Rosamund Dean describing her breast cancer treatment: "My breast cancer treatment involved 16 cycles of chemotherapy, followed by a 10-hour operation and a week in hospital for mastectomy with reconstruction and lymph node clearance. Then 15 rounds of radiotherapy and, finally, six months of adjuvant chemo. It was the worst 18 months of my life."  UK Telegraph, 28 May 2023

 Breast Cancers 2024
Wi-Radiation Is Linked To Breast Cancer. 
Why did no one tell us?

  Despite massive research and hype over many decades, the U.S. remains deeply mired in a breast cancer epidemic. According to the American Cancer Society, there will be an estimated 313,510 new cases of invasive breast cancer diagnosed in 2024.  Invasive breast cancers have broken through the glands or ducts where they originated and are growing into surrounding tissues. Not included in this number will be some 56,500 additional in situ ductal carcinoma cases (non-invasive). These Stage 0 cancers have potential to become invasive. There will be an estimated 42,780 deaths from breast cancer in 2024. [1]
   In 1960, one in 14 women developed breast cancer. By the year 2000, the number was one in eight. Between 2010 and 2019, as smart Wi-technologies soared, breast cancer diagnoses among women age 30-39 increased 19.4 percent. Among those age 20-29, the increase was 5.3 percent. [2]
   Now as rampant cancer diseases in young people (age 20-40) are making the news, breast cancer accounts for the highest number of premature cancer cases in young women. Late stage breast cancer being diagnosed in this youthful cohort is alarming. " 'Genetics is a known risk factor for breast cancer, but that does not appear to be driving the trend,' said Elizabeth Suh-Burgmann, chair for gynecologic oncology for Kaiser Permanente’s Northern California region. 'Most women who develop breast cancer at a young age don't have a genetic risk,' she said." [also 2]
  The picture below shows how aggressive untreated breast cancer can be and why millions of women end up with a mastectomy in a desperate effort to stop its progression and metastasis.  Medical science reveals that there are many intertwining factors involved in the numerous varieties of breast cancer including: genetics, toxic chemicals, hormone imbalance and even pathogens. 
   Now there is increasing evidence that Wi-radiation may be a "race track" to this terrible disease. For over two decades millions of American girls and women have cultivated an intimate relationship with their cordless phones, smart phones, Wi-computers and tablets, watches and fitness gadgets. Many keep these wireless devices on or near their bodies continually, believing that instant connectivity equals safety. But wireless devices propagate omni-directional radiation that penetrates the body. Holding an active Wi-device in the hand induces electromagnetic currents inside the body. A smart watch is always in close proximity to breast tissues.
  It turns out that Wi-habituation may be suicidal. In late 2013, six medical experts, representing five prestigious California medical establishments, published a paper on young women who developed invasive breast cancer after prolonged exposure to their cell phones: “We report a case series of four young women --ages from 21 to 39-- with multi-focal invasive breast cancer that raises the concern of a possible association with non-ionizing radiation of electromagnetic field exposures from cellular phones.  Pathology of all four cases show striking similarity. These cases raise awareness to the lack of safety data of prolonged direct contact with cellular phones.  All patients regularly carried their smart phones directly against their breasts, in their brassieres for up to 10 hours a day, for several years, and developed tumors in areas of their breasts immediately underlying the phones...." [3]
   Multifocal breast cancer occurs when multiple tumors break off from the original tumor and start to grow separately from the original. All four of the young women cited in the report developed tumors with nearly identical morphology, while none of them had any known breast cancer risk. Each of the four cases is instructive as to what millions of unsuspecting women in the U.S. could be facing:
1. Patient One (21 years old) kept her cell phone in her bra for several hours each day and developed extensive ductal carcinoma so aggressive that she suffered bloody nipple discharge. She was treated with a mastectomy.

2. Patient Two (21 years old) kept her phone in her bra eight hours a day for six years and developed multiple, large invasive lesions in her left breast. Doctors were forced to complete a mastectomy and her cancer was subsequently found to have spread to her lymph nodes and also to her bones. Note: This patient died at age 31.

3. Patient Three (39 years old) kept her cell phone in her bra for eight years, often using the GPS application while jogging. She developed six suspicious lesions in her breast. Mastectomy revealed metastasis to her lymph system.

4. Patient Four (39 years old) kept her cell phone in her bra for ten years, often using a Bluetooth headset which kept the phone transmitting for hours each day. She developed four separate ductal carcinomas and mastectomy revealed lymph node metastatic disease.
  Like many of the young women being diagnosed this decade, all four of these women had serious metastatic cancer at diagnosis. What is also striking is not only the unusually young age at which they suffered multi-focal breast cancer, but also the comparatively short incubation time of their late-stage cancers. Tobacco smoking typically requires 20-30 years to induce lung cancer. The latency period between asbestos exposure and cancer can be up to 40 years. But these four women developed cancer within a six to ten-year period of breast irradiation, just as many brain tumor victims are being diagnosed with head and neck malignancies after about ten years of Wi-phone irradiation. 
  The central question is this: out of millions of U.S. breast cancer victims, are the four women cited in the California study the only people in the nation whose prolonged exposure to personal wireless devices has resulted in the development of aggressive breast cancer? How many women (and men) have died in the Wireless Age without knowing that their breast cancer was initiated and promoted by chronic Wi-radiation exposure? Why does the American medical establishment remain suspiciously silent about this risk? And why have there been no grants awarded for follow-up research after the California case study made the news in 2013?
  Epidemiologist Dr. Devra Davis, author of many scientific studies, confirms that U.S. regulatory and health agencies have every reason to know about the virulent carcinogenicity of Wi-technologies. She warns: “Experimental studies show that cell phone radiation accelerates the growth of breast cancer.” Dr. Davis explains on her website that "the soft fatty tissue of the breast readily absorbs this radiation."[4] As early as 1982, medical researchers reported that RF/microwave radiation enhances the growth rate of spontaneous mammary tumors. [5] 

  Recent research confirms that female breast tissues are also highly susceptible to the damaging effects of ionizing radiation from X-rays, CT scans and mammograms, especially the new "superhot" 3D mammograms. In 2010, researchers at the Department of Energy's Berkeley National Laboratory announced: "Our work shows that radiation can change the microenvironment of breast cells and this in turn can allow the growth of abnormal cells with a long-lived phenotype that have a much greater potential to be cancerous." [6]
   So is the answer to the current breast cancer epidemic more ionizing radiation scans? Surely a better answer is annual breast screening with thermography scans which employ non-radiation images to identify the inevitable heat of cancer genesis. Some experts believe that thermography can detect malignancies at an earlier stage than mammography. (Please do your own research on thermography for early breast cancer detection).

  Although current medical science and even wireless device manuals warn against prolonged body contact with radiating microwave antennas, Wi-devices are now forced upon even America's youngest children. From a medical standpoint, this is sheer child abuse perpetrated by uninformed parents, complicit educators and the predatory Wi-radiation industry. 
   Millions of young girls, the most radiation-sensitive of our population, keep powerful Wi-tranceivers directly on or very near their bodies for many hours each day, both in school and at home. The microwaves blazing into their breast tissues are powerful enough to transmit pulsed data for miles at the speed of light. This wave pollution is well-documented to inflict DNA damage equivalent to that of ionizing X-radiation. [7] Therefore, these youngsters are continually "X-raying" their breast tissues along with their ovaries, containing the primordial cells of their future offspring. 
  This horrific situation is certain to result in a bountiful, nationwide breast cancer harvest for decades to come. The California doctors who issued the 2013 breast cancer study confirm that the developing breasts of young girls are especially sensitive to Wi-radiation. They state: “Children and young adults are now more likely to be using mobile devices and are among some of the heaviest users. This group is potentially at greatest risk of harm from EMR, as dividing tissue, such as that occurring in prepubertal breast buds, is more prone to the adverse effects of radiation."  It is therefore negligent and criminal that neither U.S. regulatory agencies, nor those who profit from wireless technologies, are warning young girls and their parents that addictive wireless toys increase future risk of expensive surgery/chemotherpy, pain, disfigurement and even early death. 
 The California cell phone/breast cancer report is an eye-opener. Because microwave and millimeter wave radiation has the potential to initiate and promote the growth of multi-site cancers, a breast cancer warning should be on the packaging of: all wireless personal devices and all Wi-Fi and Bluetooth systems. A warning should also be available to those who purchase new vehicles with powerful microwave/millimeter wave radar systems that continually bombard vehicle occupants and all other humans within range.
  Share this important information with wives, sisters, mothers, daughters, granddaughters and also with boys and men who carry their mobile devices in shirt pockets over the heart/chest area. Men die from breast cancer too!

   An insightful case-control study, conducted in Taiwan in 2020, produced important information. Participants were asked to respond to a standard questionnaire regarding sleep quality, smart phone addiction and smart phone use. Researchers compared the data from 894 healthy women (controls) with those of 211 breast cancer patients. The findings:

  Participants with smart phone addiction had a significantly higher 1.43-fold risk of breast cancer.

  Smart phone addicts who irradiated themselves just before bedtime (about 4.5 minutes) had a 5.27-fold risk of breast cancer, compared to those who did not.

Participants who carried their smart phone on or near their breasts had a 5.03-fold increased risk for breast cancer.

Participants who carried their smart phone near their waist-abdomen area had a 4.06-fold increased risk of breast cancer

Current Advice from the National Breast Cancer Foundation:
Myth: Carrying a phone in your bra can cause breast cancer
Here’s the truth

While carrying your cell phone in your bra may not be the most comfortable choice, it does not cause breast cancer. [You make this definitive statement despite the case study report by West et al.?]  Studies on mobile phone signals [Whose studies?] have shown no link between phone use and cancer though scientists continue to monitor cell signals for potential longer-term impacts. [So how long must we wait for the truth?] You might also be pleased to know that brain and nervous system cancers have not changed in frequency, [Where are your statistics?] even as cell phone usage has ramped up among all age groups.

Nevertheless, to prevent potential skin burns or other issues [such as unwanted lumps?] it’s ideal to keep your bra for its intended use and carry your mobile phone in a bag, purse, or pocket.

  Note: This contradictory and dangerous message from the NBCF (not a government organization) takes us back to the 1950s when the tobacco industry was as wealthy and powerful as the Wi-industry is today. Back then, the majority of Americans, government officials and scientists were highly addicted to cigarettes and smoking, just as the majority are today highly addicted to smart phones and the conveniences of wireless technologies.
  History shows that during the 1950s--a treacherous time when some cigarettes were actually loaded with asbestos filters to make smoking safer-- both the American Cancer Society and the American Medical Association were under the influence of the tobacco industry. As evidence of harm from smoking began to make the news, the main strategy of the tobacco industry was to foster a public mindset that more research would be needed before any definitive conclusions could be drawn. They played the "issue is not settled" game. During that era, captured federal regulatory agencies helped the tobacco industry by prolonging scientific disputes and by manufacturing public doubt about scientific evidence showing that cigarettes are a public health hazard.
  Read about how for decades, big polluters have captured U.S. regulatory agencies and bufooned the American public in The Secret History of the War on Cancer by Dr. Devra Davis, Ph.D., MPH.  Dr. Davis is a Professor of Epidemiology, a member of a research team awarded the Nobel Peace Prize of 2007 and Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute.
 We must use our common sense
and be careful to whom we listen!
1.  Cancer Facts and Figures, American Cancer Society, 2024. In situ breast cancer stats are found at the National Breast Cancer Coalition website:

2. "More Young Women Are Getting Breast Cancer. They Want Answers," The Washington Post, 08-22-2023.
3. "Multi-Focal Breast Cancer in Young Women with Prolonged Contact Between Their Breasts and Their Cell Phones," West et al., Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Case Reports in Medicine, Article ID 354682, 08-19-2013.
4. "To Avoid Breast Cancer, Take That Cell Phone Out of Your Bra," Dr. Devra Davis, Environmental Health Trust, 09-21-2011. See EHTrust.orgHere you can find a number of testimonials from American women who report developing breast cancer from their cell phones.
5. Microwave News, May-June 1990. This information relates to studies by Szmigielski et al., 1982, showing that RF/microwave radiation enhances the growth of spontaneous mammary tumors. In June 1990, the EPA stated in its report titled An Evaluation of the Potential Carcinogenicity of Electromagnetic Fields that numerous animal studies by Szmigielski showed that RF radiation "enhances the growth of spontaneous mammary tumors...enhances the growth of skin tumors...and enhances the growth rate of transplanted lung carcinoma cells, an effect attributed to the lowering of cell-mediated immunity." Nevertheless, the Wireless Radiation Industry has, without conscience or restraint, placed this noxious radiation in the hands of America's youngest children with full knowledge that it is a virulent cancer-inducing and cancer-enhancing agent
6. "Study Shows How Radiation Causes Breast Cancer," Natural News, 06-09-2010. See also: "New 3D Mammography Significantly Increases Radiation Exposure and Your Risk of Radiation-Induced Cancer,", 02-19-2013. 
7. Report of the European Union's REFLEX Project (Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods), November 2004. An in-depth report on the REFLEX project can be found in the on-line brochure Health and Electromagnetic Fields: EU-funded research into the Impacts of Electromagnetic Fields and Mobile Phones on Health published by the European Commission, 02-29-2008.