW radiation causes physiological damage to the eye that can result in loss of sight. It has been observed that irradiation causes the formation of cataracts in the lens of the eye....The lens of the eye appears to be most susceptible to RF/MW radiation at frequencies between 1-10 gigahertz. For this frequency range, it has been observed that the lens fibers will suffer irreversible damage to a greater extent than other ocular elements." [16]  These are the precise frequencies that now saturate the modern wireless environment, indoors and out.
   Decades ago, Dr. Milton Zaret, working at New York University, had collected copious information on human occupational cataracts. Dr. Zaret's research was ignored by the military-industrial complex which was gearing up for the universal microwave assault that we all suffer today. Dr. Zaret found that electronic and communications workers exposed to infrared or intense heat developed cataracts on the front of the lens. But workers who suffered repeated microwave irradiation at non-thermal intensities developed cataracts on the posterior surface of the lens: "Zaret discovered that such microwave damage manifested itself early on as a roughening of the posterior eye surface and that the victim might experience misty vision for years before the actual cataract formed." [17]  Microwave-induced subcapsular cataracts are different than other types of hereditary, metabolic or senile cataracts. Subcapsular cataracts results in glare and blurry vision and are generally inoperable. [18]
   Medical researchers conducting the 2008 Israeli-U.S. study cited above exposed bovine eye tissues to repetitive assaults of 1.1 gigahertz at only 2.22 milliwatts (mW/cm2). Compare that power density to today's mobile phones which reportedly radiate an average power of between 200 and 600 milliwatts. The Israeli researchers found "irreversible morphological and biochemical damage to the lens epithelial cell layers." The lens tissues actually became pitted with bubbles, a precursor to cataract formation. The damage was so radical that these scientists advised people to stop irradiating their eyes with mobile phones and use landlines [the smartest phones available], pending further research. [19]
  Non-Thermal Waves Can Heat the Eyes 
   The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a professional association which serves as technical adviser to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). As a powerful engine behind the advancement of wireless technology, IEEE is directly responsible for the FCC's deadly and non-protective RF/microwave exposure standards which enable and aggrandize the military-industrial complex at the expense of human health.  Ironically, ANSI-IEEE Committee documents from June 2001 reveal that this self-serving advisory group absolutely knows that eye tissues are among the most radiation-sensitive in the human body.  These are quotes from ANSI-IEEE Committee minutes of 2001: 

1. "In the range of a few GHz (gigahertz as in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi), resonances may occur in ball shaped eyes and testes....Additionally these organs are thermally a bit more vulnerable than other tissues."

2.  "Exposure to microwave radiation can lead to increased temperature that is sufficient to damage tissues."

3. "Microwaves at lower frequencies will be deposited deeper in the eye, while at higher frequencies they will be absorbed near the front surface of the eye."

4. "The lens has been thought to be the most vulnerable tissue since it has no blood flow....Because the lens is avascular, it has been thought to be particularly sensitive to thermal effects of microwave exposure." [20]

    The FCC likewise states in its Questions and Answers Bulletin: “Two areas of the body, the eyes and the testes, are known to be particularly vulnerable to heating by RF energy because of the relative lack of available blood flow to dissipate the excessive heat load (blood circulation is one of the body’s major mechanisms for coping with excessive heat)….Laboratory experiments have shown that short-term exposure (i.e. 30 minutes to one hour) to very high levels of RF radiation can cause cataracts in rabbits.” [21] 

    The Wi-industry propagandizes that personal wireless devices do not generate enough heat to harm living tissues. Likewise, in its rabid promotion of all things wireless, the FCC insists on keeping the public mired in the “non-thermal” con game. The FCC states: “Studies have shown that environmental levels of RF energy routinely encountered by the general public are far below levels necessary to produce significant heating and increased body temperature." [22]

   But modern science has proven FCC's obsolete theories and frivolous assumptions are completely false. Non-thermal cell phone radiation is clearly seen on thermographs to promote rapid heating in human tissues, including the brain and eyes.  Many people report feeling heat and vibration on their skin and scalp from smart phones. Flowing into human eyes, this radiation can very quickly cause abnormal heating. 
  In 2007, British researchers reported that cell phones emitting 900 megahertz or 1.8 gigahertz can raise the temperature in the eyes by 1.4 degrees centigrade, bringing the heating level up to the ICNIRP thermal limit level for OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE. [23] Occupational exposure limits are higher than those recommended for the general public. In addition, this study was conducted before the exceptionally powerful 4G and 5G phones became widely available.

  In 2010, scientists from Charotar University of Science and Technology in India confirmed that mobile phone radiation, supposedly flowing at non-thermal levels, heats the eyes enough to cause molecular damage: " 'The problem is not that the eye absorbs the energy, but that the heat absorbed by the eye does not get transmitted or radiated out of the body,’ says Dwivedi [professor who headed the study] adding that prolonged usage of mobile phones can affect retina, sclera, lens, cornea as well as vitreous humor which are parts of the human eye." [24]

  In 2011, the government of India warned that the use of cell phones causes vision damage through heating of corneal tissues. The Indian Department of Telecommunications noted that cell phone radiation is mainly absorbed by the skin of the head and face, causing the temperature to rise by a fraction of a degree. The agency confirmed that this supposedly minor heating causes eye damage because the cornea, like the lens, has no capacity for temperature regulation or dissipation of heat generated by wireless microwave devices. [25]

In 2013, the Environmental Health Trust reported: "A recent study from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center is sending shock waves around the world. Kettering radiation physicist David Gultekin, working with Bell Labs electrical engineer Lothar Moeller, reported this month that normal working cell phones can create tiny hotspots within living brain tissue. But safety standards for the world’s more than six billion cell phones today assume that weak radiation from phones cannot possibly produce any heat. This finding in one of the world’s top science journals, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, indicates this assumption is wrong." [26] What heats the brain also "cooks" the eyes.

         Additional Important Studies Are Available

   The following studies provide additional confirmation as to what perpetual microwave exposure portends for the eyes of Wireless Man, Woman and Child:
1.  A 1968 Polish study of 200 workers exposed to 0.6-10.7 GHz (within the frequency realm of modern Wi-device emissions) found a statistically significant increase in lens opacities in the eyes of many exposed individuals. The study found that the severity of the damage increased with the duration of radiation exposure. [27]

2.  A 1970s Russian study of 600 workers found that exposure to microwave radiation correlated with an increased incidence of lens opacity (cataract). [28]

3. In 1998, the Canadian government's Radiation Protection Bureau (RPB) published a paper citing numerous studies implying that radio frequencies, such as those emitted by cell phones, have potential to cause adverse synergistic effects with certain drugs. One study, for example, showed that when a common anti-glaucoma drug was administered to test animals, eye damage could be induced at only one tenth of the radiation power density normally required for injury. [29]

4. This same RPB paper further stated: "Experimental work on the eye found that the blood-aqueous and blood-vitreous humor barriers were also permeabilized (induced to leak) by low-intensity RF fields. This work was later extended to nonhuman primates by H. Kues, who showed that microwaves, at frequencies close to those used today by cellular telephones, produced irreversible damage to the endothelial layer of the cornea."

5.  In 2007, Chinese researchers published a study on protein changes in human eye lenses exposed to 1.8 gigahertz from GSM mobile devices. Microwaved lenses showed abnormal changes in four different proteins. Inducing protein abnormalities in the eye is dangerous because cataracts form after tissue proteins pathologically clump together and scatter light abnormally. [30]

6. In 2013, Chinese researchers noted that exposure of the human eye lens epithelial cells to low intensity radiation propagated at 1.8 gigahertz caused  gene and protein disruptions, plus severe oxidative stress which is "implicated in many ophthalmological disorders, e.g., senile cataracts, age-related macular degeneration of the retina and dry eye disease." [31]

7. In a study of children with chronic fatigue, Japanese researcher Dr. Ryoichi Ogawa discovered that a mere 30 seconds of cell phone radiation transmitted into the ear reduces blood flow in arteries of the eye by over 50 percent. Using the super Doppler method, a test that verifies blockage of brain blood vessels, Dr. Owaga found that prior to cell phone use, human subjects generally show a normal blood flow of 10 cm/sec. in the arteries of both eyes; after phone use, the flow dropped to less than 5 cm/sec. [32]  Less blood flow in eye tissues means more damaging heat retained.

8.  Studies conducted at the University of Essen in Germany confirmed that the iris and the base of the retina  efficiently absorb cell phone radiation. The retina is home to the macula, vital to clear vision [33]

9. Among the most serious risks from microwave exposure are eye cancers suffered by thousands of people in the U.S., including many children. The American Cancer Society reports that in 2024, there will an estimated 3,320 new primary eye/eye orbit cancers, while 560 people will die from this type of malignancy during the year. These statistics show a 25% increase over the 2004 national eye cancer incidence. [34]
  There are a number of different cancers which affect the eyeball, the orbit (tissues around the ball) and the adnexal structures which include the eyelids and tear glands. The American Cancer Society states: "Cells become cancer cells because of damage to DNA." [35] Because pulsed microwave radiation employed by wireless technologies is documented to quickly damage DNA, high-frequency energy pumped into the eyes presents a potent risk for ocular cancer, hard to look at, but a gruesome reality in our Wireless Age.
   The most common type of adult eye cancer is uveal melanoma, a cancer of the watery uveal layer.  In 2001, research by a team of medical scientists at the University of Essen in Germany showed that people who regularly use microwave emitting communication devices are at significantly higher risk of developing cancer of the eye. At Essen, which is a leading cancer treatment center, these researchers examined 118 patients suffering from uveal melanoma. They compared the mobile phone and walkie talkie use of this group to a control group of 475 non-users. [36] 

  Those who used RF/microwave-powered walkie talkies were over THREE TIMES more likely than non-users to develop eye cancer.

  Those who used mobile phones were FOUR TIMES more likely than non-users to develop eye cancer.


      What's Wrong with a Population That Does Not Value Eyesight?

   Federal data suggests that as many as 21 million Americans have vision problems and an estimated 80 million Americans (nearly one in four) suffer a potentially blinding eye disease or condition. [37] In a world dedicated to exposing every citizen to numerous frequencies of eye-damaging Wi-radiation, these issues should be urgently discussed:
Why have there been NO federally funded studies for investigation of human eye and vision damage occurring from exposure to personal wireless devices and ubiquitous environmental microwave antennas??

Why are wireless communications and entertainment devices, sold for use on the head and body, NOT required to bear full-disclosure warning labels about the well-documented potential of RF/microwaves to induce eye damage and eye disease??

Why are parents NOT warned by US health agencies about the extreme vulnerability of young children who use wireless personal devices near their eyes, and why is eye-ripping Wi-Fi radiation now polluting public school buildings and school buses everywhere??

  Why are U.S. medical schools NOT TEACHING medical trainees about the potential for severe and permanent eye damage from universal microwave exposure in the Wireless Age??  And why are medical schools and medical facilities now polluted with numerous frequencies of antenna radiation known to damage the cornea, the sclera, the lens, the vitreous humor, the retina and the macula of human eyes?

Why are elderly people, who suffer natural deterioration of eyesight, additionally subjected to toxic Wi-Fi environments in hospitals and care centers? And why do many hearing aid systems, used adjacent to the eyes, utilize wireless RF/microwaves, including Bluetooth antennas??

Why has the federal government approved vehicle driver-assist systems in new vehicles before investigating the capacity of in-your-face radar systems to damage and impair human eyesight?? 
Why have U.S. regulatory agencies never required radiation profiteers to conduct adequate pre-market human testing and provide medical certification of eye safety for all consumer wireless devices, including Echo Frames, and the new Apple Vision Pro Virtual Reality headset? In light of many published studies showing severe eye damage from non-thermal RF/microwave radiation, why do regulators remain silent about gadgets engineered to broadcast pulsed frequencies directly into the eye and optic nerve??  Google Glass Risks
  Most tragically, limitless Wi-radiation saturating the environment flows continually as deadly electromagnetic currents through sperm, ova and fetuses. This portends inevitable and severe eye damage for the pre-born and the newborn. A 2014 scientific report from India gives clue as to how Wi-technologies can cruelly affect the eyesight of children tumbling into a Wi-toxic world. Scientists exposed chick embryos in an egg incubator to 2G cell phone radiation. "...The exposure of chick embryos to a 2G cell phone caused structural changes in the lens epithelial cells, formation of cystic cells and spaces, distortion of lens fibers, and formation of posterior aberrant nuclear layer. The DNA damage in the developing eyes of the experiment group assessed by comet assay was highly significant." [38] This study provides additional confirmation that Wi-radiation is teratogenic, with potential to cause birth defects and disabilities of many types. Meantime, many pregnant women now heavily expose their developing fetuses to 4G and 5G device radiation which is predictably more energetically damaging than 2G ever was. 
   It is catastrophic that there is yet no adequate information on the full extent of 5G radiation damage to human eyes as unwary consumers rush blindly into creepy millimeter wave experiments.  Scientists cannot legally use humans for biological experiments. Only smart device makers and antenna tower profiteers can freely conduct 5G beamforming experiments on the general population. Naturally, these vested interests are not collecting and processing data on consumer eye damage for scientific purposes.
 How to Protect Your Eyes in the Wireless Age
   Consumers need to be smarter than their devices. Since regulatory agencies, medical authorities and private foundations are currently unwilling to advocate for the protection of human eyesight in regards to unbridled wireless radiation exposure, those who wish to preserve the integrity of their vision must use common sense to PROTECT THEMSELVES.  An intelligent person can:
  Refuse to buy or use wireless devices which inject pulsed radiation into the eyes. Especially never buy or subscribe to any 5G device or service.  

Systematically remove all sources of wireless microwave pollution from homes, cars, work places and demand microwave-free zones in all areas of public accommodation, including schools and medical centers.

Help educate others about the insidious and irreversible effects of RF/microwave/mmw radiation on human vision.  A very effective lesson is to use an audio meter such as Safe and Sound or Acoustimeter to demonstrate how effectively the carcinogenic voltage of phones, Wi-Fi and cell tower radiation invades the head and eyes. Standing in a "hot zone," hold the chattering meter right in front of your nose and directly on your head to make your demonstration. If the relentless voltage activating the meter rips through cement, walls and glass, it certainly penetrates human flesh, including the eyes. 

Take antioxidant vitamins to protect against unavoidable environmental radiation. Scientists investigating oxidative stress in the lens and corneal tissues of rats exposed to cell phone radiation have found that vitamin C, olive leaf extract and melatonin may help to reduce some of the damaging short-term effects. [39] 
Consider eye shielding when and where you cannot avoid exposure to environmental microwave radiation. Some informed people wear radiation-protective (lead-infused) glasses used by X-ray technicians. A wide array of these glasses are available at medical safety supply outlets; prescription lenses are available. Independent thinkers reason that glasses capable of blocking X-radiation should also block less energetic microwaves. They point out that microwave oven doors contain lead for shielding. Since eye glasses cannot seal tightly upon the face, some radiation will inevitably seep into tiny cracks because microwaves and millimeter waves are like water— they test every path. Yet, surely some protection is better than full frontal bombardment to cornea and lens. An RF shielding cap or scarf over the head also provides some protection for the priceless and irreplaceable brain and eyes. Some RF-shielding head covers are now available at Amazon, but they must be meter-tested to ensure that they truly are protective.  
Stay as far away as you can get from high-band millimeter wave radiation (5G), which includes vehicle radar systems and millimeter wave passenger scanners at airports. When you must air travel, ask for an optional security pat down rather than surrender your eyes to repetitive millimeter wave exposure from the scanners. 
Note: If you are pregnant, or wish to be— avoid all variety of exposures to wireless radiation. It is your basic human right and obligation to protect your unborn child against teratogenic and potentially eye-damaging RF/microwave and millimeter wave radiation. 
Radiation used for wireless technology is a confirmed human carcinogen.
 The safe amount of confirmed carcinogen for human eyes is ZERO!
  Note: As the METAVERSE sucks millions of infantile gamers into manic screen habituation, microwave/millimeter wave assault of the brain and eyes will accelerate exponentially. This video illustrates what TECHNO-BEAST has in store for the HERD.