Notes 1. Morgan is quoted in "Statements by Physicians, Scientists and Health Policy Experts," Cell Phone Task Force, LINK. 2. "Cataracts Induced by Microwave and Ionizing Radiation," Lipman et al., Survey of Ophthalmology, Volume 33, Issue 3, pp. 200-210, November-December
1988. This study was supported by the Vision Research Foundation and
the Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness. Researchers
included Professor Ramesh C. Tripathi, M.D., at the University of
Chicago. 3. "Effects of Microwave Radiation on the Eye: The Occupational Health Perspective," Cutz et al., Lens Eye Toxicity Research, 1989. 4. "Polarization: A Key Difference Between Man-Made and Natural Electromagnetic Fields, In Regard to Biological Activity," Panagopoulos et al., Scientific Reports, 5:14914, October 2015. "Oscillating polarized EMFs/EMR (in contrast to unpolarized) have the ability to induce coherent
forced-oscillations on charged/polar molecules within a medium. In case that the medium is biological
tissue, the result is that all charged molecules will be forced to oscillate in phase with the field and on
planes parallel to its polarization.... At such locations, living tissue
becomes more susceptible to the initiation of biological effects." 5. Santini 2002/
Oberfeld 2004/ Bortkiewicz 2004. These and other antenna studies can be found at this site in the section Antenna Kill Zones 2024.
6. "Stop Untested Microwave Radiation of Children's Brains and Eyes EHT Scientists Urge Google," Environmental Health Trust, 2016. READ HERE 7. "How iPads Are Turning Young Eyes Old,", 03-30-2012. 8. "Smart Phones May Raise Myopia Risk," Economic Times, UK, 08-18-2013. 9. "Effects of Melatonin on Wi-Fi-induced Oxidative Stress in Lens of Rats," Tok, et al., Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 62 (1):12-5, 2014. 10. Histomorphological Changes in the Skin and Eye Induced by Sub-Chronic Exposure of Wistar Rats to 3G Cell Phone Radiation," Diyong et al., Open Journal of Biophysics, Vol. 08 No. 04 (2018), Article ID:87696.
11. "Efficient Computation of SAR and Temperature Rise Distributions in a Human Head at Wide Range of Frequencies Due to 5G RF Field Exposure," Aces Journal, Kaburcuk et al., Vol.33, No 11, November 2018. The link to this invaluable 5G study by engineers at the Erzurim Technical University in Turkey and the Colorado School of Mines in Golden Colorado has been mysteriously removed from the Internet for some unknown reason? It is a mathematics study of the distribution of radation in the human head using 5G sub six frequencies of 3.4 to 4.9 gigahertz, slated to be widely distributed by phased array antennas throughout North America. For serious scholars, this document may possibly be accessed through Erzurum Technical University. LINK 12. International Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, W. Ross Adey citing Kuster et al., 1997.
13. Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age, Dr. George Carlo, 2002, pp. 216-217. This source features a discussion on Dr. Om Gandhi's amazing Wi-eye research. 14. Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation Biological Effects and Safety
Standards: A Review, Rome Laboratory, Scott Bolen, Air Force Material
Command, Griffiss Air Force Base, New York, 1994. 15. "An Experimental Study of the Cataractogenic Effects of Microwave
Radiation," Milton W. Zaret, Zaret Foundation Inc., Scarsdale, New
York, 05-08-1963; See also: The Silent Intruder: Surviving the Radiation Age, Panati and Hudson, 1982, p. 92. 16. Ibid. 17. "Neurological Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation
Relating to Wireless Communication Technology," Henry Lai, paper
presented at the IBC-UK Conference: September 16-17, 1997 in Brussels,
Belgium. 18."Non-Thermal Electromagnetic Radiation Damage to Lens Epithelium,"
Bormusov et al., Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Israel
Institute of Technology, The Open Ophthalmology Journal, 2008, 102-106. 19. Ibid. 20. These are statements found in the IEEE SC4 Committee (June 2001) drafts
submitted in response to questions from the Committee moderator during
deliberations on revisions of RF safety standards. 21. "Questions and Answers," Bulletin 56, Federal Communications Commission. 22. Ibid. 23. "Computational Modeling of Temperature Rises in the Eye in the Near
Field of Radiofrequency Sources at 380, 900 and 1800 MHz," Health
Protection Agency, UK, Phy Med Biol. 2007, June 21; 52(12). See Pub Med. 24. "Cell Phones Can Damage Eyes: Study," Charotar University of Science and Technology, The Times of India, 06-23-2010. 25. "Mobile Radiation Can Weaken Your Eyesight," P. Adhyaru-Majithia et al., 2011. This study was sponsored by the government of India. The results of this study showing cell phone cornea damage were announced by the Indian Department of Communications, which sadlyy today is telling people that there is no proven harm from wireless antennas and devices.
26. "Planet JH: New Study Shows Cell Phones Cook Your Brain," Environmental Health Trust, March 19, 2013. 27. "Investigations on the Effect of Microwaves on the Eye," Majewska, K., Pol. Med. Journal 7:989, 1968. 28.
Kheifets, N.S. "Biomicroscopic Characteristics of Crystalline Lenses in
Persons Exposed to the Effect of Electromagnetic Fields of Ultrahigh
Frequency, Destn. Oftalmol, 1970 (in Russian). 29. "Radiation Protection Bureau on the Brain, the Eye and the Mobile," Microwave News, March/April 1999. 30. "Study of Oxidative Stress In Human Lens Epithelial Cells Exposed to
1.8 Gigahertz Radiofrequency Fields," Ni et al., Zhejiang University
School of Medicine and St. Georges University of London. Published in
Public Library of Science (PLOS), a peer-reviewed, open access journal
(e72370), 08-26-2013. 31. "Proteomic Analysis of Human Lens Epithelial Cells Exposed to Microwaves," Li et al., Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology, 2007 Nov-Dec. 32.
"Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Caused by EMF from Cell Phones, Games and
Computers?" Gauss Tsushin (newsletter of the Japanese Gauss Network) 68, 08-15-2004. 33. "German Study Finds a Connection, But Scientists Insist Wider Corroboration Is Needed," ZDNet.UK, 01-15-2001. 34. Cancer Facts and Figures 2025, The American Cancer Society.
35. What is Cancer? American Cancer Society. 36. "German Study: More Eye Cancer Among Mobile Phone Users," Microwave News, January/February 2001. 37. Vision Health Initiative [Vision Loss], Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2019.
38. "Effect of Ultrahigh Frequency Radiation Emitted from 2G Cell Phone on Developing Lens of Chick Embryo: A Histological Study." D'Silva et al., Advances in Anatomy, Volume 2014, Article ID 798425, September 2014. Researchers who conducted this study were affiliated with two major universities/research centers in Puducherry, India. 39. "Effects of Mobile Phones on Oxidant/Antioxidant Balance in Cornea and Lens of Rats," Baki et al., Current Eye Research, 32(1):21-25, 2007. |